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Thanked Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Me and my 21yr old daughter

    Classic §m£ÂgØL
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  2. goats are honestly fucking assholes.

    like all the time

    anal fetishists

    fuck goats

    their asshoels r loose and good

    thanks for coming to my ted talk
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  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I used to finance porn videos before the internet age killed it.

    lol so what you're saying is: "I used to spend a lot of money on porn videos a third of a century ago but now I'm not, but I'm still basically an expert"

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  4. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Close up shot method ….

    You can clearly see I'm doing none of those

    You've quoted my ass MULTIPLE times

    I think you're insecure about having a flatter ass than me
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  5. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Some people choose to believe that they evolved from bacteria in a space shit that fell to earth.

    I choose to believe that I evolved on this planet and on this land.

    Considering the earth is literally just space shit smashed together into orbit by gravity, that's a really weird distinction.
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  6. Originally posted by Technologist Oh, so you’re saying fighting got him kicked out of the states. GTFOutta here. If that were the case, we’d have no immigrants. He had a record of pedophilia and the fighting was the topping on the cake.

    Kr0z you’re just enabling him to not take responsibility for his actions. Oh but you don’t always….oh nvmd.

    Well, Bill Krozby is a sex offender as well so it makes sense. Birds of a feather flock together.
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  7. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 you do know my daughter is whatever i am and black.

    the only bigot i know towards blacks would be you and the others here on NIS before DH found this hole.

    I didn't call you a racist, I called you a good bigot.

    But good defense. Definitely not a racist.
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  8. Originally posted by Technologist Aww how cute, you used some of trump’s favorite language. Aren’t you just the cutest thing. I could just pinch your cheeks😘



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  9. mq tell him
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  10. Originally posted by Fox I think there was something about how Adam eating the apple was the the original sin, and that sin got passed on to us, and that’s why Jesus died. I dunno I didn’t read most of it

    'died for our sins' basically means Jesus died so that we could go to heaven.

    I guess nobody before 33 AD or whatever went to heaven. God didn't forgive any sins before then. Adam definitely didn't go to heaven because he sinned without being 'perfect' and you have to be 'perfect' to go to heaven. Either by a life of righteousness (andbeingbaptizedandproperlyburiedlol) or/and by having your sins forgiven.
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  11. It's really weird to me that they choose diluadid for this though. They already offer injections (which is interesting because I've heard it has a great rush) and now they're selling these pills which almost certainly will be shot up anyway.
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  12. People who stock it are gonna get robbed so hard. I'd be paranoid buying from it.
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  13. Hey we like the same porn
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  14. inb4 gay jokes

    Pretty cool. You have to be registered as someone with an opioid problem and evidently have your biometrics put into some system so you can actually buy the shit. Apparently they already have some public works that give you hydromorphone to inject. If I lived in Vancouver and was addicted to opiates, I'd definitely be taking advantage of their programs. 30-40% drop in deaths due to opioids from 2018 to 2019. That is pretty insane.
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  15. Originally posted by Solstice What you mean? Once you have a little tolerance that's like the perfect amount for decent sedation without RLS and it's just enough to enhance your pre-sleep orgasm enough to assist in knocking you out.

    I didn't take any DPH at all last night for the first time in like a month+ and ended up passing the fuck out in my work clothes and slept fairly decent aside from my single 4 am wake up session so maybe there's hope for me yet.

    Idk any perceptible amount makes me feel uncomfortable and heavy. I get tired but not sleepy, and my mind starts more easily hallucinating.

    But like I said, I hallucinate anyway, so maybe that has something to do with it. 200mg or even 100mg would have my parasympathetic nervous system shocking me awake at imaginary door slams.
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  16. She's too busy eating lobster
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  17. How loko is he?

    1 loko?


    2 loko?


    3 loko?


    4 loko?

    Ohhhhhh yeaaahhhh
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  18. Originally posted by Octavian Anyone find they sleep more when they're depressed. Also these headaches are more and more consistant. On my left hemisphere and down to the back of my neck. I honestly believe my brain is rotting. I have little desire to continue yet I know I will cause suicide is not an option.


    I sleep insufferably less. I'll get like 3h a night for a day or three then finally one 9h night and feel great. Then it cycles back around.

    Lately i haven't been sleeping much and I'm starting to hallucinate things about my new job at night.

    On a related note did you guys know a can of 4loko gold has 5.5 drinks in it
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  19. Originally posted by aldra much as I dislike mandatory homsex/etc propaganda being pushed into the mainstream, it's hard to see this as significantly more damaging than 'beauty pageant' culture for kids

    Well, yeah. That's also fucked up. I think it should be illegal.
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  20. CandyRein gets her music choices from an online article titled TOP 100 POP SONGS OF 2019
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