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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Fox I never said we should have no debt, but anybody who thinks we should just keep increasing the national debt in increasingly higher amounts every year, never pay any of it off, keep printing money, and there will never be any negative consequences from this, is probably a delusional socialist like you.

    Jesus Christ you are uneducated.

    The national debt grows with our GDP. Debt/GDP ratio is a far better determination of how much debt we accumulate. Like I already explained to you.

    And we do pay off the debt you retard. It's not just a stagnant growing number. We are constantly working towards paying the debt. What we aren't doing is working to pay off the debt. If America really wanted to we could pay it off now by simply "printing money" as you say, but other nations would get pissed as fuck because it would wreck the world economy and probably send us into a massive worldwide depression.

    I don't know what you think this has to do with socialism whatsoever. I bet you can't explain it either. When Republicans are in office, Democrats bitch about the national debt. When Democrats are in office, the Republicans bitch about it. They're both idiots. Other nations have debt but their politicians don't talk about it because it isn't an issue and/or they aren't trying to dick measure in some retarded two party system.

    Also I just want to mention again that your idea of what the federal reserve is, is just totally fucking stupid. America does not have some central bank account where it keeps all its money. The debt is not high because we have mismanaged our money and can't pay our bills. It's high because we have the largest economy in the world. That is all it means.

    I supplied you with quality literature to educate yourself with. If you can't bother to take an interest in your OWN education, I can't help you any further. You can go the rest of your life thinking the national debt is some big bad bear. I don't give a fuck. If you want to get swayed by propaganda, that's your prerogative.
  2. Originally posted by Bugz Oh really? But he wont meet up with Luigi and I at Luigi's creepy specific location in Walnut Creek (creepy to me, not Lanny)

    Is this why he wont meet us. Did you try and rape him or something?

    Luigi is a literal convicted rapist. I'm not sure about you. Maybe he just doesn't like you lol. I tried to meet up with Malice too but it didn't work out.
  3. B.IDENS plans for police reform are abysmal. He's going to create a national commission to police the police. Apparently this will somehow hold them more liable instead of being just another arm of potential corruption. It might do some good but it might also enable further corruption. I hope he doesn't go through with it. Curious to see what he'll actually do because he hasn't talked about is as much as his other policies.

    This is why black voters generally are not a fan of him even if they overwhelmingly favor him. They just hate Trump and Republicans and general. Biden is still better but he's not fixing the problem. The country needs to follow the lead of Colorado and hold police unions responsible. Better training. Federal funds to be granted/taken away for misbehavior. All these things incentivize and promote actual culpability for police officers.

    Biden is just another blade in the mega guillotine, it's only important quality being how many heads it will chop. Until then I guess we'll all just shuffle forward and wait for our turn to be fucked, which is still MILES better than being actively fucked by a fat orange racist.
  4. Originally posted by Fox Imagine cis-splaining trans issues to a trans person lmao. You cisgender straight male chauvinist swine

    Man you're so surface level.
  5. Originally posted by Fox

    The entire US gold reserve is worth about half a trillion dollars that doesn’t even cover 1 year deficit.

    Get rekt moron

    Yep. You don't know what you're talking about. Gold standard is not the same as gold backed. That's why I specifically said so in my post.

    You are posting highschool tier comments right now.

    Try starting here. It might educate you on why debt is essential to a modern economy, and why your idea of a big American bank account is just totally false. I can tell you've never taken a macro economics or global economics class in your life.
  6. Originally posted by Fox Exactly and this is why we don’t need more gun control

    Nope. We do need more gun control. Having a machine gun isn't a constitutional right.
  7. Originally posted by Fox Yea, you. And there is no “reserve” money that they’ve been saving up just for us, literally all they did was add a bunch of zeroes to a bank account at the Federal Reserve and then fired up the printing presses. The money didn’t exist before that point. The US has no reserve money we are in debt over 25 trillion dollars with the deficit increasing every year for at least the last 7 years

    You have a very small understanding of macro economics. This is literally how every country in the world operates. The Federal Reserve is where they keep the gold that backs the power of our currency. And yes, the dollar is still BACKED by gold. What it isn't, is based on gold. This is basically just to signal that we have wealth. It's not a translation to how many dollars we have and has not been for nearly 100 years. This is how most countries work. Their wealth doesn't come from 'having money', it comes from the management of resources. Only very poor, very small countries have a bank account in the way you're thinking the US is supposed to have.

    The debt doesn't mean we have no money. Many countries with great economies have higher GDP/debt ratio than we do. Like Japan and Belgium. Other countries with a high GDP/debt ratio are pretty poor off. Like Greece, or Bhutan. This is not a debt that needs to be paid off. It's a debt that should ebb and flow with the economy, and is no kind of metric to how good or bad things actually are in that country. Doesn't mean shit for the average American. This is not like paying your bills. The idea is to create fluidity

    Other nations owe us a similar but slightly smaller amount. Many of them are nations that we owe money to. China and the US for example both owe each other money. That doesn't mean it needs to be paid off. It's not like paying your bills. The idea is to create fluidity and improve both economies. The debt doesn't really mean jack shit for the average American. It's more akin to GDP growth in that it is a metric of resource management. Having a large debt is good as long as you have fluidity, which the US does. Greece for example, does not.

