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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. The phytoestrogens in soy are not the same as estrogen pills. They're basically inert.
  2. Originally posted by Octavian Gay faggits should have retired in Zoklet era.

    Yeah, and make more space for the cool faggits like me.πŸ€—
  3. Originally posted by tee hee hee Placed an order for powder and mascara. I'm gonna be the prettiest ever!!!πŸ₯°πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊπŸ’•

    What kinda powder
  4. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz I never tried but when I was younger I fantasized about being cool, not in the sense of being "popular" or well liked, but in the sense of having magic powers and stuff like that, or just being super clever and people admiring that quality.

    Then I grew up and realized being cool isn't all that great. Lots of unwanted attention.

    I end up becoming liked in groups, getting invited to a bunch of shit, and eventually not showing up to any of it because eh, being social is too much work. Around a year ago I was leaving on a trip and got invited to three fucking things on the same night. Like what the fuck? One was a party, another at a bar, then one was a date with a fat girl I did not wanna go on. I said no to all of them but I realized then I needed to stop making friends.

    At this point I dropped all of them. I like doing things but not with other people. I'll just go hiking or cook or play my guitar thanks.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL A righteous and perfect man is God's expression of the benefits and enjoyment of free will.

    Express my dog's anal glands you demented baggy fuck
  6. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Oh Oct is broseph? I remember him from Zoklet.

    I didn't think you were that too dark guy.

    Oct is oct...
  7. Originally posted by Cly iam_asiam68 shown his true colors today, and cleaned up well…

    But you're in the bathroom a third of the day. Some people are in the bathroom 0/day.

    Those people are bitches. I piss hourly and still get more done than anyone else.
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL Isn't that just a little bit like the pot calling the kettle black?

    Nah not really. I'm loved by everyone. It's only racists like you who don't like me, and I'm fine with that.
  9. Originally posted by Daily wooOOOWWWww no way? no way you fucking faggot? you were actually BUSY not posting on this fucking forum holy shit dOOoOOOD much popular, very life

    Totally not a low IQ, passive attempt at letting us know how much of a LIFE you have outside of the internets you FAGGIIIIIIITTTTTTT.

    He opened a repair business so you know he's on a computer anyway.

    His wife doesn't let him have any friends. He told me once his job, home, and grocery store are all within 2 blocks lol. Just him and his wife and he enjoys it that way.

    He's a grade A shut in. Also he shares the porn he finds on customer's phones so use his shop at your own risk.
  10. Originally posted by Bill Krozby what would i be butt hurt about? Just saying its weird how you're pushing this out of nowhere, you've came up with zero evidence that he's dead

    You can search for his name yourself. It was already posted here.
  11. Originally posted by Technologist 😑😑😑😑😑😑

    Not you mommy you are fucking precious. I would trade you for everyone else on this site. You are an inspiration to us all and we are blessed to have you. I love you.
  12. Originally posted by Solstice I wonder if anyone ever stuck their dick in a Venus flytrap

    It wouldn't close on them. They won't close on big things, only small insect size objects. It takes a ridiculous amount of energy for them to shut so they're pretty conservative with it. I used to have one and it wouldn't shut for dead flies. Apparently you can trigger it with cotton strands tho.

    There are some pitcher plants which would probably be a good lay and are dick sized. They're slippery by design and the digestive fluid probably makes good lube ;)
  13. Originally posted by CASPER Niggers?

    Also lol Canadian police look SILLY

    They look like costumes lol
  14. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz That's a bundle of sticks in your country, thus I am highly insulted.

    I haven't been using any account except this one broseph. The person here that most closely resembles me would probably be the other guy that changes his name constantly and mentions Aquino a lot, but like me he doesn't use more than one account at a time.

    I think Β§m£ÂgØL does this too. Although I think once in a blue moon he will use two accounts at once.

    I've never used any account besides this one...
  15. Originally posted by cigreting Unfortunately you don't live in the real world granps. If you knew what i do for a living (both jobs) and what i take in, youd change your attitude and more than likely be asking me for financial advice on how i got to where i am in such a short time.
    What types of hiring have you done?

    Nobody really cares about you or likes you.
  16. Originally posted by WellHung DietPiano is straightening some things out, in his modest existence. He is attempting to self-actualize…bless his heart. I think its safe to say that we already miss Sploo. However, perhaps its not a bad thing to have a troubled soul be set free?

    Shut the fuck up.
  17. Originally posted by POLECAT a flower is a flower,, it has peddles and pistils to attract pollen gathers so they can spread pollen to the other plants. there are normally no boy flowers and girl flowers but the flowers need to be pollinated by other flowers to make seed.

    WEED for you faggots that think you know whats up, has male and female plants, the female had sticky BUDS to attract the pollen from the MALE FLOWERS,, and yes the birds and the bee's do have something to do with helping but the fact remains that the FEMALE has BUDS,, buds are like the WOOOOOOOOOM
    its where the baby's are made and there aint no damn flower to it

    growing weed is basically keeping a bunch of sexually frustrated females so we can murder them, set them on fire, and inhale the smoke.

    Humans are fucking monsters.
  18. the secret to being cool is not even trying

    I could teach you if you want

  19. Originally posted by cigreting i just got some new pot last night

    cast iron?
  20. Originally posted by Technologist We said about the same thing😁.

    cus we smurt
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