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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by HTS He was pretty nice tbh, there were like 5 of us and we all went to a public school to sit on the steps and drink liquor. Ironically I declined the booze because I didn't wanna black tf out. The last thing I remember is leaving the school and walking along the sidewalk. Then it's the beach. No idea how we got there. Apparently they considered abandoning me at the dianetics place in Toronto at one point and letting the scientologists sort me out.

    They left you for the scientologists to buttrape you. Thats what happens when you hang out with "nice guys" muhnigguh. :D

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I don't give a fuck but you look uncultured when you don't use proper pronouns.

    Hanging out on a site called niggas in space and being cultured dont go together, mister.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I think we're going to be great friends.

    Whys that? :P

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny do it quick.

    Know a site i can upload html files on?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Microdosing acid, never thought of it. You tried 2CB?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    So only incest sex is legal now in Murica? Figures.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Come on Kev I like you

    Thats what scares me. :D
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I've always wanted to live alone. I really enjoy being alone and doing my own thing. I probably appear very schizo to any outsiders watching though.

    There was no better time in my life than being on the other side of the planet from everyone I know, in my own place, doing whatever the flying fuck I want to with more money than I could ever reasonably need.

    That was fucking nice.

    If you were in paradise why leave it?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace fixkt'

    I never respect people's pronouns. u mad spic?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls I keep reading the thread title as “I drank sum cum just now”


    Only you would misread a two-syllable word as “cum” ya fag.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Don't do Benadryl you'll end up taking more pills.
    Get the sleep aid brand that comes in 100mg blue gel pills.

    Alright, whats the difference though?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It depends on the benzo/thieno really but yeah I kinda feel like they're all the same in terms of euphoria. I really think it's just more about how much anxiety you have vs how euphoric the drug is. Obviously someone with high anxiety will feel a lot of relief and blah blah you've heard this all before I presume. Which benzos increase your tactile sensation? They absolutely decrease mine just like alcohol.

    lorazepam and klono increase tactile sensation, especially the top of my head. Xanax doesnt.
    I do have a lot of anxiety but benzos dont give me OMG RELEEEEEF, they just take the edge off, any higher doses just put me to sleep.

    phenibut is a great alternative to alcohol, its so fucking proper that the soviets invented it, lol. My driving is perfectly fine on it as well. Not because i'm not impaired but because it makes me appreciate the breeze, the sunshine, the outdoors (which I never do when i'm sober) so I overthink shit less and thus concentrate on driving more. I wouldnt drive if i took a large amount, though.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace what drugs do you normally use?

    Hard to say, I cant do the shit i normally would wanna do because i abused them either to the point of complete tolerance or constant bad trips. Its the source of much of my grief. So i just experiment with random shit, whatever i could find until i find my next love, that is until i end up abusing her too and she leaves me or hurts me. i want my molly back. :(

    Its complicated, my anxiety is getting out of control and recently depression has been creeping back in after i thought i got it under control last time.

    Not even sure why i'm telling you this. You dont like me. :P
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by HTS I'm fairly certain that was more wishful thinking than flirtation on my part, but I can see how you might think that.

    Gotcha. You said you blacked out 45 minutes after meeting up with chunt, what happened the first few minutes? Was he all like "lets go bitch! your gonna die tonight!" ? How did you guys end up on the beach hanging out like bros?

    Originally posted by HTS I think the big misconception here is cause and effect: I didn't end up like this because of computers, I ended up spending all my time on computers because I'm like this. My parents struggled so hard to steer me towards having a normal productive life, but I was/am a weird little aspie retard and it was never going to happen. Like in all honesty this is probably the best outcome they could have hoped for with me.

    Is it possible they hired electronics to raise you much earlier and by the time they realized their error it was too late? Im sure they freaked out and exaggerated afterwards in a futile attempt to undo what they did earlier. My parents thought I spent too much time around gadgets too but guess what? Those fucktards now spend the same amount of time gossiping on their iphones.

    A lot of parents are too fucking stupid and detached from reality that they dont realize they are creating the same problem they think they are fighting. By making way too big of a deal about not doing drugs, they turned me into the pill popper i am now and im sure you received similar lectures only to turn out the opposite of what they intended. Dont blame yourself for how you turned out. The two people whose primary job was to raise you failed.

