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Posts by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie Houston

  2. Sharpie Houston

    Open your butthole. lol
  3. Sharpie Houston
    during difficult mental times, like when i feel a lot of anxiety/anger/depression, the anxiety leads me to feel paranoid about random physical ailments i have. the ailments are small but definitely real, like a wart or something. but in my head i can feel weird shit in my body reacting to it. i kind of start to obsess over it and then it becomes hard to tell what is in my head and what is actually real. its like the mental and the physical come together somehow, even though logically i find that idea improbable. then the two feed on each other and make it much worse.

    also my personality has changed suddenly somehow, but not necessarily in a bad way. i feel antsy but i dont just want to sit around on the computer for hours like i did not too long ago. people have also been reacting to me in ways like they don't understand why im doing what im doing or something. like i have some form of communication with them that i think is one way, when in reality they interpreted it totally differently. for example, my coworker who i was super chill with just got pissed off at me for always "mocking" him in front of others, which im pretty sure i didnt do. but similar things have happened a couple times now and its making me wonder.

    Lady Gaga's first MAJOR movie roll....

  4. Sharpie Houston
  5. Sharpie Houston

  6. Sharpie Houston

    u spudwazz u know what i mean
    Thats deep!
  7. Sharpie Houston
    But then I LOL'd

  8. Sharpie Houston
    activates the maoi

  9. Sharpie Houston
    I know a few of you might be concerned about me here, but rest easy, I am fine. It's really not that damn bad. I had no issues a few hours ago. I do feel bad for people down here tho.
  10. Sharpie Houston
    not like in an emo way or anything i mean, its just that when you really think about it, relationships and love are really disgusting. there's two people who are vying for control over the other and the winner eventually gets bored of the other because as time goes on they are more and more confident that they will have that person there no matter what. then once the confidence reaches a certain level, they just use that leverage to hurt the other person on occasion or repeatedly.

    i dont understand

    Yeah, dude.... just stop. lol

    No relatuonship is ever perfect. The sooner you realize it the better.
  11. Sharpie Houston
  12. Sharpie Houston

    SNAP OUT OF IT!! ....Are you having a good time? ....Yes? ....then Fuck it!! BEAST THAT SHIT!!! XD WOOOO!
  13. Sharpie Houston

  14. Sharpie Houston
    ANd then you can use this!!
  15. Sharpie Houston

    [SIZE=16px]That is all.[/SIZE]
  16. Sharpie Houston
    10 words or less.

    Golddigger test. Test those that say, they dont want kids.
  17. Sharpie Houston
    Love IS fucked up.

    I loathe how complicated it is.

    Like there's this girl (20's lol) shes pretty awesome in everyway....except in the looks dept. I have come to realize I am much more shallow than I previously thought.
    Otherwise, I wouldn't mind being with an ok-looking chick.

    Obviously I go for and get good looking ones because it'll make me look good and two good looking people, will produce good looking offspring. ...You know... just in case.
    I think it'd be hit or miss otherwise. One good looking parent and one not, makes it a gamble on whether or not the offspring is gonna be good looking.

    Although I have seen some crazy fucking miracles, like...HOLY SHIT....THAT came from YOU TWO!?!? lol Unless shes adopted, and then the husbands probably beating his dick to, or fucking, the daughter, instead of his wife. lol
  18. Sharpie Houston

  19. Sharpie Houston

    I think people that do this are fuckin hilarious! XD
  20. Sharpie Houston

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