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Posts by Splam
2020-08-18 at 10:44 PM UTC in Biden picks nigger harris for running m8They've both had "established" careers soaking up that federal tax dollar for decades. They're both part of the establishment.
If this vote comes down to establishment vs. anti-establishment, it's not even a fair fight. The establishment, or whatever was left of it, is long gone. Left the building. Gone to disney world. Never to be seen again. -
2020-08-18 at 10:41 PM UTC in Here's how you fix the problems with black communities in America.
2020-08-18 at 10:29 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'Yes slavery in the west has been the result of decades of failed policy with immigration.
One of the most common examples of slavery in the west is people hiding their Mexican or Asian maids from the authorities. Not to mention companies hiding their illegal Mexican employees who are paid sub wages and have nowhere else to go (thus by definition trafficked/enslaved).
No Mexicans = no slavery and fair wages for the rest of us -
2020-08-18 at 9:11 PM UTC in Biden picks nigger harris for running m8Biden was an idiotic choice. It was due to career politicians like him that Trump got elected in 2016 in the first place.
Democratic party is running with the same thing again and expecting different results. -
2020-08-18 at 9:05 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'Yes we do see free market at work when Mexicans move up here to work. I've never been a believer in the free market. They can go fix their own market instead of screwing up ours.
We'll see real democracy at work when all the sitkskins are finally kicked out of western countries.
The only argument you have ORACLE is "that's not how economies work you wouldn't understand it".
It's the poor Mexicans coming over. Well doing Mexicans have no reason to emigrate if they can raise a family and feed them there. You can bet your ass off doctors would be pissed off at Mexicans if we accepted Mexican doctorates here for work. But is it worth it, when doctors start living out of their vans? That's just how the market works, should've chosen a different occupation. Is that your reply to a doctor who studied for a decade to make a wage? Do you not realize that carpenters practice for 10 - 15 - 20 years before becoming truly proficient? Will we say screw you and import cheap Mexican "strike breakers" when these carpenters demand a living wage during contract negotiation? IT IS NOT RIGHT! That's exactly how the current system is setup.
Originally posted by ORACLE That's just classic American greed, wanting a mansion and a limousine for doing low skill work that someone who is more disciplined and efficient can do better and for cheaper.
It astonishes me that people firmly believe we should open our borders and bring our own nations down to the same standards as third world countries.
Also trades are not low skilled work. Work a single day in it and you'll see. Mexicans can go fix labour standards in their own countries. There's plenty of mansions in Mexico. Instead of bringing our labour standards down to their level. -
2020-08-18 at 8:51 PM UTC in What’s wrong with mail in ballots for the 2020 election?In any case, at no time should ballots ever be entrusted to a single person or people acting as a single entity.
2020-08-18 at 4:43 PM UTC in What’s wrong with mail in ballots for the 2020 election?Should make it unanonymous then. If you send in your ballot by mail, you should be able to login to an online service and see what you voted to ensure nobody tampered with your vote.
Actually, it'd still be anonymous. Only you'd be able to see. Or is 256 bit encryption not secure enough? Other than that, no downsides to it. Actually, could use this system to vote through internet. Why not? Increase access? No lost mail?
If you send a hundred million ballots in the mail, they'll still be discovering lost envelopes and counting them months later in significant enough numbers that it could reasonably be expected to change the election outcome. -
2020-08-18 at 4:14 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
Originally posted by ORACLE 1. Your anecdote enhancemented through your shitty lens doesn't equal data.
Your cherry picked data doesn't fit the real world. Try working in construction. Go get a few contracts and get back to me.
The simplest solution here is the one they taught you in fourth grade: supply and demand. You increase supply of labour, price goes down. Is that so fucking hard to get? You probably also believe evolution stops at the neck.2. Someone is willing to be more productive and efficient than you, you are a lazy nigger, stop crying. All you want is to be paid more for doing nothing more.
I work piece work. Some days, I can make 500$. Other days, I make 100$. This is still not enough to buy a house where I live. I want back breaking work to result in ownership. As of right now, you break your back working and all you get is enough to make rent.
Bringing in Mexicans like this up north, is akin to bringing in strike breakers on the rail road. The white folks aren't willing to work for too little. Our palaces will go over budget. Bring in the Mexicans! This is what makes the liberals the real racists. If Mexicans didn't work for cheap, they wouldn't be here.3. There is literally zero dispute that whatever you've been supposedly lost out on because of immigrants, you've gained many orders of magnitude more than that in purchasing power due to market growth.
In terms of buying housing, or cars, my purchasing power is close to that of a 1970's minimum wage.4. You can defeat this with a price control AKA a minimum wage raise, and make this whole point moot as they literally cannot go lower past a certain point. Which the Republicans have done more to suppress.
