how else are we going to study pedophile relative to IQ.
Bill Krozby, ballpark how old are you?
are you saying he can telekinetically molest children?
how did he even get on the island? no conventional plane could fit that chair
I keep seeing pictures of him on the island of sin.
how/why was he so connected to Jeffrey Epstein
when i kms i promise to post the Livestream link here
shilling on other platforms. depends on the crowd you want though.
idk it depends how badly shes fucking with you.
tell us more about her and what she told your boss
niggers only use twitter, soundcloud and reddit as far as I can tell
2019-09-07 at 3:24 PM UTC
opiate OD without drugs
angryiv, dang you're right. but I think I'd be dead already.. the hospital didn't even mention the possibility
sudo, having a friend would be excellent. I've been trying to make one for three years. it's not easy when you're the only white guy in your shitty city of pajeets.
2019-09-07 at 2:03 PM UTC
opiate OD without drugs
i almost brained some bitch while waiting to see a doc last night.
she showed up in an ambalance. after getting out she immediately starts screaming/crying about a bunch of bullshit while assaulting the orderlies.
took 45mins just to get her to sit the fuck down and she got in before people that were there for 12hrs.
she was pretty hot though.
mid 20's,h addict, trashy as fuck.
would procreate through bedframe
2019-09-07 at 1:32 PM UTC
opiate OD without drugs
feck idk how to upload pictures on mobile
2019-09-07 at 1:17 PM UTC
opiate OD without drugs
ekg was alright. I should have mentioned that.
also that title is retarded lol
my brain feels like a hot slice of cum ATM