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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah but he spent like 20 years beforehand preaching about black superiority and getting tons of people to join his cause.

    He left the Nation of Islam in 1964 and died in 1965. I'm not going to celebrate his ass for the less than one fucking year he decided to reject racism. He also became Sunni in this time and still maintained that blacks may have to take up arms if the government did not yield, and that they should maintain a sense of nationalism.

    He met MLK jr ONE FUCKING TIME and now everybody equates him to that same movement.

    I spent my entire life being a virtue-signaling soy-boy SJW cunt until a few years ago, now here i am calling you out on that same cringey behavior. see how that works?

    People grow up and change. he didnt die in 1965, he was fucking murdered. by those same racist fucks he left behind, he was deprived of the chance to fully realize his transformation.

    I dont think anyone compares him to MLK, they were both civil rights advocates with different strategies. People like malcolm x because he was the no-bullshit nigga who called a spade a spade while MLK wanted to be all appeasing and polite and put on a facade, not that he was wrong.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yeah it's where he goes to buy diapers and butt plugs

    Eww. They sell those in the outdoor public in japan. dem japs luvs der batt pluggz
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    identity politics are so juvenile, they're for morons
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Fleshnet? is that like a fleshlight market?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    As someone whose own family, let alone race, fucked me over, i question chauvinistic tendencies as natural. People who agree with you on everything might not be the same race, then what? ask those folks what color their e-friends are.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nation of Islam teachings lol:

    black people are the original people of the world

    white people are "devils"

    blacks are superior to whites, and

    the demise of the white race is imminent.

    You are quoting his old shit, malcolm x left the nation of islam and stopped being racist soon after.
    This isnt the first time you misrepresent shit.

    Also fuck voting. If it actually worked it would be forbidden. This douchebag and turd sandwich shit is long played out. Time for a fucking civil war, this is the traditional and foolproof way of the democratic process.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls It was titanic-esque, I felt it was just like when Jack was drawing Rose

    Except the roles are reversed and you are letting your woman defile your image by turning you into a fat jedi-nosed terrorist. you need to put her in her place
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Use a regular HDD for non critical shit and save the SSD for…um critical shit, I just installed a 6tb in mine this weekend because the 4tb HDD was full, $119 Microcenter.

    I do, I have a 3tb HDD for movies and games and it thankfully is less than half full, its my critical drive thats starting to overflow. I dont trust huge HDDs tbh, they fail so easily.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny defund the polices.

    Not those fatties.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    How are the fatties supposed to feed themselves without a job?
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They don't even count people that have been out of the labor market for years or never had a job. I don't know anyone my age with a successful career and I know people that have never even had a real job before like hiki.

    35%! I fucking called it and i didnt even look at a chart. god I hate being right every time.
    This is basically the great depression all over again, or rather the height of the great depression right here and now and its only the beginning.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Pretty sure it's happening already. World feels pretty dystopian. Got 3 of the 4 horsemen already. We're just waiting on famine, but don't worry food prices are already rising so we'll get there :)

    If this empire finally falls, it will be the funniest reason in history. It all started with a hoax and the fear of this fake apocalypse eventually causes a real one. America is already a client state of Russia, receiving medical aid from them and all.

    all of this because people didnt want to catch a cold? This clown world is so confusing, tell me im just high.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra yeah, they classify people who haven't had a job in the last 6 months or so as 'discouraged' and don't bother factoring them into unemployment rates.

    I'd guess real unemployment is around 30% after the corona shutdowns

    Thats fucking retarded. These days you gotta ask for the definition of the simplest words to trust the most trivial information from anywhere because everyone is living in their own world. Some privileged middle class fuck in an office with guaranteed lifetime job security is gonna use his own personal taste when compiling his report of how many jobless people there are. Arent looking for a job after your 500th rejection? then youre obviously living the comfortable life and should be excluded from any statistics that give any implication that you need help.

    Makes me sick. Whens a real apocalypse gonna happen already? i would love to see these bureaucrats survive on the streets.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    I never used shower gel, only bar soap. Should i use gel instead?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Bitch made me look fat

    lolololol. couldve been worse
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by hva_skjera Yeah, if you're on Windows (which I'm assuming you are) just install WinDirStat. It'll show you the biggest files + folders on your drive, although it might take a bit to load.

    I love windirstat, great program. but I dont need to know which folders are fat, i need to know which are getting fat. I figured this out already with a program called foldersizes.

    Thanks everyone.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Ignorant as fuck lol. Lots of people use drugs and maintain normal lives.

    Tell that to the third world slaves (lots of them underage) who are routinely abused and sometimes killed so you could have your fix in your air-conditioned garage.

    Also interesting how you didnt address the moral point at all, pedo. You hurt children. Drugs don't. Shitty people are shitty with or without the drugs. Like you, for example. You're a garbage pedo. I can't believe three of you just posted in a row. My god. Where is the fucking flamethrower?

    There is no moral point. We are all sinners, as the religious say.

    When i pointed out the inconvenient truth to you about how all drug users are trash, you got triggered and defensive. When i pointed out the same to sophie about pedos, it visibly irked him.

    What i find pathetic is you both revolve your identity around degenerate shit like jerking off and doing drugs. Get educated and fucking do something productive for once.

    If you lost your chance by wasting your energy and best years of your life virtue-signaling and scapegoating others for your failures, you will feel much less burdened when you quit that shit and accept reality for what it is, like i have.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    sigh, did it again yesterday but left the tea to marinate for a day to kill some of that nasty taste. i slept for 14 hours. I mightve even blacked out cause i remember watching a very long speedrun of final fantasy and the save state is near the end, i dont remember watching it longer than an hour. is that normal?

    This is seriously the last time. no more Crouton, it is toad diarrhea.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I'm married but I haven't been fuckin in a while

    I imagine some of you internetmen have been fucking body pillows, flesh lights, real dolls?

    A married incel...
    so glad i'm not you. :P

    I cant wait for real dolls. people are already marrying their dolls and holograms right now, I cant wait for the lulz to ensue when real dolls are out. Bitches gonna freak and all they will have left for themselves are the lowest forms of faggot men.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    While were on this unexpected topic, i have a legitimate question. I read articles by dermatologists that you should not use soap in the shower (except for hands and privates) because it removes the natural oil and causes problems down the road. is this true? If so, is there an alternative soap to use?
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