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Thanked Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Lol do people really not put their balls on the rest? I always hate having to crouch down. I wish we had adjustable ones like the Japanese do
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  2. Originally posted by My Wife Is Dead Dude, it was a chick's ARMPIT that I fucked. You have her lube up the pit, then she lays on her side so that she's on top of her arm. Fucking a knee or elbow just sounds tedious for both parties.

    Knees have that cartilage that would probably make it uncomfortable

    Elbows are often bony

    Armpit is probably the best choice UNLESS she is fat. Then the fat probably makes the elbow the best
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  3. Originally posted by aldra tl;dr: Suzie is a whore and wants the state to pay for her lifestyle

    Suzie has only ever had sex with one person

    He was the whore. Cheated on Suzie. Poor girl.

    Also I'm more than okay with my taxes going towards Suzie and her child. Thats why I actively vote for and support politicians who promise to raise my taxes. In the end the people who need help get it and that's what matters.
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  4. Suzie is a poor teenager. She is sexually active and gets free condoms and STD testing from planned parenthood.

    Then the planned parenthood in her area shut down. Now Suzie has to buy condoms at the store and cant afford STD testing thanks to being a poor teenager with no insurance.

    One day Suzie's tire gets a flat. She has to borrow money to replace it and now cant afford condoms. She is young and figures pulling out a few times isnt so risky. Then she gets pregnant.

    Suzie wants an abortion but cant because Republicans. She knows she cant afford a kid. Should've listened to her friend Jane when she warned her about pulling out. Jane went to school in California so she got a proper sex education that warned her about pulling out.

    Suzie has the kid. It turns out to have hep c. Suzie had it all along but didnt know because she didnt get tested.

    Now Suzie has to get the baby treated. But she cant because she has no insurance. She goes anyway and accrues medical debt for her sons sake.

    Now the kid is growing up poor and unwanted through no fault of its own, and Suzie is forced to raise a kid she doesnt want. Eventually they become homeless, and the kid gets taken by the state. She talks to someone online from the UK who had a similar situation but got help with housing and was able to keep her kid and avoid being homeless.

    The kid grows up. He wants to go to college but cant afford to. He wishes he could get a scholarship but never got high enough grades due to his poor education. Republicans blame people like him for being welfare suckers. He just wishes he was never born.

    All of this could've been prevented with proper sex education, accessible medical care, and a proper welfare system. All stuff the Republicans are hell bent on denying people.
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  5. Originally posted by aldra Maybe, but the US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other developed country. That seems like a problem that isn't going to be fixed by throwing more money at it.

    That and I'd rather state funds went towards people with serious illness or who are in need of life-saving surgery before dumb kids doing dumb kid shit.

    Yeah... Because we allow big pharma and hospitals to go unchecked with how much they charge. The government does not regulate it at all like most of the world does.

    I once got charged 1,500 for 12 stitches and some topical anesthetic. My recent root canal cost 3k.

    This is BASIC shit that should be covered.

    Personally im okay with people like Suzie getting help. In an ideal society, or say, 1950s USA, the corporations would be footing most of that bill anyway. They've done REALLY well over the last 70yrs lowering their taxes. This is why America is a great place to do business. Our taxes are next to nothing. We have many of the richest people in the world because of it. Most valuable economy of any nation.

    I dont get why the right here thinks lower taxes will help the economy. Free capitalism is not the way to go.

    And dont even remind me of the CEO loophole that allows corporations to funnel money into lower tax brackets while simultaneously giving them more money. This is why companies like Amazon can pay zero tax. They just put everything into Bezos's check and company expansion.

    This policy does work GREAT for small businesses who genuinely have high overhead when starting out but for big corps its easily abused. I dont think we should tax gross income obviously and I dont know what the solution would be but this is not right. It is so easy to avoid taxes in this country if you are rich. You can just invest and invest and become richer and richer. We don't have brackets for the crazy rich corps like europe does. I believe the cutoff is a few mil or something snd thats got the 26% bracket lowered from 35% by trump

    But hey we got our income tax lowered by 3% fuck yea MAGA
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  6. I just wanna take a moment to remind everyone that hydro named her kid after random shit her dad thought was cool.

    Imagine something like

    Pegasus Red Rambo Hawaii
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  7. Originally posted by mmQ Lol idk. Physically not cool at all. Even if you were small I mean a head isnt a cool place . What would you do just 2alk around there and look at the brain and stuff? That would get boring like a museum or zoo after one go-through.

    I was thinking it would be auditorium giant sized instead of a real sized head. Imagine walking around a big open circular room with some brain connected to a machine in the center (there has to be a machine)

    you can take vessels in and out of the body and do some osmosis jones shit but


    im done here

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    I guess after Xi did it he had nothing to lose. I'm sure Trump is jealous.
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  9. I'll drink to that. Cheers mq
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  10. Originally posted by CandyRein I’ve only smoked weed … I have no idea what any other high besides weed and alcohol are like.. and I just made 36 yrs old

    I’m proud of that but lowkey I do wonder but not enough to try to see

    Lol damn that's actually... sad?

    Well I don't know if its sad but I do feel bad for you. You've been missing out while the rest of us have been entering alternate dimensions to speak with feline cat godesses about the nature of consciousness and whether or not everything will be okay.

    Protip: it will
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  11. Originally posted by 🐿 What? I was literally only guessing that shit.

    Fucking LOL DTE has 'episodes'

    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Lol you really struggle to make sense 90% of the time. This must be one of your "episodes". Stop sending my girl fan mail Ape.
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  12. Originally posted by Technologist Good Day to you G-man💛

    Morning mommy :) how are you?
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  13. And give your mother a hug
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  14. +pomeranians
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  15. Originally posted by CASPER lol jesus fuck dude thats card af. I didnt realize you banditos were so raunch.

    Lol this. That is some fucking filth. That bathroom reminds me a lot of living with hydro. Im pretty sure she had the same cheap laminate tile in her bathroom, but in squares. It also had no door which was fine because it had no working lights either so nobody could see inside anyway unless you were using a candle.

    One time on 650ug AL-LAD I was on the comeup and had to go to the bathroom. I didn't use a candle and the minute i walked in I stepped in dog shit, which I then spread across the bathroom floor trying to either get out or find the bathtub so i could wash it off. This made a hell of a mess that i smelled but never saw. I had to yell for help until hydro came and led me out of the bathroom and cleaned up after me. I got sprayed off with a hose in the front yard.
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  16. If you domesticate the mold on your penis it'll eventually become dense enough to grow bonsai
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  17. Orange - carrot juice is the king combo of the juice world.
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  18. Nipple drips
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  19. Originally posted by Netflxchillr For the lady 🍬Candylanders 🍬 working hard from 9-5 am/pm

    Some daughter love for 🍬Candyland 🍬

    Working hard- but playing harder!


    Wtf is wrong with you posting your children here

    There are literally convicted pedophiles on this site. People who tried to meet up with girls like your daughter

    "Mom why did you post me on a site called"

    "Mom this guy named Wariat keeps texting me. He looks cute"

    "Cmon mom its just a flight to Poland"

    And before you know it, Wariat is your son in law and you're a grandmother thanks to your teenage mom girls.

    Apple doesn't fall far from the tree i guess. You got molested, they'll get molested. Its the way the world works right? Just grab em by the pussy fuck yeah MAGA
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  20. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country My Pomeranian's survive mostly on beautiful lean cuts of meat.

    Occasionally they eat near or post expiration date ham or chicken from Lidl.

    Nonetheless, they are doing well, thanks for your concern.

    I'm glad. Please tickle them for me.
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