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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Heart attacks isn't just your heart stops beating and you die

    Don't most people asphyxiate?

    The asphyxiation association

    I mean once your heart stops everything stops pretty soon after. Brain, lungs, etc. But I wouldn't call it asphyxiation.

    On that note, sploo was too much of a pussy to intentionally die of heart attack. Shit is painful and with imodium not even guaranteed. Even if he took a bunch I'm willing to bet it was just a destructive act rather than a suicidal one.

    I mean has he even attempted suicide before besides just doing tons of drugs to get fucked up?
  2. Originally posted by Misguided Russian One time I bought a prepaid simcard from a store at the old central bus station. The next day some arab called me thinking that I am someone else.

    The arab was asking me where his wages for his work were. Said that everyone was gonna call me and fuck my brain about it, etc. This was not really threatening, but annoying nonetheless. I told him that I'm not the one.

    He called the next two days also. On the third day I was contemplating asking him where he is, then helping him swallow his broken teeth as payment for his distracting morning phone calls.

    This is the closest thing to a threatening call that I've ever received that I can think of.

    Some elderly man once called me and left a message about picking the tomatoes that grew from his yard over to my fence. We don't have a fence and our neighbors don't have tomatoes. Was a good 5 minute rant.

    His final insult was said with such hate and vitriol

    "So think about that, GOOD NEIGHBORLY NEIGHBOR!!"

    You just know he went and confronted his neighbor about how he called them and told him to stop stealing his tomatoes, but his neighbor is just gonna assume he's senile.
  3. Originally posted by Cheyes Go back and read my edit

    If he took 200 without any context of trying to het high being known to the coroner he's gonna rule it a suicide. If he took 400 like he was then there's absolutely not chance he won't. Im guessing he probably took like 800 minimum to well over a gram, and no coroner is going to rule that accidental unless he's retarded even if was an accident.

    And again whatever he actually took will be deceiving because he had so much built up in his system over the months it's going to be retardedly high no matter what.

    I don't care what the coroner thinks. I care about the autopsy facts. They usually rule suicide to make it easier on the family anyway. Better suicide than a drug user
  4. Originally posted by CASPER youll cowards aint even boof skooma

    ยงmยฃร‚gร˜L has moon sugar, if you have coin.
  5. Originally posted by mmQ Holy shit. You didn't know that?

    He could never afford to go there. His mom spent all the movie money on cigarettes.
  6. Originally posted by Cheyes Not necessarily. He has too much in his system for the coroner to not automatically rule it a suicide I'm sure. Unless people routinely have over a gram of loperamide in their system to combat diarrhea.

    The fact of the matter is that the last thing he said to anyone here was that he's ready to kill himself and then he died

    He was saying it for years and he was fucked up constantly. Doesn't really mean he's ready to suicide. Hydro probably told me she was gonna kill herself at least 100 times and even made half hearted destructive attempts she knew wouldn't work, and she's still alive, unfortunately.
  7. Originally posted by Cheyes Not necessarily

    Pretty much yeah. Doing something with the intent to die from it is the definition of suicide. No intent, no suicide. We'll see if he just took a normal amount of imodium to get high or a ludicrous amount to induce heart attack.
  8. Originally posted by tee hee hee This is why humans need religion otherwise they just flop aimlessly in life. Js

    Lol yeah because religious people never do drugs?
  9. Originally posted by Cheyes It's quite unlikely that it was an accident

    He was getting high on it for a long time. Heart attack is a possible side effect, not a guarantee of a high dose. Whether he didn't care if he lived or die didn't matter. It matters if he ingested the drugs to purposely die.

    We'll know when the coroner report is out
  10. Originally posted by Octavian Sploo died shitting his pants?

    I'm sorry this is fucking hilarious, I'm sure he would have found it funny too.

    Forever young.

    Opposite. He probably died constipated as hell.

    At least he died doing what he loved. But its sad that this was an accident. At least Malice and Juicebox tried to kill themselves. Sploo just wanted to get high.
  11. Originally posted by mmQ Etc…

    What else?

    He hit roshambo in the head with a bottle lol
  12. Hey there, so, we see that you'd like to set corporate on fire. I'll be honest, champ, I always knew you had a drive to you deep down, but I gotta be honest, I don't know if wholesale fire is the deliverable we want to be focusing in on currently. You know we're currently spitballing here to really incentivize growth hacking but the bottom line is that synergy and out-of-the-box thinking has always been our wheelhouse. We can onboard similar strategy initiatives, sure, but I was really hoping you were paying more attention in seminar last week because we really covered this stuff already. Burning to death in a screaming corporate inferno really doesn't demonstrate thought leadership or that 'make-it-happen' mindset we're holding as our central paradigm. The stakeholders just won't swing for perishing in cleansing waves of pure heat and light until skin literally boils and sloughs off. It's kinda low hanging fruit when we're always striving for industry-best practices by and large. Just keep these points on your radar going forwards and remember, we're mostly interested in right-sizing more than asphyxiating on chokingly-thick smoke and passing out before the flames wrap around you like a smothering cloak of searing pain and numb whiteness. Speaking broadly about the market, we wanna disrupt the space but we can't go boiling the ocean every b2b brainstorm. Just keep working on that 30,000 foot view and we'll circle back tonight. Speaking of, we need you to stay in late if that's ok. Perfect, see you then.
  13. Originally posted by mmQ Disgrace to humanity. I'm just wondering.

    If sploo really reealy is dead I could make a few paragraphs of good things to say about him. Only if hes dead though.

    Hes not and never was a DISGRACE . Have you seen humanity? This kid just experiences plateaus and plays drums and gets weird. That's honestly just a way to go . Why not?

    He also harassed girls to the point restraining orders, tried to stab his parents, had constant violent fantasies, etc.
  14. What do trianglists believe exists after death?
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood he was found with blue lips my guess is heart attack in the middle of the night probably from taking too much dollar tree imodium and possibly a few other random things

  16. Originally posted by Sudo I miss sploo and am going to make some kind of online memorial

    I'm gonna make him a song

    Juiceb0x still needs one too.

    Why are we trading out our members for senile dh'ers? This sucks.
  17. So was it the diarrhea pills that did him in
  18. New tacho vid out
  19. Originally posted by aldra His parents got in contact with some of his friends from here via facebook


    I don't think you'd join in on the troll if it was one. Fuck.
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