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Posts by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie Houston
    Oh god, this is great.

    No, Thanks?! ......
  2. Sharpie Houston
    Sorry... Had to put this somewhere, so I wouldn't forget about it...

  3. Sharpie Houston
    [SIZE=26px]Also, Lanny....

    I cant access my messages/control panel again...[/SIZE]
  4. Sharpie Houston
    Yea, I totally miss the "hrmph" emoticon.
  5. Sharpie Houston
    Hey, I dont know you, but if The Soph is cool with you, so am I. :)
  6. Sharpie Houston
    [SIZE=16px]Are blowjobs and pussy overrated?[/SIZE]


    Whats their age?
  7. Sharpie Houston
    What site that I posted?
    I'll see if I can refind the post...
  8. Sharpie Houston

    [SIZE=12px]Real ass trill ass OG niggas get that reference.[/SIZE]

  9. Sharpie Houston
    *lifts shirt rubs tummy and points to mouth* Onii chan all these guns and explosions are scary.. W..why is there no food white man-sama? Is it because Allah is mad at me?. Oh … You have some food ..b..but I have to lift my shirt to get it.. Okay .. Look you can see my ribs.. The quaran says you shouldn't look so close onii chan.. N..not down there AIEEEEEEEE
    :D FAN-FUCKIN-TASTIC Narration!! LOL
  10. Sharpie Houston
    ITT: extreme rump razzling.


  11. Sharpie Houston
    i'm vehemently opposed to hurtcore/BDSM CP and necro. Lolis are for loving not hurting.

    I agree 1000%.

    Makes my fucking blood boil!
  12. Sharpie Houston
    Did your buddy ever turn back from that path? I'm working on that, gonna hit up a few local meetups n shit.

    He's pretty much a hermit right now. Since hes very lazy, and doesn't like to do anything, if it requires him to leave his place and walk.
  13. Sharpie Houston
    Although, it seems like they did away with the chat feature. gay...
  14. Sharpie Houston
    I know! Right!

    I found that off of some website Hewfil posted.

    I feel like that would probably be a preteen version of Zoklet
    . HAWT!

    MFW i read
    misguided preteens to network with other misguided preteens into one giant misguided community

  15. Sharpie Houston
    This is what I get when I try to go to my CP and when I try to make a new topic.

    [SIZE=36px][SIZE=28px]^THAT![/SIZE] [/SIZE]
  16. Sharpie Houston
    Can someone explain to me what is it and how it's supposed to work?

    I think I've been practicing it for some years now, keeping clear of groups, never joining or forming one, moving from one place to another, keeping my head low, and focusing on my own objectives. Sure, I went from 12k/year cashier to 75k/year junior developer with close to 0 capital investment, except time, which I had plenty cause, hurr durr, I killed my social life first.

    After that, however, I hit a wall. There's only so much you can do on your own. It's extremely frustrating to get stuck in this place and have to rebuild your relationships brick by brick.

    Whatever you're trying to do, whether it's find good work, learning infosec, learning programming, traveling, you'll hit walls everywhere. These walls are usually built by groups of people hostile to your efforts. Whether it's moronic people in HR, asshole bureaucrats in foreign countries, or resource hogs anywhere, it's enough to seriously block any of your plans.

    Unless you build yourself up via ties with groups. Since you're dealing with entrenched groups in your economic sphere, the only thing you can really do is to form or join a group that's stronger than whatever is blocking you.

    Sure, individualism sounds nice on theory, but in reality you'll hit and break against groups of the stupidest people ever and you'll falter for words - how can something so dumb completely get in my way?

    Whatre your experiences here? Ever belonged to a coop? Guild? Union? Ever tried to make it yourself in life? How's it workin out for ya?

    You sound like a buddy of mine.

    But getting back on topic... Individualism will only get you so far. Some is good, but too much can and will alienate the fuck out of you, if you go too far with the whole "having a mind of your own" thing.

    But all in all, it fuckin sucks, because if its going great in one area, its going shitty in another, and vice versa.
  17. Sharpie Houston
    [SIZE=22px]WTF IS UP?!?!

    The (+New Topic) button is broke. …Fix it, plz.
  18. Sharpie Houston

    The Internet allows misguided preteens to network with other misguided preteens into one giant misguided community. Take the otherkins, boys and girls who earnestly believe that they aren't human, and actually possess the essence of an animal, or a dragon, or something equally hilarious.
  19. Sharpie Houston
    Hack a site that's for people with epilepsy, and change every link or button on the site's homepage to go here
  20. Sharpie Houston
    Brutally Hawt!

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