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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Technologist Yeah you only need AA. I’d much rather turn to a human being for help than a bottle.

    teach me
  2. Nothing wrong with people of color. They're better than white people. Except for technologist.
  3. Originally posted by Erekshun I get it, what took so long for you fog heads to answer? Fuck!

    we were busy fucking your mom
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby You can imagine anything you want. And I wouldn't say my cat's picky because he eats everything lol. He even eats hot cheetos. I don't see how I'm an asshole, I don' tell her what to feed her dog, because its not mine and I mind my own biz..

    Yeah and instead of minding your own business you picked a fight with your neighbor.

    Real adults know how to deflect and avoid petty conflict with their neighbors. Laugh at them and move on.

    Instead you went passive aggressive and are sitting here making threads about how she's a cunt.
  5. Originally posted by Erekshun I agree but Homie said your lungs can only absorb so much. See the confusion?

    Let me explain this to you boomer

    Pretend your lungs can hold 5 units of mass. What are these 'units'? Fuck off. They're just UNITS okay?

    if you hit a joint, maybe you inhale 2 units of smoke and 3 units of air.

    If you hit a bong, maybe you inhale 4 units of smoke but only 1 unit of air.

    Get it yet you fucking brain damaged fuckukfdluasklfdjasklfae
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL Stop shitting up the thread with your blather, Rodent.

    LOL that's TDR?

    Explains a lot.
  7. Originally posted by Sophie You sure? You might like it.

  8. Originally posted by hydromorphone I gave my dog loads of morphine prior and he would likely have ODed anyway. I was so scared of him having pain as his lungs ceased to function…I was going to pain management and buying pills for my dog for 2 years prior to his death.wehad my horse vet come to the house to do it so he (a 200lb neopolitan mastiff) would be comfortable as possible.took him out back so he could enjoy being high in the sunshine on a cool day one last time. He barely could walk this day. It was definitely time.

    I'm grieved badly for a.long time… I still do. I miss him dearly. My dad who was against marriage said that if I ever met a man that loved me as much as that dog to marry him. Lol

  9. You sound like a total asshole in this situation. I'm imagining you got offended at her calling your cat skinny. The appropriate response, if you're feeding your cat enough, is something like "Yeah he's just picky" or "I don't know he just doesn't eat" or "Yeah he's cute isn't he" or literally ANYTHING other than what you said.

    Instead you attacked her like a total dick. There is nothing worse than picking fights with your neighbors.
  10. Originally posted by netstat I just like saying the word Nigger.

    Honestly it's a good word.
  11. Originally posted by netstat The difference is that women are born to be subservient and consume male bodily fluids for vitality.

    says who
  12. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Girls are absolutely horrible to each other, constantly starting drama and stupid little turf wars with each other. The healthcare environment is famous as the place where bullying is at its absolute worst (and everyone has to pretend not to know why, lol).

    This made me laugh hard.
  13. Originally posted by Cheyes If SWIM garners a non felony drug possession conviction and then moves to a new state, will law enforcement in the new state be able to look up that conviction on the fly? Im not sure if misdemeanor possession is a federal crime or not or whether that matters.

    I know SWIM got pulled over for speeding and they talked about SWIMS clean driving record, so obviously his tickets from his old state did not carry over..

    I mean, did you get criminal charges for your traffic tickets?
  14. It's the Republicans.
  15. Originally posted by Technologist Here’s your answer, and I’m wrong.

    I believe your lungs fill up after about 2-5 seconds but that also seems like how long it takes for a big breath. I always just tried to get my lungs as full as possible before the little air wash 'pswhep' thing so you don't irritate your throat, then release immediately.

    Also scron if you breath in more oxygen you get way higher. Look up the wim hof method and give it a shot. It's fucking sick.
  16. Originally posted by STER0S i keep touching myself inappropriately
    go on...
  17. Originally posted by Technologist What the fuck?

    It is completely unhygienic to get shit on your va-jj. And if a woman sucks your dick she’s sucking your pee hole, so what’s the difference.

    pee is good anyway it adds sodium to your diet
  18. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Scientists use mathematical calculations to PROVE the existence of God

    SCIENTISTS have ‘confirmed’ the existence of God after proving a mathematician’s theory which suggests that there is a higher power.

    PUBLISHED: 05:00, Mon, Jan 23, 2017 | UPDATED: 12:05, Mon, Jan 23, 2017

    Renowned physicist finds PROOF of God
    Or as Dr Gödel put it through his equations: “Ax. 1. {P(φ)∧◻∀x[φ(x)→ψ(x)]} →P(ψ)Ax. 2.P(¬φ)↔¬P(φ)Th. 1.P(φ)→◊∃x[φ(x)]Df. 1.G(x)⟺∀φ[P(φ)→φ(x)]Ax. 3.P(G)Th. 2.◊∃xG(x)Df. 2.φ ess x⟺φ(x)∧∀ψ{ψ(x)→◻∀y[φ(y)→ψ(y)]}Ax. 4.P(φ)→◻P(φ)Th. 3.G(x)→G ess xDf. 3.E(x)⟺∀φ[φ ess x→◻∃yφ(y)]Ax. 5.P(E)Th. 4.◻∃xG(x)”.

    You get it, right?

    Christoph Benzmüller of Berlin's Free University, who ran the calculations along with Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo of the Technical University in Vienna, told Spiegel Online: "It's totally amazing that from this argument led by Gödel, all this stuff can be proven automatically in a few seconds or even less on a standard notebook.

    “I didn’t know it would create such a huge public interest but [Gödel’s ontological proof] was definitely a better example than something inaccessible in mathematics or artificial intelligence…

    “It’s a very small, crisp thing, because we are just dealing with six axioms in a little theorem.

    “There might be other things that use similar logic.”

    Fucking lol
  19. Originally posted by Speedy Parker We sent him a membership card to the boomer club but we never invite him to the meetings. Sorry…

    Ok boomer
  20. Originally posted by Technologist No that sounds interesting. I’d think they’re fall apart.

    Well the technique i saw the guy wrapped it in plastic wrap and compressed it slightly just so it was a round roll. Then he put it in a plastic bag and sous vide'd it. Once cooked, he grilled it to get a nice char.

    The wrap probably helps it stay together. I imagine it doesn't stay well if you just grill it. I saw another video that compared it to the Krispie Kreme of burger patties
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