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Posts by bigthink

  1. bigthink victim of incest
  2. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych Ok I'll check that ty

    don't, it's a bad time to be checking ED
  3. bigthink victim of incest
    shiiii gryllis actually moved to Canada
  4. bigthink victim of incest
    feck lmao at there only being 1/2"of cement on a pile of garbage
  5. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Siu3d This site is still up?

    no fuck off
  6. bigthink victim of incest
    quarter for a disorder?
  7. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Johnjchevy Might as well be. The homeowners are so old their skin isn’t even waiting for them to die to start decomposing. Bitch asked me about 1000 times why I was “destroying her house”. She saw me ripping those giant ones out she almost croaked right there.

  8. bigthink victim of incest
    you're better off saying you're a syrian immigrant and leeching that 45000 of neetbux per year

    welcoming them at the airport or other port of entry
    helping to find a temporary place to live
    helping to find a permanent place to live
    assessing their needs
    information and help getting to know Canada, and
    referrals to other federal and provincial programs, and to other settlement services.

    basically they'll suck your dick
  9. bigthink victim of incest
    serious answer tho:

    based on who I think uses this site, Alberta, Quebec, or Nova Scotia are the best provinces to live.

    snows not that bad, and temp will only get past -30°C for a couple weeks a year now. and you better like shoveling that bullshit.

    be prepared to be taxed out the ass on **everything**. property, goods, vehicles, everything. insurance is expensive as fuck too.

    we make way less gross and net income value per capita also

    job market is **OK** if you're willing to move. if you're not, than it's not good.

    say goodbye to your cool guns. handguns and autos are more licencing trouble than they're worth.

    cheap beer is like $1.5-$2 per can I think. a cheap 40oz of liquor is $38


    free healthcare

    not much crime

    outdoor hockey 4-5 months per year

    less guns
  10. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Best place to cross is right at the St. Lawrence River at upstate New York/Morrisburg. You can basically swim right across.

    .... are we from the same town?

    cool tangent: if you want to buy a ridiculously fast boat, that's the area to do it. go to the police auctions and they'll have drug muler boats, matte black with novelty sized engines, for $500-$1000. these boats would get across the river before the coast guard can even dispatch
  11. bigthink victim of incest

    bro, just huff till you forget about your problems. it'll all work out
  12. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Sophie People like you use this site apparently.

    so you're all drug addicted homosexuals too?
  13. bigthink victim of incest
    how old are you people, are you NEETS, if not how do make money? what poor life choices led you here?
  14. bigthink victim of incest
    I think he used the shitty frame as a slope reference, then sort of.. pushed the peddles into frame from the outside instead of using forms
  15. bigthink victim of incest
    nigga what lol

    looks like 3/8" of mortar on top of a pile of pebble

    why only make the ramp 5ft ?

    so many questions
  16. bigthink victim of incest
  17. bigthink victim of incest
    why did you think you were going to jail earlier
  18. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Is that one of those indie films out of Nairobi or one of those countries?

    no, just some midnight with nipple high khaks.

    your comment reminds me of cannibal Holocaust

  19. bigthink victim of incest
  20. bigthink victim of incest
    elaborate plox
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