    Dont be beating up the wrong guy.

    PS: I imitated you a week ago in Grylls thread when he asked us to guess what he was getting his girlfriend. yes, I shamelessly stole your hateflirting line when I thought you werent here. u mad brah?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah thats not normal either lol. 2-3h is common and what I experience. I actually just took some roughly 2h ago and its kicking in.

    How do benzos and alcohol/other GABAergic drugs effect you

    Benzos are my go-to when im feeling stressed out, but all they do is take the edge off and not much else so I am slowly abandoning them but havent really found a suitable replacement. I feel an increase in tactile sensation when i am on them which is the weird aspect that I couldnt find anyone else to back me up on. Without that aspect, i cant understand how anyone can use benzos recreationally, its not euphoric in any way.

    Alcohol makes me quiet with a big smile on my face and then the hangover fucking sucks, nausea and headache all day, hence why I dont drink. Actually, phenibut feels a lot like alcohol but without the negatives.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by HTS I was hitting on chunt's girl? Whaaaaaaat? I'm absolutely bi, but I don't remember that. I'm known mostly for getting stuff stuck in my asshole, it can't be that much of a shock that I graduated from highlighters to dick, neh?

    Anyway, I'm pretty happy overall. Only thing that sucks is being an unhealthy fatty. It may seem like my life went wrong somewhere, but parasitism is in my nature. If I were working 40 hours a week then something would definitely have gone wrong, from my perspective. But I guess from the outside looking in, that perspective is in and of itself something that went wrong. My parents were perfectly middle class - not exactly wealthy to the point of hiring robot butlers to raise me and fuck me up so don't blame the money. I think I'm probably genetically hardwired to be like this. :p

    She asked people to guess what present she was getting and you said a gunshot wound. You were hate-flirting with her, it was so cute dawg. Bi, i stand corrected.

    No, its not much of a shock but since you reminded me, had any other highlighter incidents since? :P

    I dont blame the money, I blame the electronics. I remember you saying your parents sucked cause they wouldnt let you play WoW too much or something. Then again i loved my online gaming too and... actually im not sure i can pretend i turned out that much better but i do have a job, im not fat and dont cross-dress. you mad brah? :D
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Way too many things to list. No nagging, no having to put up with other peoples shit in whats supposed to be my time off from work. My former roomie who insisted on whats right is now bitching to me how lonely he is living alone and how nothing is going right. Dude, i thought you knew everything about everything and had to always shepherd me into doing shit right, living alone shouldnt be a problem.

    Some people...
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi No DPH, Diphenhydramine.

    Ohh Benadryl, I know what it is but never tried it yet. I shall when my ban from the pharmacy close to me expires.

    Octavian, i'm chill at the moment, not grumpy. My dick is also out which is a good sign but its not like im gonna be able to get it up which sucks. TMI maybe? My bad :D
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    DPH? Never heard of that, you dont mean GHB?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Why oh why the hell do i do this? This stuff tastes like complete shit, it looks like something a toad shat out, i told myself the last few times it would be the last but here im at it again cause i got nothing else at my disposal. all for a slight buzz that will last barely an hour and now im probably not gonna get my shit done like i was supposed to. i regret buying this, i hvae no idea how i swallowed 6g raw last month, its difficult enough to drink as a tea with a pound of sugar.
    fuck it, chillout time
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by HTS No job, no degree, living on disability like the parasitic scum I always knew I was. I don't think it's really helped me with getting laid lol I have a bf but if he broke up with me I'd probably die alone. My parents are begrudgingly tolerant and understandably confused. I sympathize.

    Still fat. Fatter even.

    I see, that sucks. did you become a tranny to feel like less of a failure or were you always gay? back on totse i had the impression you were straight, hitting on chunt's girl and all. In your opinion, what went wrong in life? I recall you having rich parents so did they just hire electronics to raise you? also, you know where Joe is at?
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian i had the same username on both totse and cocklet, it wasnt until refern, intosanctuary, and nis that i ever had different usernames.

  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Wrong again. It is possible.

    Okay, provide a single example of a controlled double-blind social experiment that accounted for all variables.
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