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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny his knowledges of languages are only limited by googles ability to translate.

    Says eurasian
  2. Originally posted by mmQ Thanks

  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, store bought eggs usually are not fertilized.

    Not just store bought

    Birds lay eggs when aroused

    Not just fertilized

    Commercial chickens are perpetually horny
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's not an insult to anyone else either.

    It's what MOON PERSONs came up with as a rebuttable to being butthurt over boomers calling them MOON PERSONs. It just doesn't work when you take an insult concept and then try to reverse it…it's also not very imaginative.

    "you poopy head"
    "no you're a poopy head"

    Boomers will die very soon and it won't matter. Us liberals will take over, thankfully
  5. Originally posted by mmQ Can I borrow a dogecoin?

  6. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood She's prettier than any girl i've seen lately

  7. You know what, you get it

    Thread closed
  8. Originally posted by netstat OP just had 1002 thanks but went back and revoked at least 3 lol

    Lol it was 1003

    I forgot immediately after making this thread

    Forgive me
  9. That chart is ridiculous
  10. Good porn but i still have a thanks to give
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    epistemic ? are you trying to use large words to mask your lack of imagination and comprehension ?

    i never said time does not exist. i said time can not move forward at the rate of 1 second per second if nothing moves.

    because time is derived from movement. 1 second is 1/60/60/24/365 of earth's movement around the sun.

    and using big words cant mask your retardation.


    >thinking epistemic is a large word
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Can I borrow 20 instead

    20 what
  13. Originally posted by mmQ Right on, right on. Sure sure sure.


    Fuck you
  14. Let yourselves be known. It is highly valued
  15. Originally posted by Cheyes i highkey thought about switching banks just because of how terrible the interiors are

    one of the biggest banks in the country and every branch is plain white walls and fake wood and cubicles for the bankers so it's loud and distracting

    also the service is terrible and takes forever, but it's like if you have to squeeze every last penny that you can't even put real wood in your banks HOW CONIVING ARE YOU IN THE OTHER AREAS OF YOUR BUSINESS HUHH?!?!

    also, you should always bank at small banks if you can, they'll often waive an overdraft charge if you aren't a repeat offender just to be nice.

    small banks usually lose money on checking accounts but they're pretty nice about things like that and give better service

    big banks on the other hand make an absolute killing on those 40 dollar overdrafts and other poor people being irresponsible fees

    Even big banks will waive. You just gotta annoy them
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson If you went back to Mexico you wouldn't have to worry about snow.

    It snows in Mexico you utter retard.
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Typical Mexican, thinking about fucking goat's assholes.

    The grammatically correct joke would've been about goats fucking assholes

    But no, you are retarded
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not all of course..

    Your mom was not only Pro Vaccines but was pro doing it herself when she tried to inject bleach into your unborn body.

  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Cancer is natures way of saying you're a worthless gont and should die.

    Inb4 jig gets cancer
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I should really stop spilling bong water and resin on it

    Wont damage it as long as it's not hot. You can use dish soap to clean it.
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