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Fona 1-25-2020

  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    My guts started hurting halfway through work today.
    I think it was deviled egg potato salad that did it.
    I'd been awake since midnight and came home, showered and fell asleep at 4pm.
    Woke up at 8 and fixed a pizza but my belly still feels kind of sensitive.
    Thought I was going to shit my pants at work.
    Anyways, I have been up for a few hours now and still feel pretty tired.
    I'm going to head back to bed.

    Going to have to get back to coding later.
    I've not really done much with it in the past couple weeks.
    Been busy enough balancing "living in poverty" with "have no time and energy".
    And I am planning on quitting smoking which is just going to take more out of me.
    Yup, got me another box of Chantix.
    I think I can make it happen this time.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    Try pepto bismol
  3. #3
    Lodger Free African Astronaut
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