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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Yep. Mods can close the thread now.
  2. Why are you gatekeeping trans people?

    What do they have if not gender dysphoria?

    Or is it just quality over quantity??
  3. It's going to be nice having America respected on the world stage again. Time to heal America and reforge relationships with our allies.
  4. Ugh indeed. I can't believe you would take that away from my comment. Lol.

  5. Originally posted by Solstice Why do black people hate pork so much

    they're not a fan of pigs
  6. Originally posted by Lanny

    I’d call a coin toss or worse of having a greater than minimal response to a drug pretty hit or miss, wouldn’t you?

    Uh, yeah I would. Why wouldn't I?

    I was more referring to your inane suspicions.
  7. Originally posted by mmQ Like I said. They have gotten you, easily, to pick side A vs side B. Everything you're saying is practically right in the script. They know the average person cant think past us vs them. As long as they (side C) have we (A vs B) vehemently blaming everything on one another, they win.

    You're just another pawn in their game and youre playing your role perfectly lol.

    You're retarded if you think both sides are the same with Trump.

    I would prefer another 8 years of Bush than 4 more of Trump.

    Thankfully we don't have to have either.
  8. Originally posted by Ghost That doesn't stop old johnny who has never broken the law in his life and legally owns an AR15 and has never expressed any extremist views in his life from waltzing down to the local biden circlejerk and letting a couple of mags go off in the general direction of a large crowd of people

    Rarely happens.
  9. Originally posted by Ghost No but you will talk about him and suck his cock every day likes thats any better. The only people that talked about Trump every day are mouth breathers like stl

    I will keep my Trump hat proudly displayed in the living room in this house hold as a reminder of the greatest political time in my life when things actually looked good until the media and whiny leftists ruined everything by crying and making Trump into the villain

    Like AOC said, the truce with Democrats has ended. Biden is still not going to be good enough, or do enough for America. We needed someone like Bernie Sanders or Yang. Now we have to wait till at least 2028 for another chance. These policies are incredibly popular with young people and bound to happen eventually. 60% of people 18-29 supported Bernie Sanders in the primary. Concessions will continue to be made, as they were during the Obama era when gay marriage was legalized across the nation, or Obamacare.

    Joe Biden is planning to raise the minimum wage and implement free 2 year college. Absolving student loans up to 50k is on the table. Democrats. Still waiting to see if the Senate gets won to see if that will happen. If it ends up being a tie, that means Democrats get control as the VP is the one who gets to be the tie breaker.
  10. The RC game in general is just dead. 2010-2014 was definitely the golden age. Grams of MAM-2201 for like 15 dollars. MXE for 20.

  11. Originally posted by Technologist Are you stocking up just in case?

    I usually try to keep like 10-14g on hand which is like a 2 month supply for me.

    I mean it's relatively easy to find at like ~6/g now.
  12. Even if you had all the fraudulent votes in American history in one single state, it would not be enough to sway the election.
  13. Originally posted by Fox He won’t “win” shit, the only way he maintains power is by abusing his court of sycophantic zealots to subvert our democracy, which seems unlikely but probably not more unlikely than a reality tv star being president. But I am looking forward to how upset you’re going to be when he “officially” loses

    Yep. Lost the popular vote in both elections. Should've never been President. Biden currently ahead by 5 million votes and Trump is still claiming he won the popular vote lol. He lives in a fantasy land, along with SpectraL and the rest of his lead-poisoned fans.
  14. Originally posted by Technologist I’m sure there will be a couple hundred people who have tried to “cheat”, and I’m sure they’re from both sides. Nowhere near enough to change a damn thing.

    Not even a hundred people. Only been like 1,000 cases in all of American history. It's such a non-issue.

    Still true. And Wray is a Republican.
  15. Originally posted by Cly Grylls, you gettin' freaky with the lukewarms?

  16. talkin bout dang ol mashlehash man, talkin bout classic poster on the dang ol monitor man
  17. Show of hands so we can all see who the brain damaged retards are.

    They were wrong in 2016 and they're wrong now.
  18. Originally posted by Technologist Please stop speaking logically G😁

    Man the Republican party really did a number on people with the socialism/communism thing. There are so many great real life examples of how investing money in people benefits the economy. Venezuela doesn't do that. Sweden does.
  19. ??
  20. Originally posted by Fox The trump militia is currently oiling their guns and gassing up their pickup trucks while you live in fantasy land.

    They will go back to being the silent minority. People will fall in line with FOX eventually..

    Never thought FOX would even remotely be a voice of reason but here we are

    Not u
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