    The best argument against high debt I think is that it decreases stability. The flow has to continue or your economy will suffer, and if can't be ensured for whatever reason you get fucked. This is part of the reason that the CCP opened up China around the same time that the soviet union fell. They were combating the problem of both of their economies suffering and did not owe/have debt with the West like they do today. This is the same reason why sanctions can be so damn catastrophic. You can try isolationism but it's pretty hard to get right and you usually end up with North Korea. Closing off economies does not work, and that's what the national debt is. It's the model our economy is based upon, not a problem to be solved. Mostly its used as an inflammatory political term to be used against your opposing party of choice.
  8. Originally posted by Fox Nobody wants to post on your shitty blog you fascist

    Good because you aren't invited. I've already talked to several who are willing to sign up. It should be up and running within the week or maybe next weekend. So far ORACLE is the only one who has signed up because I'm just testing. We are all tired of dealing with right wing retards like you.
  9. Originally posted by Ghost People lost jobs in both our countries but stores are open, you can go out and do stuff, the curve is on a wiggle woggle towards being somewhat flat and the media is saying that it was all just hype for the election to make sure Biden won through fear.

    Things are not that bad. I think at this point the economy is getting used to being fucked, people have been bragging for years about having recession proof jobs and most of the people I know who changed their careers to be things that are vital industries are doing just fine.

    The only difference is my country spent way more money and now everyone is on the tit and its completely fucked up, it should have been just a one time dollars but now everyone I know is on the covid tit, while still having a job to go back to, must be nice.

    Stores are open here. You can go out and do stuff here too. It's actually only the Southern states that are imposing any serious lockdown rules right now. They fucked up really bad and their hospitals are filling up. The only thing you can't do where I live is eat inside which is just dumb as fuck even before the pandemic.

    You guys only have 10k deaths so it isn't that bad. There are single cities here which have more deaths than your entire country. It's bad.
  10. Originally posted by gadzooks What would be your criteria for determining who can post and who can't?

    How would you quantify "terrorist" status and "pedophile" status?

    Simple. Pedophiles would not be allowed on. Nor terrorists. Anyone who I think matches the criteria will be immediately banned with no tolerance and no temporary bans. It would be INV only.
  11. Originally posted by Bugz He hates me and never banned me once. I think it's because "keep your friends close and your enemies closer rule"

    so you must be somewhere between friend and enemy? :/

    Me and him actually met up in 2014
  12. Just a reminder since Lanny likes to get drunk and play god.
  13. People who aren't willing to dress up as the opposite gender are just insecure in themselves. Same goes for not allowing their kids to do it. There is no harm in your son playing with Barbie's and wearing dresses, or your daughter playing with trucks and wearing uh, shorts? Oh wait. Wrong century. Women can wear shorts now. And pants. And short sleeve shirts. And shirts without sleeves. Etc.

    Not even that long ago parents were intentionally dressing their sons up in dresses. There were male dresses and female dresses. This could continue till adolescence too. It was normal. Pink also used to be a boy color.

    All this shit just goes to show that gender roles are fucking retarded. If it doesn't have to do with biological differences, I'm not interested. Women can wear whatever they want and so can men.

    I will say that the people who DO wear whatever they want are 80% of the time fucking weirdos, but it's their right to be weirdos and it says nothing about their masculinity/femininity.
  14. Yep Lanny is retarded. This is not the first enhancement that has utterly fucked with the flow of conversation. I'm working on making a new forum for all the cool people here. Lanny allows pedophiles and domestic terrorists to post here. I won't allow that.
  15. Originally posted by Meikai The media spent 4 years campaigning against Trump, which explains pretty much everything including the down ballot voter discrepancies and overwhelming voter turnout. This wasn't an election for many voters, it was a single issue referendum and that single issue was Trump. They made their voices heard.

    Goddamn right we did.

    Honestly it was black people who won this. Their voter turnout was insane. Trump pissed off an entire race of people. What did he think would happen? This is America.
  16. Originally posted by Ghost I have been shamed for the past 4 years for being a Trump supporter, ostracized from social groups and such. You think I give a shit? I have seen how people really are and I would never shame someone for wearing a fucking Biden hat.

    As much as I said I would troll the shit and bitch and moan if Biden got elected, I have realized it's not worth a second of my time, nobody has been complaining at all really unlike 4 years ago the day Trump got elected people wouldn't shut the fuck up and just bitched and cried non stop.

    Because thats all you are is just a bunch of cry babies that post MUH LINCOLN PROJECT every day and then post stupid shit like this thinking anyone gives a shit except you. If you think the only people that supported Trump are the typical load stupid Americans than you need to take a look in the mirror and count those votes again.

  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL Democrats won't even look at the truth, but that won't matter, where they're headed.

    To the White House?
  18. Didn't read. I don't care about trannies that much
  19. Originally posted by stl1 "Yet" beibg the operative word. Jan. 20 will be here soon.

    With the way Trump is hiding and Biden is in the limelight, it feels like he's already president. He's certainly acting more like one than that reality tv star ever had
  20. Originally posted by Meikai Although I'm personally of the mind that having literally any desire to transition indicates some degree of dysphoria, many of these people don't even necessarily want to transition. *shrug*

    Transition is scary and permanent. Many may still be in the early phases.

    You don't want your dick cut off do you? Maybe you're not a real trans
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