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Posts by bigthink

  1. bigthink victim of incest
    sudo, what have you done today?

    youre acting all.....weeeeeiiiirdddd

  2. bigthink victim of incest

    Post excellent wikipedia articles

    ill start
  3. bigthink victim of incest
    think u forgot me

    feeling especially low iq today
  4. bigthink victim of incest
    id probably bang a girl in a wheelchair.

    might gotta tie those atrophied noodles around my back tho for ergonomics. not sure what knot would be the most appropriate

  5. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Solstice Im drunk on Facebook and this girl in a wheelchair from one of my groups wants me to be her boyfriend and call her babygirl….fuck

    is the wheelchair a deal breaker?
  6. bigthink victim of incest
  7. bigthink victim of incest
    advice so far:
    >do meth
    >"just stop being anxious"

    Originally posted by Sudo dreams of dying dont mean mortality or your own death but are often metaphors for change or needing to change IIRC. Is it third person viewing your own body or just experiencing the sensation?

    the initial thoughts are always first person, followed by a third person's POV of the aftermath. (e.g. landlord finding my body in two months, paramedics pulling me out of the car etc.)
  8. bigthink victim of incest

    after you use this bad boy, you'll feel like a peasant using any other
  9. bigthink victim of incest
    every fucking day and night my mind wanders into the same recurring thoughts like: dying in my sleep, a truck tire exploding and braining me while driving beside it, neighbours/co-workers spying on me etc

    these are all followed by the predictable snowballing anxiety, causing physical responses, causing more anxiety. frustration, anger and bitterness are usual accompaniments.

    im in my mid twenties, near perfect health. dying in my sleep is FREAKISHLY unlikely.. etc.

    these thoughts are not rational, theyre old and i'm too aware of them, so why won't they go away.

    to no success i assumed, and remedied as if this was a byproduct of:
    -level of intimacy
    -lack of trust
    -little excersize
    -undiagnosed medical problems
    -drug use

    doctors are done with me, and irrational anxiety is wrecking my life.

    if the medical system has already given up, what are ways for you to unfuck your brain?
  10. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Ah yes, I remember when your mom submitted her thesis to me for peer review.

    Last night.

    hello: friend..

    it's nice to see a fellow necrophiliac in the wild.

  11. bigthink victim of incest
    wariat the problem might how you've worded your profile bro, it could be attracting the wrong kind of attention.

    link your profile and we'll review as a group. (more brains = more tang)ยน

    [1] NASA - space raaaaape diaries 2001
  12. bigthink victim of incest
    does Larry even read these things?

  13. bigthink victim of incest
    It'd be cool to get a notification of some type when someone quotes one of your posts.

    thhe thread subscription system is retarded btw. atleast on mobile. I wish subscribed threads bumps and quoted posts acted similar to the inbox notification system
  14. bigthink victim of incest

    e: used img instead of vid
  15. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by DietPiano Last night I had a dream where I for some reason got really close in proximity to one of my all time favourite old ladies at the nursing home and within a split second she was projectile pissing and shitting into my mouth while cussing me out, and then I woke up trying to get my head out of the way and much to my relief I just had some massive drops of drool on my cheek.

    you were probably talking in your sleep bro.

    'noooo grandma doooooon't' lol
  16. bigthink victim of incest

    yall aint even on krek (cept for dietp)
  17. bigthink victim of incest
    I help people out with 3d modelling issues weekly! I'd love to pitch in if you're having some hiccups.

    though I only work in solidworks unfortunately :( I can help you out in that environment, or you can send me the stp/stl to do something with

    side note: if you're looking for practical quality, probably the best standard home level printer is the prusa i3 mk3s but depending on the budget there are some really solid lower price options.

    here's a strange stand I made up for someone last week:

  18. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by DietPiano He was definitely smoking krek. I figured that out after I started smoking krek

  19. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol this. I wouldn't kiss a nigga I just want some dick you feel?

    fuck off faggot
  20. bigthink victim of incest
    my wife's bull is HIV positive. i've been ROCK hard since I found out. I talked to my wife and she promised that he'd always be wearing a condom. my wife is currently pregnant and the idea that only a thin bit of latex prevents his supercharged POZZED load from infecting my wife and her baby is the most erotic thing ever!
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