Are you retarded? That's the entire point of being ILLEGAL. The minimum wage doesn't apply to illegals.
If we didn't have people willing to work for peanuts, we wouldn't need to enforce a minimum wage.
Unfortunately, some people are stupid enough to work for a fraction of their worth. Minimum wage laws are put in place to protect others from those willing to work for less than their value. -
2020-08-18 at 3:58 PM UTC in What’s wrong with mail in ballots for the 2020 election?You'd need two mail men going to every door. Same as at the voting booths. There's never to be one person, or a partisan group, who handles the ballots.
2020-08-18 at 3:56 PM UTC in I ordered a pizza for delivery and the lady got all mad when I tried to pay with rolls of quarters.Yes US and Canadian marketting practices are dubious at best. While they're often telling the truth, there's fine print and misleading statements which are outright banned or unfathomable in other countries.
With all the lawyers in the US, it's quite surprising too. Guess it's the companies that hire the lawyers to get away with such shit.
2020-08-15 at 12:21 AM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
Originally posted by ORACLE That's not how the labour market works jackass.
You may've studied the labour market in college. But I've actually worked as a labourer and currently operate my own business where I have to compete with Mexicans, among others, for contracts. The Mexicans live in their vans, causing them not having to pay rent, and being able to undercut our contracts because they can live on so much less. Even up here in Canada! Not to say white people don't do it as well. But that's in order to now compete with the Mexicans! A good portion of the trades people up here in this small town live in their vehicles. It's ludicrous. Or maybe living out of vans is the way of the future and we should just get used to it? -
2020-08-14 at 4:56 PM UTC in I ordered a pizza for delivery and the lady got all mad when I tried to pay with rolls of quarters.They denied payment. The debt is settled. They can sue you but will fail. If any form of payment is unacceptable, it should be noted prior to the pizza being made. They may blacklist you as the "quarter guy". At this point you can sue them for discrimination. You likely won't get far.
Delivery drivers will pocket tips given as cash. If you want to tip the kitchen, pay by card. They're sleazy assholes who don't declare thousands of dollars in tips annually. They don't pay their fair share for the roads that provide them with their living. Fuck 'em. Delivery charge? No tip! -
2020-08-14 at 4:50 PM UTC in They act like Biden had much of a choice?
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Imagine if these people spent half as much time fact checking the mass media as they do Trump.
Washington Post can't even fact check themselves.
Can we get a fact check on the Russia hoax please? Oh wait, no hard evidence after years of investigation? CNN pushing it as if it's a fact for years? What is that if not propaganda?
Also, boasting is hardly the same as lying. Democrats are much worse, they'll tell you the truth in a way that you misinterpret it as a lie. Done hundreds of times during the Russia hoax. -
2020-08-14 at 4:46 PM UTC in Trannies are just sicko perverts and nothing more
2020-08-14 at 4:44 PM UTC in They act like Biden had much of a choice?Straight from the ministry of truth, stl1
2020-08-14 at 4:43 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'Obbe, you do realize that the rich (especially democrats), have been importing Latinos to undercut the value of labour and keep the minimum wage down? Companies looking for cheap labour just love sanctuary cities.
If it wasn't for all the immigrants flooding the market with cheap labour, the minimum wage, or rather median would become realistic. As there may not be a reason to even have wage laws without cheap labour saturating the market. Not like the tax evading Mexicans follow minimum wage laws to begin with. It only applies to white and black folk which further puts them at a competitive disadvantage.
Blacks especially would be way better off hadn't all this immigration occurred since the 1960's. -
2020-08-14 at 4:37 PM UTC in They act like Biden had much of a choice?
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why is it ok for a presidential candidate to sexually discriminate by not only stating up front he was going to pick a woman but then actually doing it.
Last time I checked Sexual discrimination in the work place is a big no no…yet the media isn't talking about that fact.
Thank you. Nothing wrong with basing your selection on race or gender as long as it ain't a white male. Despite by law actually facing the same protections as any other group. -
2020-08-14 at 4:34 PM UTC in Do broken needles bother you guys?
Originally posted by Kev i have a microscope camera that goes 500x, the needle is perfect after 5+ uses. so again, what gauge is it? what is it made of? that photo of the bent needle after 6 uses would be visible without a microscope.
Probably Chinesium. Fucking china poisoning the west even more as if fent wasn't bad enough. -
2020-08-14 at 4:29 PM UTC in They act like Biden had much of a choice?Just like with Obama. A white guy of similar qualifications would've never been picked.
2020-08-14 at 4:24 AM UTC in what's the last thing you bought?Ohh ya got a howa 1500 and a ford expedition gettin' ready for september boys yeehaaa