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Posts by bigthink

  1. bigthink victim of incest
    even though I'm gay, at least I'm not a fucking faggot
  2. bigthink victim of incest

    my boy acslater
  3. bigthink victim of incest
    busting a nut playing larry's leisure suite: wet dreams don't dry
  4. bigthink victim of incest
  5. bigthink victim of incest
  6. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by DietPiano I'm kind of degenerate I guess even though I'm equally as normie. But I don't think I'm any more of a bad person than I'm a good person, I'm a pretty nice guy when you talk to me, I don't make fun of people or act passive aggressively in public or even in private most of the time, I don't find any of that negativity helpful and I think it's kind of immature and it speaks when someone isn't willing to treat others with respect, and at least not with disrepect.

    jesus how many of us are there?

    I think i could id you as a degenerate irl though..

    >visibly a drug user (guessing)
    >Car is probably fucking smashed
    >Liekly wearing a polo tee shirt and adidas track pants while reading this
    >smells like ammonia
    >drives into 3 curbs before veering into the sun
  7. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by WellHung you think ur so fucking cool with all those beer cans, dont u?

    being a loser is in right now?

    I want to see filth and degeneracy

    that pic's meant to lower the bar

    why don't you post your den instead of whining friend?
  8. bigthink victim of incest
    wow, you guys own more furniture than i thought you would

    BEHOLD, the view from my bed (well, futon +sleeping bag)

    the futon is my only piece of furniture besides the chair

    i copped the chair sitting at the side of someone's house

  9. bigthink victim of incest
    hello space niggers, post your fridge, cupboards, or general living environment and rate others.

    I keep groceries on the left

    there's an entire cupboard dedicated to half used ichiban seasoning bags centered (I use the half bags for rice and Kraft dinner, it's truly the finest spice)

    and lastly, my I keep my plate and drugs on the right. i have 1 of every utensil and type of food holder (get at me ladies).

    I'm conflicted as to if this is all embarrassing+degenerate or... art

  10. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by WellHung Get a job, loser.

    HA! you'll be a fucken wagie cuck until u die, meanwhile ill be kicking back with neet bux like a KING

    thanks, your tax dollars are comfy HAHAHAHA
  11. bigthink victim of incest
    o ya, FUCK

    i wanted to ask how retarded it is to take benz+alc. Obviously is not the best combo but any insight as to what the practical limits are?
  12. bigthink victim of incest
    Alcohol (8beers), coke(1.5g). gravol(100mg) and lorazepam(3mg)

    Anyways, trying to chat, i kept reading sentences nobody wrote in my head. so I was constantly guessing where the convos at lol

    heard weird music and people ive never heard before, sounded like i was hearing it/them though an old radio

    felt like a semi-cohesive Khole where relaxing isnt allowed, conbined with a heavy gravol trip like where you see spiders spawned from peripheral anomalies and all.

    Very bizzare experience all around 6/10

    would have been 7/10 if not for the permanent brain damage
  13. bigthink victim of incest
    i am truly wasting my life not designing industrial sex toys for depraived beings

    lol "This is basically farm equipment and not intended for use on humans."
  14. bigthink victim of incest
    i keep paying for them but then the threads get deleted
  15. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by CandyRein Lmao@Aldra

    You out here cooking for real huh ?

    hey so I didn't intend to be mean about that whole purple pussy thing. if it's of any consequence*, we cool G?

    I'm feeling like moist dirt from the caucus region today.

    went to emergency room last night, was really fucked up when I* showed up, came home, you guessed it - got more fucked up. now I have to go to work in 5 mins.

    sacrifice me to a sub-par diety daddy
  16. bigthink victim of incest
    like uhh.. Microsoft reverse?
  17. bigthink victim of incest
    better not be.

    if it is I'm gonna throw it into the ocean
  18. bigthink victim of incest
    I still can't VC, atleast without pissing me jammies
  19. bigthink victim of incest
    just got a bluetooth keyboard for my phone yesterday. I can FINALLY write more than 5 words per minute and get away from Google's, swipe-drag-wrong word-again garbage. hard chat me daddy
  20. bigthink victim of incest
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