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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    My current one is almost a decade old but works just fine, there was a discount sale so i considered getting a new one. Has there been any improvements in the technology the past 10 years? to me they still look the same and use the same Puron coolant as this one so can i really justify spending half a grand if my old one isnt dead yet?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace yeah just like that. Write a whole book like that. You'll sell millions I'm sure

    as I said, youll have to give me some ammo. Any more personal thoughts and feelings about your crush youd like to share? :P
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Wow that'a cute fantasy you got there. You should write a literotica about it.

    For that i need more ammo. Keep defending your crush's honor and threaten anyone with a flamethrower if they dare even compliment her. Her parents will be so endeared by your whiteknighting they might forget your skin color and let you pork her. ^.^
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No such thing as an incel…you can pay for it…being celibate is always voluntary…even in jail.

    I dont think thats the problem. the problem is they desire to be desired, not necessarily sex. They revolve all their self-worth around female attention which is what ultimately fucks them over.

    Originally posted by WellHung Excessive pride can be very detrimental,sometimes, kev.🌹

    Im talking about situational awareness, not pride. Though, for the love of god have some fucking self-respect, theres nothing excessive about valuing your personal safety and freedom, which a bitch can take away any time on a whim now.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra was going to recommend this, I use it all the time

    This is actually faster than Windirstat, it scans in seconds. No good visuals though.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Mexicansaresubhuman wishes he were white

    I think its more that he wishes he was inside that white polish girl that Maciej guy got in trouble for complimenting. knowing polish people, they would never let their daughters around non-whites. it must be hell for him. :P
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls I had to google that, but yes I’d let her do anything to me

    boy i hate being right all the time. that being said, how do you plan to anal her when shes already fisting your ass full throttle?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls She gonna get anal that’ll show the bitch

    Sounds like a plan. but knowing you, you already let her draw you. next youll let her peg you, mark my words.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by hva_skjera Shouldn't you know what's "getting fat" because you own your computer, and no additional programs are necessary?

    Way too many folders to keep track of and memorize myself, thats what programs are for. I just cant fathom how the hell i suddenly added 50 gigs in just 2 years.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You're boring as fuck MexicanMasterRace. All this 'white knight' and 'sjw' talk.

    Glad youre starting to get it.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung are u an incel, kev?

    We are all incels, muhnigguh. if you have a dick and you live in the west, your sexuality will always be subject to her will and whims, not yours. So either you submit to her like some masochistic faggot or you hold onto the little dignity you have left and say no.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood So they deal with yours heh heh heh *cries on own shoulder*

    no they deal with their own, for once. They can always find some faggot cuck to friendzone if they get too lonely.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace If you say you'll do something before you do it its probably intentional you retard. I get you're so sex starved and eager you'll fuck a piece of plastic in half at first chance but most of us are not 14 years old anymore

    Intent to fuck something is not intent to break something, duhh. and given youre the one who white knights for strange women, its clear youre desperate as fuck.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood testosterone

    I heard too much causes limpdick though. chemistry is so confusing.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung what's ur story, morning glory?

    I dont see any benefit in them. why do i wanna deal with some bitch's shit?
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I aint the one going on response rants, nigger

    what relevance does that have with anything?
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace They're not single-use you dumb fuck. No such thing.

    And yeah anybody can break it with a penis over 4 inches but most people don't intentionally try to break their sex toys. It's still pretty stretchy and can probably go over 7 inches but it thins out the material and eventually your cock pokes through

    Who said it was intentional? just face it, you got a needle dick. ^^
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood the molecules would start separating and breaking down before I could even get hard just from the energy my genital region emits

    shit what kind of exotic viagra you got?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nah malcom x was batshit crazy and so are you.

    triggered you again, SJW cuck. too easy.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung however, do u fuck niggers?

    i dun do relationships, brah.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I've tried those they aren't that good and they'll rip eventually unless you have a micro penis. I think the one I got broke in a week. Very cheap material.

    It took you a week to break a single-use fleshlight? LULZ

    nigguh, my cock would tear that apart during the first thrust.
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