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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. You put the coke in a line you nut
  2. Originally posted by WellHung mysteriously, only in your neighborhood, Like clockwork, 2 weeks before Halloween, all the kids get off of all of their devices, and go outside and start pranking & vandalizing.

    Every damn year
  3. Originally posted by WellHung plz quit humanizing zygotes, douglas. its very unbecoming.

    If it's life then why don't fetuses have a social security??? Bill 'fraudby' didnt think this one thrue
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby the cdc makes things up. Even before this "pandemic" I knew the cdc was gonna do something like this.

    Source besides Donald Trump?
  5. Tea, earl grey, hard
  6. Originally posted by gadzooks I know all about the replication crisis. In fact, I had that in mind while I was saying what I was saying.

    Science is not 100% perfect, but it's self-adjusting.

    You will occasionally see bad studies pop up, but they are always the exception and never the typical case.

    The big, politically charged questions, like vaccinations and climate change for example (and probably COVID too), are replicated with scrutiny to explicitly deal with the replication crisis.

    To be fair, though, I do not claim the scientific knowledge base to be 100% correct, just damn near that number. Enough to instill confidence, at least.

    Replicate my dick
  7. Originally posted by Meikai Yes, having faith in science is usually a safe bet.

    That's mighty optimistic and idealistic of you, and doesn't seem like the kind of thing you can really prove is true. It's kind of a tautological line of reasoning - it's more accurate to say that when false science is discovered it is uprooted. Eventually. Usually.

    Peer review panels consist of a tiny fraction of the field, and the only people interested in any given study are going to be people for who it relevant to their own research.

    Ideally, eventually this happens yes.

    If one study fails to replicate something that is accepted as dogma within a given field, it's going to take more than that for shit to hit the proverbial fan. At that point you've got 1 point for and 1 point against.

    To distrust something is not the same as positing a completely alternate, unfounded theory. Simply saying "I don't trust that" is not equivalent to saying "actually this is true instead, it was revealed to me in a dream sent by fucking liserd men".

    Didnt read lol gay fag
  8. Penis length always rounds up to the nearest meter
  9. Originally posted by aldra it's on lib.gen under Krystle Cole

  10. Originally posted by Sudo I played with your mothers tittays until the milk truk arrived and all your aunties and uncles started worshipping her

    Everybody getting laid on the milk truk WOOOP
  11. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Man I thought he was fucked for life honestly. I studied every detail about that case for years trying to understand where they got the ergotamine/ergocristine and what chemicals they used to convert it to LSD and how it was shipped to Petaluma Al and stuff. And the whole fucking Gordon Todd Skinner case about how he went crazy and started making 'black tar' LSD that gave people seizures and he gave it out to people at Burning Man, and how he tied up that dude in a hotel room and injected him with a "parasite sack" that made him unable to gain weight or recover from his injuries.

    Everything about all the people involved in that entire operation is the craziest shit I ever read in my life.

    " During this time Skinner also prepared a foul-smelling “tea,” which he both forced Green to drink and injected him with, causing Green to vomit violently.   Both Hauck and Green testified about a particularly disturbing thing that Green vomited up, which had little worm-like things inside it, and that Skinner claimed was a “parasite sack.” 21  In addition, and at the direction of Skinner, Green's eyes were covered and he was told that if he took the covering off, his retinas would be burned.   Skinner then pretended to be a Swedish doctor, who had come to “help” Green, but who actually tormented him and put suppositories and perhaps other things in Green's anus"

    That second paragraph hits hard
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood lol holy shit wait what

    Wow. Guess you're not a true fan if you're just learning now
  13. Originally posted by gadzooks Admittedly, I did graduate from high school nearly 20 years ago, and in Canada.

    America (and maybe other countries) might be teaching straight up lies.

    But once I hit university, they essentially train you to think critically and to be able to refute everything you read.

    I wouldn't necessarily expect the same experience in every single major there is… (I.e. sociology, gender studies, etc), but what I did learn at the end of it all was that science is meant to be approached with skepticism.

    History too, kind of, but if you even question anything when it comes to the Holocaust or slavery, you'll probably end up ostracised by your colleagues.

    Other than those two hot button issues, skepticism is actually encouraged in uni, and at least somewhat in high school too even.

    Again, that's in Canada, and 20 years ago. So I admit I can't confirm it first hand regarding contemporary America.

    Science IS skepticism. If you question the world around you, trust in science
  14. Originally posted by Obbe Humanity will be “finished” if we fail to drastically change our food systems in response to the coronavirus pandemic and the climate crisis, warns the prominent naturalist Jane Goodall:

    God she's still alive? What a fucking beast of a woman.
  15. Originally posted by Grylls Some people keep talking of me even though I show them no attention whatsoever

    I tend to have that effect on people a lot

    You know what? I have that problem too. It's pretty annoying when they just keep talking and talking trying to get your attention
  16. Originally posted by aldra §m£ÂgØL.jpg

    "Its in a meme so its right" -Republicants
  17. Originally posted by Technologist Ohhhh Who consented

    I don't know. Thats what im trying to figure out
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Cute snapshot. Did you even read that? It wasnt a Somali migrant nor was she beheaded. It was a mentally ill woman who stabbed and killed a kid, and right wing sites spun it into propaganda about Somali migrants with no evidence whatsoever. Fools like you eat that shit up because you don't actually read anything.

    Keep drinking, retard
  19. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Question: who wishes OP was aborted?

    Nobody of importance.
  20. Originally posted by gadzooks Serious question…

    Why do parents start thinking about names for their little clump of cells and planning baby showers if it's just inert biological material at that point?

    And why are miscarriages such a big deal?

    You can always make a new clump of cells.

    This post has a lot of generalizations. First of all I don't think it's ridiculous to plan for a clump of cells if you're planning on bringing that clump to term, into a baby. It's like thinking about what you want to go to college for when you're 15. I mean, some people have their baby names picked out when they're kids, and the clump of cells does not even exist yet.

    Miscarriages are a big deal for this reason. You plan for a kid, expect a kid, and then lose that kid? That feels like a loss, even if you can accept it isn't human. Like imagine getting promised a dream job and then a few days before you start work they're like, "hmm, nah."

    You can always get another job, another dog, another car, etc. But it doesn't stop us from feeling the yearning pain of almost getting something we cannot have. Especially when it comes to something so near and dear as a child. People think their whole lives about, "Will I have a child?" and "Will I be a good parent?". To want that and have it taken away must fucking suck. It's not just a clump of cells to those people. It is the promise of a future. To others, that 'future' is just a clump of cells. And that's fine. Every person deserves the right to choose for themselves.

    I don't really see how it's any different from masturbating and wasting sperm. It's totally unconscious. I feel worse about eating a steak than I do abortions.
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