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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by CASPER Stop doing hate crimes

    Not a hate crime to call white people a shit race.
  2. Originally posted by Kev does that count the asymptomatic?

    Yes. And it counts those with an asymptomatic case of the flu too.

    Asymptomatic cases are just from low viral load. Hence why masks are the difference between life and death.
  3. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Reminder: every time OP uses words like "Republicans", "Conservatives", etc, he means "white people".

    Victim mindset confirmed.
  4. Originally posted by Octavian He had a heart attack. Was at a party, gf picked him up.

    Complained of a pain in his leg, took some painkillers and collapsed.

    Jesus. No drugs involved? Fuck.
  5. Lol
  6. Originally posted by Grylls Would you fuck Sharon Stone?

  7. Originally posted by Kev not really, my views transcend the false left-right duality, its just a tool to fragment the masses and pit them against each other. most people who identify with either side (already a mistake) are single-issue morons who are one meltdown away from ragequitting to the other side and then back to the other one.

    You entitled fence sitters always say the same shit. Protip: Almost everyone on the right thinks themselves to be 'moderate'. They ALL say they're fence sitters.
  8. shambo go to your discord they think you're dead.

    I may have fueled the fire a bit
  9. Originally posted by Kev citation needed, the flu killed 80,000 people last year.

    Using CDC numbers, the flu killed 24,000 - 62,000 in 2019. It infected 39,000,000 - 56,000,000. Using the highest estimates, this puts the mortality rate of the flu in 2019 at 0.0011%.

    Using CDC numbers, the Coronavirus killed 220,000. It infected 8,190,000. Using these estimates, this puts the mortality rate for the Coronavirus at 0.0268%.

    So my bad. You were actually right. The coronavirus isn't 12x as deadly as the flu. It's only 26x as deadly.
  10. Originally posted by CASPER Jesus christ all some of you do is talk shit to each other. I cant remember whether everyone was always so shitty and selfish or whether everyones just old and broke and bitter now.

    That is literally all fuckbiscut did lol. We are shitposting in his honor.
  11. Originally posted by Narc Not everyone thinks he's a piece of shit, to be fair. Everyone thinks you're a fat faggot that chats shit all the time tho.


    Nah, just the right wing idiots and junkie scum like you.
  12. Originally posted by Kev Allowing abortion on demand shifts way too much power to one gender while infringing on the other (fathers can be compelled into parenthood against their will while mothers are free to abort or give up for adoption) so i really hope that roe v wade shit gets overturned and evens up the balance of power.

    on the other hand, i dont wanna pay for some bitches 6 illegitimate children so this is a tough one.

    Women are the ones who do all the work of birthing. What the fuck do you want to happen? It's either women get the choice, or men get the choice. In no world is forcing a husband/wife to agree on the abortion at all viable. If they don't agree, then what happens? Does it get aborted, or does one parent get stuck with a child they don't want? It just makes no sense for men to be legally involved in this decision. Literally only Islamic countries do it like you are suggesting.

    God it's funny how much Ya'llqueada has in common with Muslim extremists. You cry about Sharia law while trying to implement your own religious law. What hypocrites.

    True libertarian freedom involves the right for women to choose. However I do agree that men should be allowed more agency. I think that they should be allowed to opt out of paying child support if they don't want the child, HOWEVER, they should have to pay an increased tax rate for the rest of their lives, with increases for each child they abandon. This would go to a public fund to take care of unwanted children like Bill Krozby's daughter.
  13. Originally posted by WellHung Douglas monks genuinely thought the the hospitals and the morgues were in on the 'conspiracy'…lol. This has nothing to do with science correcting itself over time with the advent of new information. Douglas truly thought that liberals reportedly 'unleashed 'this virus for political reasons…lol

    Seriously. These people talk about how science is wrong, but science is based on evidence.

    Where is their evidence that this is overplayed? I've yet to see a single study that shows this isn't serious. I mean it's already 12x as deadly as the flu in the US. It's infected less people while killing more. Even if you say that 90% of the COVID deaths are 'faked', this is still a serious fucking issue.

