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Posts by Splam

  1. Splam African Astronaut

    Trump had valid reason to bring up the subject of corruption with Ukraine.

    Case closed. Thank you.
  2. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not not at all, check your history, Russia made the greatest contribution to Hitlers defeat…the result would have been the same without the US, Russia would have streamrolled over the retreating German army and took Berlin regardless. It might have taken a little longer but the result would have been the same, re: Germany's defeat.

    The main contribution as far as as the US goes was avoiding post world war Europe being Russian as I'm sure Stalin would have kept going.

    No I'm talking about WWI here. That's when Jerusalem and Palestine fell to the allies.
    Russia quit WWI in 1917. If it weren't for the Americans replacing them, it'd be pretty bad.

    Even in WWII, people forget that majority of the trucks, steel, ammo, gasoline, steel and jeeps that the Russians used, came from the US. Shipped via the middle east or some of it through the arctic. Again meddling. Fact is Russia would've never been able to make the push to Berlin without US help. They'd have to walk.

    Hell that's one of the reasons why the US was never actually neutral during WWII. The Germans were being killed by US equipment in both Russia and in North Africa, long before the US officially joined the war.

    The United States delivered to the Soviet Union from October 1, 1941, to May 31, 1945 the following: 427,284 trucks, 13,303 combat vehicles, 35,170 motorcycles, 2,328 ordnance service vehicles, 2,670,371 tons of petroleum products (gasoline and oil) or 57.8 percent of the high-octane aviation fuel,[32] 4,478,116 tons of foodstuffs (canned meats, sugar, flour, salt, etc.), 1,911 steam locomotives, 66 diesel locomotives, 9,920 flat cars, 1,000 dump cars, 120 tank cars, and 35 heavy machinery cars.

    From wiki. 2000 locomotives and half a million trucks can move a lot of soldiers. And who knows where Russia would be without the four and a half million tonnes of food and two and a half million tonnes of petrol. People forget that wars since WWII are won by the internal combustion engine. Or hell even here the steam engine. Your gun is useless unless you can get it into position.

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The French and British would have won without the US involvement. It just would have taken another year. The Germans lost World War I at home due to economic unrest and lack of support for the war by the civilian populace. The Ottoman Empire was in it's death throes and Jerusalem was not theirs to start with.

    US involvement started in 1914. They sold to the Brits, but couldn't sell to the Germans. If US didn't supply Britain, WWI would've been over way sooner. The US supplying Britain is why Germany started attacking American shipping. If you don't meddle, you don't get attacked.

    Again, there's more ways of killing Germans than sending soldiers. US was in the business of killing Germans from 1914-1918 and 1939-1945, as part of the New World Order.
  3. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist No Paige, I don’t think so, but his base is made up of a lot of uneducated white men.

    What's with this hate on uneducated white men? Also you're confusing uneducated with unschooled. Knowing how to grow a damn good crop of wheat is among the most important skills that requires an education, but that is often taught by fathers to sons outside of the school system. Also, would you call a native who knows how to identify all the flora in the forest, and hunt and gather his own food, uneducated? These skills are often taught generationally.
    This is the type of ignorance among democrats that got Trump the election. You have very little understanding outside of your own subculture.
  4. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The US had nothing to do with middle east policy in the 10's, 20's, 30's, or 40's. It wasn't until 1948 with the formation of the UN that US started trying to mess about in the shit Britain had spent 100 years fucking up. So as a US citizen I take no responsibility on my nations part for the problem in that region. That is not to say that the way past administration have dealt with since then were correct and they were certainly not effective.

    Nothing? If US hadn't joined the war, Britain would've been on the losing side, no? Then the Ottomans would still have Jerusalem. The butterfly effect is profound when it comes to foreign meddling. US and Britain have been best buddies in fucking around the world since the Opium wars.

    We're all really part of the New World Order
  5. Splam African Astronaut
    No he's talking about Maureen Alice.
  6. Splam African Astronaut
    Question now is, who's going to sacrifice their political career going up against Trump?
    IMHO Bernie should. He'll be too old to run next time. That way the democrats aren't wasting any good candidates for 2024.
    And who knows, he just might win. Free healthcare and automatic visas to Mexicans!
  7. Splam African Astronaut
    Imagine a battleship like that just going around and sinking cruise liners.
  8. Splam African Astronaut
    They discovered an old clause in many land titles where I live. The land titles say the properties may not be bought by those of Asian or African heritage. Of course they cannot be enforced anymore due to anti-discrimination laws. But could this be a solution?
  9. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker We? Are you British?

    'We' as in the allies. But no, my ancestors fought under a union jack during the wars. Commonwealth. My ancestors went to war when Britain declared it. That changed in Korea, when the USA declared war, my grandpa went to fight. Under a union jack.
  10. Splam African Astronaut
    Funny to see so many unemployed here.
    Funny how many of those unemployed people are communists. People forget that under communism it was illegal to not work!
  11. Splam African Astronaut
    Lol Cali is fucked. I heard they're all fleeing.
  12. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra lol was that actually your username

    fuck u pay me

    no my username was splam
  13. Splam African Astronaut
    Bob Saggot was America's darling prince back with America's funniest home videos. It's what we had before we had 4chan reddit and 9gag.
  14. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That is how MOST people get here illegally. Keep working and eventually you qualify for a greencard and now you're legal.

    And lol are you saying to be MORE like Israel? Hilarious.

    Yes Israel is a great example of a state which has survived through many difficulties. USA could learn a thing or two from them.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny neither have they envisioned assault arms that can be loaded with hundreds of rounds and have a rate of fire to fire them all in less than a minute and kill as many people in the timeframe.

    time for 2a to be updated as well ?

    Yes, it should allow you the same arms as the gov't has. Explosives and fully automatic weapons shouldn't require a license. 2A should be updated to reflect this. Either that, or the gov't should be banned from having those as well. Entire point of the constitution was to prevent the government from infringing on your rights. You Americans are lucky to have this.
    Birthright citizenship was intended to keep the system simple. Else you'd have to start proving citizenship by heritage and immigration status. The logistics in 1776 couldn't deal with this. Many people didn't even know how to read and write back then. Not that those people could vote anyways.
  15. Splam African Astronaut
    Doing jujitsu we always do fingertip pushups. Good for practicing grip strength.
  16. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL All foreign policy is a form of quid pro quo. Only dumbass Democrats don't know that, or pretend not to know.

    Like selling Uranium to Russia?
  17. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I just collect welfare and vote illegally

    You're the worst kind of Mexican!
    I actually respect my Mexican construction coworkers. They go to work everyday just like me. We breathe the same shit on construction sites that'll eventually kill us both. We're brothers.
  18. Splam African Astronaut
    deliver her a broadside
  19. Splam African Astronaut
    But no,
    During its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice. The oldest part of the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE, making Jerusalem one of the oldest cities in the world.

    As such, Jerusalem belongs to whomever can hold it. But do not deny that we forcefully conquered it in 1917 and expelled it's original inhabitants. Something we pride ourselves as not doing anymore since 1945. Which is bullshit. The strongest claim to the city is Turkish actually.
  20. Splam African Astronaut
    IMO we shouldn't have given up anything after WWII.
    We had Iraq. We had Iran. We had Syria. We had Afghanistan. We had India. We had South Africa. We had Vietnam. We had Hong Kong.

    Now we only have Israel
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