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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by aldra there'd be a lot less chimpouts if people still got put in the branks for mouthing off

    You'd be fucking dead.
  2. We are literally posting on social media.

    Maybe she likes reddit.


    Facebook just sucks. I don't use it either. It's mostly for 30-70yr olds.
  3. Originally posted by Ghost if its hts it's always a discworld reference

  4. Originally posted by Misguided Russian Oh was he promising free gibs? Makes sense why the mexican fast food workforce likes him.

    Yep. $15/hr is 'free gibs'.
  5. Originally posted by Meikai This was the patrician's choice back in the day. Great site, thanks for the memories.

    Not sure if Discworld reference but thanked anyway
  6. cunningfungus is never implied, but must be freely given regardless
  7. Originally posted by Fox Yes I can, because I am smarter than you.

    Untrue. I am far more intelligent than you could ever hope to be.

    Just pray you don't win the lottery lmao
  8. Originally posted by Fox No shit. But sheā€™s not a 007 if she isnā€™t fucking everything that moves. She gotsta blow at least 2 cocks before the movieā€™s over. This is what equality is all about. Show us dat WAP baby, u go queeeeeeeen. Own ur sexuality gurl

    When did James Bond ever eat out a girl?
  9. Originally posted by aldra or anything really, it just makes these threads confusing as fuck

    And it fucks up links.
  10. Originally posted by Fox I only read the first couple sentences of each post. Iā€™m at work right now Iā€™ll probly go back and skim it some other time.

    You can't skim your way through education. That's how you got stupid in the first place. Read everything or don't bother at all, because your mind will just fill in the blanks where your eyes do not.
  11. Georgia won't save Trump anyway.

    His lawsuit claiming there was voter fraud in GA got turned down because he presented literally no evidence, as is the case for most of these lawsuits Trump's 90000,000000 lawyers are opening up. It's a whole bunch of shit for propaganda that won't help him win. They can open a case and come on FOX and say, "Look, we opened a case!" and then it makes viewers think it actually has some merit.

    But the cases are submitted without meat. No evidence. So they get turned down within a day or two. Then they get reported on left wing news. But you never hear about those. You only hear about the cases getting opened, so you think all this exciting shit is happening and that there's tons of evidence. But there isn't. All of your cases are getting closed. Boohoo for fucking you. Come on over to CNN and check it out. We're having a hoot.
  12. Originally posted by Fox TLDR

    Why aren't you willing to even discuss it? You clearly read the other ones yet it's like you didn't even retain the information. I am literally just explaining entry level macro economics to you. I gave you a link to a Nobel prize winner who has written about the same stuff as me.

    Yet instead of actually reading it and forming an opinion for yourself, you have decided to remain ignorant. That's very sad. It would benefit you to learn about this stuff if you ever came into any real money or wanted to start something besides a small business.
  13. Of course there's going to be pedophiles and terrorists. C'mon.
  14. Christ you people are easy to troll. No pedophiles or terrorists? Really?

    Nobel Prize winner btw.

    But sure. Call me a socialist again.
  16. Originally posted by Fox Youā€™re right letā€™s just give every American citizen in the country $2000 a week forever. In fact letā€™s give them $3000 a week. Increase it every year. The more we give away for free the more exponential our economic growth will be! Eventually we will all be quadrillionaires!

    So is it a good thing that the debt to GDP ratio has been near or exceeding 100% for the last 12 years? With this year being the highest ever?

    You are retarded. I've already explained this in previous posts. Holy fuck. NO. It's not a good thing, and it's not a bad thing either. It CAN mean instability but as I've ALREADY EXPLAINED TO YOU IN PREVIOUS POSTS, what is more important than anything is liquidity. I even gave examples holy fuck. Are you illiterate or just not reading my posts? Japan. Higher GDP/debt ratio than USA. Greece. Higher GDP/debt ratio than the USA. One has high liquidity, one has a low liquidity. Can you guess which is which?

    The USA has a high liquidity. It pays off its debts quickly, and accumulates debts quickly. If we had outstanding debts that weren't paid, countries wouldn't lend to us. And if they didn't pay, we wouldn't lend to them. America does plenty of both. This is how having debt works in macro economics. It's not a bad thing.

    Donald Troompiski had a lot of debt was a very rich man. Do you know why? It's because at one point, he had a high liquidity. He paid off his debts and acquired new debts. But he's an idiot that can't manage his money, so his liquidity went down. He stopped paying debts. That's when American banks stopped lending to him, and he turned to Russian banks who allowed him to start over and retain a high liquidity with Russian banks while having a stagnant debt here in the US.

    Basically the same thing happened to Greece and Spain. The same concept of liquidity applies. Except a nation doesn't have some central bank account unless they're a really shitty country. I can't even think of an example because it would be more of a lordship or some shit, where the central power is aiming to accumulate wealth rather than retain high liquidity. It's an outdated form of economy that does not function in this century.

    I'm not saying that nations should just give their countries money because the debt doesn't matter. Governments have to spend money in ways that stimulate the economy and increase local liquidity. So giving it to someone who will go spend it on food and gas and bills? That moves money through the economy. Someone who will hoard it/doesn't need it? That will hurt the economy because that money isn't going anywhere.

    So like ORACLE was saying, all of that stimulus money should've gone to the lowest income people. They are the ones who would spend it. They would get it moving through the economy and have wealth transfer to others. Give it to say, Kanye West's clothing company, and he probably doesn't need it. He's keeping that money. It doesn't go to anyone, or make anyone richer.

    But governments don't want you to know about this shit. It's beneficial for them not to, because then the money generated through a high liquid economy like the US can go directly into the coffers of the rich and elite. Like if you're wondering why people say colleges liberalize people, it's not because of the gay faggot clubs. It's because they learn stuff like this and become educated about how the economy really works.

    There is a reason Democrats are more educated than Republicans on average. There is a reason the countries with the best economies also happen to be those with the best educated populace. It's the educated who will push for policies like this. It's all about retaining high liquidity as both a populace AND as a nation.
  17. Originally posted by Lanny I met your mom about 9 months before you were born

    Lmao good inside joke. I remember that day.
  18. Wow that was a quick delete Lanny, well done
  19. Originally posted by Sudo Hey futureman I hope you had a good day. I miss you, can you call me later? I'll be having a bath and I want to hear my ringtone while I'm in the bath but I don't want to get my phone wet. I will bath from 9:17 est to 10:53 PST. Thank you hunny. Hearts and Muahs!

    holy fuck lol
  20. Originally posted by Fox We actually had this same sort of discussion before where you were denying that the last stimulus package was created from thin air and I showed you a transcript from an actual interview with the head of the US Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis literally on the record saying yes we just created the money electronically from thin air and then the Treasury Department printed it out.

    Your response was essentially lol that guy works for the Federal Reserve not the Treasury lmao. Which had nothing to do with the FACTS of what he was saying, and by the way the same guy also used to be Assistant Secretary at the Treasury Department too so he probably knows what heā€™s talking about here.

    I donā€™t need a pretend degree in economics from the university of Google to understand plain english

    I don't remember that at all. I was probably just fucking with you. If you had a brain you'd have realized it. But you don't

    Also lol @ a degree in economics. This is not hard stuff dude. Like, I just took the class to fill a requirement for my associates degree. If you read what I linked, you would understand it too.
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