    Never mind that deaths aren't the only way this virus harms. People who are asymptomatic are turning up with lung damage from the vascular stress this virus puts on you. It complicates illness in such strange ways, totally unlike what we are used to with flus and colds. Like, a weak liver might be fine with a flu or the cold. But with this? Coronavirus could result in liver failure. Even 10, 20, 30 years down the line, the damage will be lasting. A lot of people will die early deaths due to complications from this. So don't worry if you don't have a pre-existing condition yet, because you'll get one.
  14. Originally posted by Bill Krozby actually people have and still do think the earth is flat.

    Scientists don't though. The scientists are right. The world is round, not flat. It's the retard conspiracy theorists like you who think the world is flat, and refuse to believe science. They say the same thing, "Science has been wrong before."
  15. Originally posted by WellHung Big difference between science building upon itself, And discrediting the available science at the time. Don't insult §m£ÂgØL and i'w intelligence. You can't weasel your way out of this one, doug. It was Much too big of an

    un reasonable, illogical mistake on your part..quit trying to save face…YOU WERE DEAD WRONG, TEXAN.⚘

    See, the thing is that even if science WAS wrong, it would be science that proves it was wrong, and discovers the truth.

    Humans have been wearing masks to stop viruses and other diseases from spreading for literally hundreds of years. This is not new science. We have tested it. The masks work to stop the coronavirus from spreading. SpectraL himself has posted a study multiple times showing the average medical mask can stop 91% of the virus from being spread outwards. That is fucking huge. And these people say masks don't work?

    Fauci LITERALLY helped write the textbook that doctors all over the world are using to educate themselves. It's called Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. It's been updated over the years, but has been used in medical schools all over the world since 1950. It's crazy how EASILY Republicans are willing to discredit him just because they THINK the science is wrong. They don't actually have new science to prove that the old science is wrong, as science usually goes. They think it's wrong just because 'well people are wrong all the time!'

    Yeah. People are wrong all the time. Like fucking you. Idiots were wrong back in 1918 about the Spanish Flu and they are wrong in 2020 about the Coronavirus too. I'm not fretting though. I'm kind of glad all the Southern Republican boomers are dying. They're literally most at risk being the oldest, fattest group in America. Gonna be a total wipeout this year lol. I can't wait for 2022 when the pandemic is hopefully over and most of the boomers who will die during this are dead.
  16. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't deny science, I just think its really overplayed for political reasons. Science has proven to wrong many times, because its always changing. people used to think the earth is flat now people think its a sphere.

    No. Science is never proven 'wrong'. If something is proven wrong, that is because it was INCORRECT science that either doesn't have the full picture or has a flawed methodology.

    People NEVER thought the Earth was flat. That is some retarded shit. And even if they DID actually believe that, how the fuck is that science? People believe retarded shit all the time (see: you) but you actually have to test your hypothesis, not just form it. Go ahead and tell me, how did people 'prove' the Earth was flat with science? How was it 'wrong'?

    Consensus science is very, very rarely wrong.
  17. Originally posted by Bill Krozby §m£ÂgØL lives in a blue state and thinks he can pregnant even though he's a guy, really faulty logic. And I'm actually more of centrist. Just because my parents are conservative doesn't mean I automatically believe in everything they do. In fact I disagree a lot of stuff they believe. I make my conclusions and they can't stand that. Somethings I agree with some of them I don't.

    you really talk out of your fat ass a lot.

    1. You're retarded.

    2. You're retarded.

    3. Holy shit you're retarded.

    4. It's SOME THINGS, not somethings. Holy fuck, you're retarded.
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby a fetus has dna from the mother and father. I bet you think black people aren't human just because they aren't like you. chalking it up to just being a fetus is just a way to discriminate

    Your shit has DNA from your mother and father, but it's not life.

    A virus replicates and has DNA, but it is not life.

    A medium rare steak has DNA from it's mother and father, but it is not life
  19. Originally posted by WellHung Douglas is only conservative because he lives in a red state and that's what his parents are… If he didn't have parental support, he would be dirt poor, and rely on governmental services. Then he wud be singing a different tune. Anyone who initially thought the virus was a hoax, should have their opinion automatically disregarded on everything.

    Lol yep.

    I have no respect for anyone who denies science.

    These people legitimately think 'herd immunity' will save us like it did in the 1300's

    Oh, wait...
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol you're cray cray if you believe all of that. I mean like you're a lump of cells so you're saying you're not human? really faulty logic.

    A child becomes a human being when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother , whether or not:
    (a) it has breathed;
    (b) it has an independent circulation; or
    © the navel string is severed.
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