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Posts by bigthink

  1. bigthink victim of incest

    I can't find the vid
  2. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by bigthink after a bunch of research i determined that rehab is in fact, retarded.

    since I am also retarded, i found some government sponsored ultra liberal counseling service that'll use big brothers influence to get you into whatever org you want. it's scheduled for Friday…

    it was actually pretty practical. mostly just talked about why someone gets addicted in the first place.

    he basically just told me I need to go outside and get a friend

    lasted almost 3hrs

    some interesting discussion topics were:
    -what is the opposite of addiction
    -juxtapose shutout lifestyle with solitary confinement
    -what components of anxiety are irrational

    went better than expected
  3. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Wariat Most of those epstein victims also choose to work for him.

  4. bigthink victim of incest
    didn't see it yet. won't read your comment incase spoilers.

  5. bigthink victim of incest
    so glad I don't live around hood rats.

    if you're going to rob, stab or murder me, at least be cool about it.
  6. bigthink victim of incest
  7. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Yeah. That's pretty stupid. I bet it fucked you mentally.

    i wish i could tell, concussions and years of neglect and social isolation are really what did me in.

    now i only find solace in echoes of past events, before all of that.
  8. bigthink victim of incest
    liver and kidneys covered in supposedly "benign" cancer. not sure if related
  9. bigthink victim of incest
  10. bigthink victim of incest
    i barely watch American politics because they're retarded, but jesus christ your president's a simple speaker.

    he doesn't say a single sentence that a child wouldn't understand. that's effective as hell i wish i could do that..
  11. bigthink victim of incest
    sounds like somewhere in South America anyways
  12. bigthink victim of incest
    el salvador?
  13. bigthink victim of incest
    nah nigga, if someone can pm me I'll screenshot what I'm talking about.
  14. bigthink victim of incest
    4 months worth of cough syrup when I was 13.. or 14 idk
  15. bigthink victim of incest
    you sound like a non-passing trap version of Napoleon Dynamite.

    i gotta agree with sudo on this one, definitely would enjoy sexually assulting you
  16. bigthink victim of incest

    lenny just sent me this from his camera phone, thanks for the update
  17. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by WellHung I dont speak retard

    it's not directed at you lol, it's a continuation of ur post
  18. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by WellHung Ur one hideous nigger

    ya I hope that's not your aspect ratio irl
  19. bigthink victim of incest
    zooks this is probably when you take breaks at work. how many of these are yours?
  20. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by CandyRein Lmao

    why do you have so many orbiters on this forum?
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