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Posts That Were Thanked by rabbitweed

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Cut one another just to feel
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Why does Grylls dog have a 1970s new york accent

    Hey FUCK YOU. I was trying my hardest for a brit accent in cartoon style.

    i need to work on that :(
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  3. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra lol

    of course

    the hidden hand was hitler's all along

    See the chutzpah, with Wall Street billionaires playing victim? And no one dares call it out, cos they'll fuck you up if you do.

    It's so fucking sleazy and dishonest when the sudo or Larry or Techno accuse me of acting like a victim every time I point out how hard we are getting fucked.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    of course

    the hidden hand was hitler's all along
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  5. Donald Trump Black Hole

    WallStreetBets has been banned from Reddit and Discord after conspiring to make money on the stock market, even though they are unworthy of such riches. Shortly after they were banned for "hateful and discriminatory content," the online dictionary Merriam-Webster quickly changed the official definition of "white supremacist" to "anyone who makes a lot of money in the stock market when they’re not supposed to."

    "What WallStreetBets did was a clear hate-crime against hedge fund managers on Wall Street," said Chad Fishstick of Melvin Capital.

    Captain Moron will probably point out the BB is satire.
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  6. Donald Trump Black Hole

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  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
    On tweeter on my backup account (they think they can ban me). All the jedis are complaining about this, for instance Paul Krugman.

    OTOH all the goyim think this is great. I haven't seen an ethnic divide this stark.

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  8. Lodger Free African Astronaut

    Boris telling us how his Pops Grylls is "Oh Ooo I'm doing her"

    Sorry for the audio. shitty mic. but it gets better I think

    Damn Gryllz
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  9. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Meikai may piss me off a lot but she/he/it is so much more intelligent than Little Homo it's not even funny.

    Look at how many different angles it gets explained to him and how he still doesn't get it because he can't understand anything outside the world view of the regime he grew up in.

    There's a reason the libs here have circles run around them - it's because we fully understand their world view as it used to be our own. We could argue from their vantage point easily. They do not understand ours at all and are completely bewildered when we try and explain it. So they have zero perspective, and just revert back to their programming.

    Imagine if you watch the news, and it takes 110% of your mental effort just to understand the world view they are presenting to you.

    What chance do you have of ever going beyond that world view, and asking yourself what the agenda of these people is to present this world view to you, and what other perspectives exist?

    People like §m£ÂgØL etc are continually confused by reality, and don't understand anyone's point of view - not even their own, which was just handed to them, the default world view you will have if you grow up without questioning anything.

    Originally posted by Meikai No it isn't, considering two people can love each other and live together without some weird artificial ritual that requires church or state authorization.

    People want to have their relationship recognised by the community in which they live.

    I realise community might be an ungraspable concept to the modern atomised individual like you.
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  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad The point of marriage is taxes. That's it.

    Okay, and... why? If the point of marriage is taxes, what's the point of those changes to taxes? There's certainly a case to be made that joint filing of taxes encourages the traditional homemaker-breadwinner nuclear family structure. Surely you don't mean to suggest that's unintentional. Like why even make joint filing an option? Why require marriage for it? 🤔
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Aww you gossip girls are entertaining👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
    The men who don’t like §m£ÂgØL, are the men who aren’t secure in their manhood. You afraid he’s gonna run up and ram his dick up your ass? I’m sure he has better things to do.
    Rabbit why don’t you ask how many people don’t like you? I would, but I don’t make petty threads like this.
    Rabbit you haven’t moved past grade school emotionally. Grow TF up.

    people don't dislike him because he's gay, him being a gigantic faggot is just incidental
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Why even have marriage as an institution if it's no longer fit for purpose then?

    it's like we're dancing around in skin torn from its carcass just for fun
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Xlite I will also admit that he is a linguistic genius when it comes to butt-stuff and other homosexual topics.

    Linguistic genius? Lol

    It's a pool of about 20 of the same words just rearranged over and over and over.
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  14. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai Ehhhh, he might have a bit of a point though. If you were "happier" (read: had a happier early life, could feel the general sense of contentment and complacency that 'normies' feel), you probably wouldn't find globohomo so threatening. Kinda pointless to think about that though really, since you're you and not some other happier version of you.

    "Haha if your neurochemistry and life experiences were completely different you'd probably be okay with the stuff you hate" is such a fucking non-statement.

    It's the same shit they always come out with, no matter what the topic. This is the standard response, and it goes something like this.

    1. You aren't perfect, therefore why would you want to improve things?
    2. No one cares about your opinions, therefore why have them?
    3. You don't run things, therefore why have opinions.
    4. If you were happier - meaning dumber - you wouldn't care.

    Originally posted by Obbe Since you question everything now, try questioning your own "high standards". Why would anyone else in the world care about how you think they should be living their lives? Seeing as you're ill equipped to do anything about it your opinions seem pretty meaningless. Perhaps if you were a happier person, seeing other people be happy wouldn't seem so threatening.
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  15. Originally posted by rabbitweed looks like most people want him gone, a ratio of 2:1.

    Wonder why he makes alt account after alt account after alt account. Is this good for him?

    He cant stop posting here because he has no willpower, and the changing of account gives him some slight change of treatment until everyone realizes who he is. Maybe he should go get some therapy. He could tell the therapist about how he traveled cross country to get assfucked by the bf of the girl he fell in love with over the internet, etc. and maybe also discuss other childhood traumas. Maybe it will help him.
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  16. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Link?

    If one were to look through all the threads you made over all of your little homo accounts, who knows how much shit one would find.

    The butthurt is real, since your asshole is torn irl.

    p.s. this is just the first few pages. Im not about to allocate more than a minute to you.
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  17. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad And one which has intrinsic value that grants individuals the very important power of having a voice.

    Marriage lets you save time doing taxes.

    All individuals should have the right to save time doing taxes with whomever they please.

    Lack of gay marriage is a lack of individual rights.

    Marriage tax benefits are intended to reduce financial stress on new family units, so they can have an easier time expanding the family unit. It's soft eugenics. Gay marriage is dysgenic. Marriage is a eugenics program so what place does dysgenic gay marriage have in it? It's a fair question.
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  18. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Lol.

    For real.


    I mean I don't think he meant it had to be something deeper. Assuming good faith he was simply asking what the point was between two people who have no hope of procreating, which is the most obvious reason for marriage to exist - to strengthen the bonds between parents in a new family, to tie them together, and to make it easier for them to start a family of their own. On the face of it, gay marriage does kinda seem silly. Even the aforementioned tax benefits are meant to promote the growth of families.

    And critically thinking, sure, adoption is an obvious answer. But nobody sane wants to think about gays adopting kids, because the gays reproduce by molesting them.
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  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    My guts started hurting halfway through work today.
    I think it was deviled egg potato salad that did it.
    I'd been awake since midnight and came home, showered and fell asleep at 4pm.
    Woke up at 8 and fixed a pizza but my belly still feels kind of sensitive.
    Thought I was going to shit my pants at work.
    Anyways, I have been up for a few hours now and still feel pretty tired.
    I'm going to head back to bed.

    Going to have to get back to coding later.
    I've not really done much with it in the past couple weeks.
    Been busy enough balancing "living in poverty" with "have no time and energy".
    And I am planning on quitting smoking which is just going to take more out of me.
    Yup, got me another box of Chantix.
    I think I can make it happen this time.
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  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    To me being a sponsor means being there to listen and relate.
    To give advice based on first hand experience.
    Not to judge my fellow man.
    And to try to be as good a friend as possible.

    Are you guys ready to get sober?
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