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Posts That Were Thanked by rabbitweed

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Stop reporting everything you little homo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Welcome to my thread, this thread is a refuge for anyone who is overwhelmed with negativity and rude comments, there is only one rule and the rule is be nice :)
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  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by frala

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  6. Donald Trump Black Hole
    §m£ÂgØL just wants to be smarter than someone, so he invents people to argue with.
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  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Bro I just put out some factual information that blew the whole "Trump was hard on Russia" narrative all to hell and you immediately go into reasons why you agree with him for not being hard on them.

    Lol you're good bud. I'm obviously wrong.

    simply put - there were good reasons not to be 'hard' on them in those cases.

    and he still managed to put more sanctions in place than any previous president, largely forced to, thanks to the ridiculous witchhunt based on the unverified ramblings of a drunk who hadn't even been to Russia in years.
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Immediately after taking office Trump tried to lift Obama-era sanctions and return diplomatic compounds seized by the US. Months later Congress drew up a bill to strengthen sanctions and prevent Trump from lifting them. The Trump administration lobbied hard against it, but the legislation passed with a veto proof majority. So Trump bitched about it and signaled that enforcement would be lax.

    Yes, he tried to normalise relations after insane and hypocritical actions - this is not a negative thing, nor does it prove that he was 'pro-Russian'. In this circumstance he was 'pro-sanity'. The seizure of diplomatic compounds was completely unprecedented, going completely against the 'rules-based international order' they always talk about. To make things worse, the sanctions were placed on Russia for taking back the Crimea (which has existed as a part of Russia far longer than the Ukraine has existed as a state and was only granted to them by Kruschev's drunken idiocy) after the US orchestrated a coup in the Ukraine largely for the express purpose of taking the Crimean naval base for themselves. He was trying to repair the damage that the previous administration had done not only to relations with Russia, but to the US' standing in terms of international law.

    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 In 18 the Treasury Department, backed by national security adviser HR McMaster, implemented sanctions on Oleg Deripaska and his aluminum company Rusal. Stocks immediately fell 50%. Trump then defanged the sanctions and expunged Rusal from the sanctions list, also cutting a deal with Deripaska allowing him to keep control of his companies through his allies.

    I assume you've just copypasted this one so I'm not going to read into it

    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 The administration also drug its feet imposing consequences for the nerve agent attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter. It delayed chemical weapons sanctions required by law, only proceeding after demands by Congress.

    There was never any evidence provided. The entire farce was ridiculous on its face -

    1. If you're affected by a nerve agent, your lungs become unable to absorb oxygen and you die inside a minute. You don't get a headache and pass out on a bench. They literally shut down muscle function. Go watch some videos of people and animals exposed.
    2. Sergei Skripal defected from the Soviet Union, wrote a book about their chemical weapons programs, came back and served time in prison for treason. He'd already published what he knew and never worked for Russia after that. There is absolutely no reason they had to kill him, and even if they did it wouldn't be with a fucking chemical weapon. Actual state assassinations are disguised, the only people who think 'Putin wanted to send a message' or some shit are retarded from watching too much American TV.
    3. To this day neither Sergei or his niece has been allowed by MI whatever to talk about what happened.
    4. There's a lot of dispute I won't go into regarding the chemical itself.

    Nobody should've taken that retarded circus seriously, but here we are with every headline containing "strongly believe" or some variant.

    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Before the 18 midterms, congress was coming up with legislation to prevent future election interference. Trump cut it off by preemptively signing an executive order mimicking the language but not requiring automatic sanctions on Russian banks and energy companies.

    Why do you think Russian banks and energy companies should be pre-emptively sanctioned?
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    god supposedly exists outside of a place where we can interact with him
    NYT exists on the same plane as we do, as such we're able to investigate everything they lie about if we should choose to
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I would congratulate you on getting clean from meth and heroin.

    But I've been clean from meth and heroin since the day I was born and no one has congratulated me once.

    So yeah, bit of a slow learner aren't you?

    You didnt GET CLEAN. You have to be dirty first. Get yourself nice and dirty, and then properly clean, and I'll congratulate the FUCK out of your SHIT.
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  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Obbe I don't just ask questions. Even if that was all I did, that would still be doing something. You would be stupid if you actually thought all I do is ask questions and never found any answers. But you don't actually think that, you just have this strange obsession with me. You've randomly brought up my name in over 60 individual posts over the last 2 years, mentioning how you hate me, or sometimes love me, and you seem to have kept track of various things I have mentioned in the past like where I live and what my heritage is, except you also sometimes inject falsehoods into the narratives your write about me and it isn't clear whether you just have a terrible memory or rather are purposely making things up like you're creating some creepy fantasy about me. I don't know why you do it, but I think you must not have much else going for you if you can devote so much time to trolling people on the internet. I don't post as much as you because I usually am off doing better things with my time.

    obbe baby calm down. This is literally the most I've ever seen you type that wasn't copied and pasted out of laziness. I'm sorry you feel victimized baby, I just think you're the typa gal whose skin I would enjoy trying on and walking around town in. Don't get all worried and make it all wrinkly. Just keep the question marks coming and I'll stay your handsome answer, for whenever you are ready. :insert 700 emojis here:
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  13. Originally posted by the little girl Yup.
    I've been studying Japanese casually since I was 15.

    Btw are you this stupid when it comes to computers?
    I'm willing to bet the answer is yes.

    And you're STILL not proficient at it? lolololllll
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  14. Biden will continue to violate the constitution just like trump, obama, bush, clinton, the list go on.

    Ask me about how much I care about the paris deal when secret police starts locking people up without a trial in the future.

    A man calls the local police and says "my neighbor is an enemy of the country, he has hidden stolen jеwelry inside the firewood in his yard!". The next day secret police go into the suspect neighbors yard and chop all the wood in search of stolen jеwelry. They find nothing and then leave. The next day, the original snitching neighbor calls the suspect neighbor and asks if the secret police came to chop his firewood. When told that they did, he says "ok, now, call about me so that they come to chop my firewood as well".
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    imagine having OP's life and being told you were 'privileged' day in day out
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  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by STER0S I am pretty sure I have 2,699 xanax laying around but I can't remember where I put them.
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  17. livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Trumptards, stop bitching.
    Bidentards, stop boasting.

    Cut it out with the lame unoriginal bullshit "XD MY GUY WON URZ LOST" " DX NONONO YOU STOLE THE ELECTION" I can assure you the levelheaded minority doesn't give a mad fuck either way, it's not like America isn't ruled by an invisible shadow government. Whoever our president happens to be is totally irrelevant, the position of "President" is a meaningless figurehead position, they all take orders from the same people.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I think we should keep using phpBB because nonces don't like them.

    ISS = Nonce Software

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  19. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by The Head Nigger In Charge Asspained about usernames, sad^ really getting desperate to score a "point"

    Edit: doubly so for Misguided "gay" Russian, possibly the user with the dogshittiest, lowest possible denominator desperate sense of humor on the site

    stop posting
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  20. livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Originally posted by Sophie Optics and winning hearts is kind of the same thing. Especially if you don't have the infrastructure to compete with the mainstream narrative. It's a different situation but in my ventures into cyber space i am always looking to gather more infrastructure because what i control can't be shut down arbitrarily.

    If you really win someone over they'll go to no ends to attempt to justify even the most cruel, senseless acts of violence in your defense I'd rather be a member of a hated group with 1000 diehard members than have the media sucking my party's cock but Im dealing with 100,000 people who say they care but they really just some slacktivist who saw a news story with a positive spin and started a twitter hashtag on their lunchbreak and thinks that they helped somehow, you know
    Edit: clarified my point
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