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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    You know the saying, grylls. pics or it didnt happen
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    How the fuck do they even define the unemployment rate these days? Its so confusing. They say that if you gave up looking for a job then you count as employed, I also heard that being on welfare equals employed. Like what the actual fuck? i bet the real number is 25-35% unemployed when not using these bullshit definitions they pull out of their ass.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Taking acid and going to the park doesn't make Susie cry

    I dont believe I know any Susie.

    I wouldnt want junkies for parents, though. That would be very traumatizing.

    Guess also who slaves away in the fields to produce the substances you selfishly consume? Underage, underpaid children. Guess who trafficks them across the border in their orifices? you are part of this sickening cycle every time you think youre innocently getting high in your garage.

    now go ahead and try to tell me with a straight face that 99% of junkies arent pure trash.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie No JS compatibility was built into the sauce of this forum. So we should be good.

    Yeah I see graphic smileys on here, but my text smileys dont seem to convert to them, what am i doing wrong?

    MMR, so is possessing scheduled substances, whats your point?
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie I am a weeb -_-. I think our personality matrices conflict by default. Be happy! this smiley is much more cute though -> (n_n")

    meh, im oldschool i guess. gotta learn to use those new emojis everyone does now but being so used to using barebones browsers with javascript off, they all look like boxes so i may remain forever illiterate in this.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by A College Professor = faggots

    they contract gonorrhea?
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    You blew the spider? did u liek his needle dick?
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie You think you need to be smart to lie? LOL

    Not the point, but I dont really care to drag this on. If your sexuality means so much to you, rock on. I personally am not invested in any struggle.

    Originally posted by Sophie Come on Kev, i'm trying to be friends with you. Can we be friends?

    No! You tried to seduce me earlier and compared yourself to the BTLC king. your blasphemy shall never be forgiven!

    Originally posted by Sophie Also if you're upset i said something about your 'wuv lolis' comment. When i said people older than 14, i actually meant when you're talking to me. It comes off as a little patronizing.

    Don't patronize me bro.

    You have an anime avatar so i assumed you were a weeb that was familiar with such smileys. I was expressing happiness with that smiley. Cant a guy be happy? jeez.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Or shitty OPSEC for that matter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    He's literally a fat Mexican kid and i am sure that if i gave it more than a second thought i could remember his real name. Also i got full DOX on the guy that fucked him in the ass, he's a sex offender, in the sense that he did a rape on an actual child. So i get the resentment.

    lol, I wouldnt know about that. I just stated the simple politically incorrect truth that 95% of drug users are degenerate retards and he kept demanding objective evidence, on this subjective topic.

    Originally posted by Sophie Oh i just wanted to comment on something you said regarding people trying to impress and not trying to obfuscate. I am not trying to obfuscate, i have no need to. Also these people aren't like us at all, the people you speak of. You give them too much credit, they are not that smart.

    I have no idea wtf theyre trying to do tbh and they dont seem to either. I didnt say they were smart at all, they are dumb as shit. You were the one crediting them with some kind of intelligence. "Oh they are just playing dumb to mislead the cops". LOL.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace So kev is a pedophile too. I'll remember that. You're both scum and you better have good OPSEC because otherwise I'm calling the police.

    FYI, i said the exact same thing about drug users on another thread. MexicanMasterRace is clearly offended. Ill never understand why people revolve their identity around trivial shit like what they beat off to or popping pills.
    Must fucking blow to have such low self-worth.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Like you, chomo

    Im not from the deep south, thank god.
    And wtf is chomo?
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting wher he liv

    The deep south, which is fitting. He looks inbred enough. ^^
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie That cutesy shit is a little inappropriate when you're talking to people over the age of 14.

    Its a common smiley among weeb circles, deal with it.

    Originally posted by Sophie You fanboy pretty hard over Joe, fam, not gonna lie. It's good to admire an ideal pursuant to becoming that which you venerate, but when you talk about it too much, it comes across as a tad obsessive.

    Tell me something i dont know, fam. You would think its paying off but it fucking isnt, this guy is the master of anonymity.

    Originally posted by Sophie Also, which 'loli networks' may i ask? i did not actively seek out other pedos until i was significantly older than 12. I just deepwebbed any content i felt i needed access to, ignored the people and was on my way.

    I did the exact same, i never really mingled and rarely posted but i did have the chance to observe the general culture there which happens to be very toxic.

    Originally posted by Sophie You misjudge these people's motivations they are not trying to impress they are trying to obfuscate.

    If that was their motivation they would be like you and me and simply shut the fuck up, not jeopardize their anonymity by blabbing all their deepest thoughts, uneducated beliefs and self-important opinions for thousands of posts on end. One guy was busted solely due to his "hiya's!" greet FFS! Trying to obfuscate my ass.

    Originally posted by Sophie Gonna have to be a little bit more specific than that, friend.

    Specific about what? My point was I dont care about any struggle, these losers arent worth anyone's effort.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    I vaguely remember someone named slaggot but not much else. Welcome back to the nuthouse I guess.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls But why do you still have his picture

    for self-esteem pills. ^^
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Are you saying you like lolis too did i read that right? I figured you were just 'normal' but understood the struggle. I know that's victim rhetoric but fuck it, it gets the point across.

    Who doesnt wuv lolis? ^_^

    Originally posted by Sophie This is true, i'd say it's 30/70.

    lol, having been on loli networks since the age of 12, I can attest its closer to 95/5. They are dumb as fucking shit. No wonder JoePedo is nowhere to be found on a single one of them. The most intelligent pedo i came across had 1/3rd of Joe's genius.

    Originally posted by Sophie I take personal offense. Well not really, but i don't agree with the thought that it's only ok to be a pedo if you're an exceptional human being in all other regards. The fact that i am an exceptional human being notwithstanding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Oh I dont care about someone's sexuality period. I think its not ok to be a self righteous virtue-signaling whiteknighting SJW piece of shit which so many of them are. seriously, when all of society hates you, who the fuck are you trying to impress? is it any surprise that so many people part of this crusade turn out to be sex offenders who have diddled kids themselves?

    I am not impressed and i suspect neither is Joe or i wouldve found him by now just by logging into one of those cesspits.

    edit: i am not implying any of this applies to you, i dont know you well enough anyway. so dun ddos me, pl0x! >.>
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls I don’t get it

    He posted this of himself back on totse, genuinely believing he was hot shit or something, flexing his non-existant biceps and all, it was a massive cringefest.

    His name became a synonym for Fatty McFatfuck
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why not just here ?

    Copy paste an entire thread here? into one post? Besides the length limit, i can think of all sorts of reasons why not, lol. Ill post something later, i am not even 5% done reading through all his stuff.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Because you seem based on the pedo question.

    Our sexuality wont necessarily make us good friends. Most pedos are not ideal people at all. Subtract their sexuality and they are the same normie degenerates as most of society is. JoePedo is the sole exception to this rule.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls A lot of businesses I work at are still closed

    Man its awesome gettin paid to sit on ur ass but I put a couple pounds on

    Pls don't call me fat

    Can I call you Carbon? He was fat, but thought he was hot.
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