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Thanked Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. 5am breakfast: banana, apple, 2 slices of turkey bacon, 1.5g phenibut, 2g Crouton, 100mg caffeine, unknown amount of cbd
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by CASPER Ramping up even more. Up 3800 in a day.

    China is kind of shit, but its really only a matter of time until shortages and lack of medical facilities force even more people to flee. And unless they freeze fights and starttesting protocols and quarantines in all of THOSE cities, the chances of it not getting wherever you live-are slim. If Amazon delivers to your house, youre prolly fucked.

    This is exactly how my plague inc games go

    If my predictions are correct, most of us will die except for anybody in Madagascar.
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  3. It looks like the dude's clone was about to suck his dick but they got walked in on at two doors on opposite sides of the room.
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  4. Meet me at Starved Rock on 4-20-2020 at 4:20pm
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  5. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. The bandana on the feet look like the pants flaps they used to have in medieval times when you were too poor too afford proper boots but worked in the fields and still had to cover the ankle gap
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  7. Originally posted by Sudo Had a breakdown earlier today over the futility of my life, how I use women and seek to make up for things I've missed my whole life but I'm hunky dorey now. It was in front of my gf and her 2 year old son and he was just chillin. Then I felt guilty for letting a 2 year old boy see me cry now his perceptions of males will be pussified and he'll have those stupid plugs in his ears

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  8. This is my hairy weiner

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  9. Originally posted by Speedy Parker lol so much for outliving me faggot. According to that stupid shit I've still got another 38 years.

    A calculator from an insurance company is surely the best tell of how long you'll live.
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  10. Originally posted by CandyRein So earlier I went and got a bunch of jeans and scarfs from the Goodwill to practice this design that I really like :)

    Working on a pocket here 💖

    Lol holy shit that's hideous
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  11. Originally posted by stl1 Quit drinking the Republican Kool-Aid and consider what is in the best long-term interest of this country, Archer. A "no witnesses or documents" vote today will codify an imperial presidency. This is not the country I grew up in.

    Seriously what the hell? This is what Germany in the 30s must have felt like. People ignoring the destruction of justice simply because of a political party line.

    I mean barring witnesses? Are you fucking serious??? What ever happened to due process of law? You examine the evidence and act accordingly.
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  12. Originally posted by mmQ Do you have her email by chance? I love her. I think we would have a special connection.

    Lol she doesn't use email. She forgot the password to her own computer so its just been sitting there for like 8 years.

    Literally has dementia but she NEVER forgets to tell him when it's 420. Evidently she once called him from the hospital to tell him.
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  13. Originally posted by aldra They're statistically something like 7x more likely to have 'domestic incidents' than any other group from memory

    just angry people with low impulse control

    On that note, gay men have the happiest relationships and lowest amounts of domestic violence.

    Lesbians also cheat a lot while gay men tend to have open relationships.

    Being a gay dude is like winning the lottery. If you're even moderately attractive you should know how easy it'd be to have gay sex. I imagine lesbians just wait around for the other to hit on them?
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  14. Related: My friend lives with his grandma and everyday at 4:20pm she tells him its 420. It's hilarious. He gets annoyed and she just cackles from her room. Every damn day. She doesn't know how to phone either so I know she isn't setting alarms, she just watches the clock.
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  15. Originally posted by mmQ Hotel

    I am so happy you exist, Wren.
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  16. Originally posted by Fox Ok then why didn’t the cop shoot it? Was it a white drone or something

    It was a black drone but it said ROTORS UP DONT SHOOT
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  17. I guess Canada can be mooseland. North North America.

    We can start calling Mexico South America now. And Brazil will be North South South America except for central Brazil which will be called mideast north south south america
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  18. Originally posted by aldra I read it as PKK and thought it was a Kurd thread

    I still chuckle at HTS
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  19. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thays why your husband go for men.



    *for you my mommy precious.
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  20. Originally posted by mmQ Why is that a bit much?

    Because who cries when a celebrity dies? It reminds me of when kim jong il died and the reporters were sobbing and having a mental breakdown even tho inside they were probably overjoyed.
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