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Posts by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie Houston

  2. Sharpie Houston
    The user that posted it is named "viral" so this is guaranteed to be viral.

    LOL Dont you just fuckin hate people like that?
  3. Sharpie Houston
    Well, you guys suck as a userbase so I guess it evens out.

    You had absolutely NO IDEA what the fuck you were doing. ...Let alone, getting into...
  4. Sharpie Houston
    That fuckin GROOOOSSSSSSSSS disgusting ass heinous shit kind of porn, of like down syndromes, and squealers aka mentally handicapped.


    That stupid sexual boredom thread made me remember that shit from Zoklet that, that one guy would post, because he worked at some "home" for those things, and he would tell us all the lulzy things he'd do. ...He said he never did anything sexual tho with those things....but I doubt that...

    Because why would he even look for that shit on the web! ...FUCK thats gross!! lol ..yuck...

    Like this one hot blonde bitch jerkin off some ugly shit in a wheelchair. WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOULD SHE DO THAT!?!?! ...FUCK! Thats so gross!! ...I'm just glad she was wearing a glove.... jesus christ.... lol ...ugh!....
  5. Sharpie Houston
    I checked on Sanctuary Experimental today to make sure it was still standing and I see that I've missed some others. So, just letting everyone know that I'm available for talking again. If I missed you then now's the time to talk to me. Otherwise, cheerio.

    You fucking suck as an admin. Just thought you should know. ....AGAIN....
  6. Sharpie Houston
    So far politics and economic are in the lead, how boring.
    Yes, exactly.

    How many more votes can we get for the DREADED "P" WORD. lol
  7. Sharpie Houston
    Send your loli lewds to me too if you get any.
    Well, if Lanny ever answers my question!!!!....

    ...Or if someone knows of a program like this!
    Pm me with details, plznthnx
  8. Sharpie Houston
    Originally posted by SBTlauien View Post
    I think OP wants it for his phone, so that when his gf lets him take nude photes of her under the agreement that she gets to delete them from his phone afterwards, he will get backup images to post online so that others can jerk off to her. Something like that.

    You're sorta getting it.

    This "app" would be downloaded & installed on the "targets" phone and then in its "settings" or whatever, it would ask for the receiving phone's number (yours).

    It would be MUCH easier to hide on an iPhone tho.., Just make it look like a boring "settings" icon or something similar, that they'd never care to touch.

    I missed the "iCloud" part. I'm not really an iPhone person.
    No probs, bruh
    It doesn't have to be strictly for iPhones, because chicks got androids as well. :)
  9. Sharpie Houston
    I think OP wants it for his phone, so that when his gf lets him take nude photes of her under the agreement that she gets to delete them from his phone afterwards, he will get backup images to post online so that others can jerk off to her. Something like that.
    No... I want this for other phones, and this app/program will send all photos/vids taken with their phone/pad and send them to my phone, automatically, every time they take one.

    Sort of like an automatic backup, everytime they use the camera.
  10. Sharpie Houston
    On iOS there is an API for this sort of thing but I'm not sure if there's a commercially available app that does it, I suspect not because no one would reasonably pay for it. If the chick you're giving this too is sufficiently dumb then you could just reg it to your icloud account and turn on the photo syncing thing but that's not exactly the optimal solution.
    So I can sign into another phones icloud and have it sync/send new or any photos automatically to my phone?
  11. Sharpie Houston
    Boredom in general, will make someone do things they might not usually do.
  12. Sharpie Houston
    Pedoism is just like being gay. Its a predisposition more or less.

    Politics. ....fucking garbage.... but a necessary evil.

    Economics. I cant wait till this place eats shit. And marshal law is either called, or a mass upheaval of lawlessness happens. Probably both though, from politics causing the latter, which then causes marshal law to be enacted. Whatever though. I have a list of names and putting a check next to each one is all I'll be caring about, during the initial chaos.

  13. Sharpie Houston
    fuck psychomanthis. and fuck you, too, while we're at it.
    And why do you want to fuck two dudes???

    Unless you're a known homosexual already.
  14. Sharpie Houston
    You need to work on your writing skills BIG TIME!!

    98% trash!!

    DMSO is what you want. You could just drop or squirt it onto them (small (needleless) syringes work well for this) and they may not even notice.
    [SIZE=16px]That's all you needed to say.[/SIZE]
  15. Sharpie Houston
    iCloud but automatic for any pics taken on a phone or pad?
    That would go somewhere only the "installer" would know about.

    Or lets say, an app that immediately sends you every pic an "app'd" phone takes, directly to your phone without them knowing?
  16. Sharpie Houston
    Go around with a blotter and dab random strangers with lsd... like at the mall, in line or something.

    Just touch them with it and be like "Oh my bad, sorry" as they check and rub the acid into their skin more.

    I did something like this before, except with salvia & cigarettes, because I got tired of people asking me if I smoke, trying to bum a a free cigarette, when I don't even smoke.
  17. Sharpie Houston
    USB flashdrives full of CP.
    Just leave them at random places.

    YOU KNOW peoples curiosity is gonna get the better of them!

  18. Sharpie Houston
    Either you find a fuckin smokin hot dumb cunt, that will give you more problems, than you want.
    You find one with looks that are just ok, but her personality is better and she'll give you less problems.

    [SIZE=14px]Pick your poison.[/SIZE]
  19. Sharpie Houston
    Why didn't we think to do this? I can only find like a couple of my old posts on the google.

    Also do the text boxes on this site not load for shit for anyone else?

    Also, hey shmucks.

    Archives of Totse? ...Or Zoklet?

    There were a few mirrors kickin around of Totse, good ones too.
    I dont know if they're still up/around anymore tho.

    And the only stuff from Zoklet I know of is on the Wayback Machine.
  20. Sharpie Houston
    shit just isnt as funny as more

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