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Posts by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie Houston
    What fucking sucks!!!!

    Is when you write a semi long decent ass post.... and this shit fuckin jedis you hardcore... and what you wrote is now fucking gone.

    Soph PM me, I got some CRAZY shit to tell you! lol...

  2. Sharpie Houston
    If he is, he will like this then...

  3. Sharpie Houston
    If you cant, I was gonna say, there is always other ways...

    OP, either try a proxy (cgi, socks, whatevs) or a vpn.
  4. Sharpie Houston
    I mean come on!
    This is just ABSOLUTELY WHOREABLE!!!!

  5. Sharpie Houston
    [How could anyone find this attractive?!?!? Disgusting freaks.
  6. Sharpie Houston
    I better not though less attention to them is better.
    ^This. ...Fuckin-a...
  7. Sharpie Houston
    bumping for any answers
  8. Sharpie Houston
    I'm actually surprised you don't know.
  9. Sharpie Houston
    I feel like I've lived a wicked and disgusting life
    It means you're ACTUALLY living!

    Stop using a bunch of retard's retarded rules, as a base for your life's doings.

    I cannot picture my life being "plain and normal". ...Ugh... Just thinking about being "normal" disgusts the shit out of me.
  10. Sharpie Houston

    What a fucking piece of shit...
  11. Sharpie Houston

  12. Sharpie Houston
    Mostly because the internet is so shitty now. I hate social media for obvious reasons, reddit and youtube are full of faggots and chans are bullshit, everyone has the same username and you can't tell them apart because they're all autistic.

    Zoklet was a pretty lame spinoff of toste but it was actually entertaining for a while.

    I only miss it for the quantity of like minded people.
  13. Sharpie Houston
    i might do this when i get accepted to the university of my choice, ive been told i definitely will get accepted by multiple wealthy asian girls who got in because my grades are damn near immaculate (yea fuck you lanny you dont know me) and shes going there too so i may move in with her. shes cool but really outspoken and loud and kinda rude but friendly in a weird way. anyways once i went to her house to get some software off her and i got high as fuck first and then i went into her room and the heater was up super high and she was blasting some chinese love song and singing along to it in the dark with like one really dim light on and like 3 computers with monitors all set up at once.

    at first i was like nah shes gonna be too anal about cleanliness and stuff but her current roommate has been there for a year and is this hella chill hawaiian dude with dreads that ive smoked with a couple times in the past so now idk

    She sounds alright too me.
  14. Sharpie Houston
    Well, considering its always been open and free to watch whatever.

    But now, they still show you the choices of what you can watch, but when you choose something, you have to either sign in or sign up. ... fuck you...
  15. Sharpie Houston
    And anyone else this pertains too.

    Don't trust Xplay anymore... . I don't know if theyre just taking precautions from what happened not too long ago or what.

    If Lock ever showed back up, maybe he could shed some light on the matter?
  16. Sharpie Houston
    :( ...I thought it said Dark Websites.
  17. Sharpie Houston
    Nothing, because I'm not gay. Although, I dont care if anyone is gay, or trans, or whatever. As long as they don't care what Im into.

    I could bring you boys.
    If you bring me girls.
  18. Sharpie Houston
    I predict next post will be dubs.
  19. Sharpie Houston

  20. Sharpie Houston
    I saw a sharpie and... Viola!

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