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Posts by bigthink

  1. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 Starter fluid huffing was one of the most profound experiences ive ever had. It taught me the importance of the number 12. Id do it again but i dont wanna go retarded

    fucking right on, I thought I was the only huffmaxxer here.
  2. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Yeah, like I said you don't have much experience with drugs so your opinion doesn't mean much.

    You remember how much you did? I've kinda been wanting to try it again.

    I think it was like 2-3 nuts?

    I'm just guessing based on how full the bowl was before I chugged it with water
  3. bigthink victim of incest

    ... how'd you get a rectangular avatar
  4. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Did you do whole nuts or powder?

    I actually really enjoyed nutmeg. It felt like a weird psychedelic/weed/dph mix. Also it lasts much longer than a few hours? I mean it takes like a whole day to kick in.

    I hit the nuts on a cheese grater until I had about 7cm^3 (2.75in^3) of nasty shreds.

    it definitely had a cool head sensation but for some reason I remember feeling like trash and went to bed after a few hours
  5. bigthink victim of incest
    nutmeg lol

    i think i read about it on totse when i was 12

    basically it made me feel like I had the flu for a few hours

    other than that,

    huffing air horn cuz it gives you a wicked headache and it's hard to keep it a secret
  6. bigthink victim of incest
    mental acuity pitfalling along with composure
    post quality has dropped off the charts
    gotta figure out how to quit and not lost my job. called in sick twice last week.

    i envy people that have a friend or cool family / any support system.
  7. bigthink victim of incest
  8. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I want to move away

    but I can't jump out on my own first thing

    I would help with cleaning our house/apartment and I am a fun, funny and lovable person!

    come to Vancouver and just put up a tent.

    stick with the tent life for a few months and the government will give you a free house eventually.
  9. bigthink victim of incest
    lonely retard humor. fuck I need someone to drink with
  10. bigthink victim of incest
  11. bigthink victim of incest
  12. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Narc there's way more possible scenarios than just those two. lol


    "some say she's eight.

    but I say she's an 8."

    narc probably
  13. bigthink victim of incest

    The first sign was a seemingly innocuous word, used lightheartedly: “triggered.”

    As my 11- and 14-year-old sons and their friends talked and bantered — phones in hand, as always — in the back seat of the car, one of them shouted it in response to a meme, and they all laughed uproariously.

    I almost lost control of the car. That’s because I know that word — often used to mock people who are hurt or offended by racism as overly sensitive — ...

    “Hold on a minute,” I said, snatching his phone. “Was that Hitler?”

    The meme showed a man in contemporary clothing tipping off the Nazi leader to the invasion of Normandy. My son said he hadn’t even read it, he’d just assumed the time traveler was trying to kill Hitler, not help him. He was shocked and embarrassed when I pointed out the actual message: that it would have been better if the Holocaust had continued.

    “I’m not stupid enough to like a Hitler meme on purpose, Mom,” he said. “And anyway, I’m sure my friend shared it to be ironic.”

    Dr. Katz says. YouTubers and participants in chat forums like 4chan, the defunct 8chan and Discord “regularly denigrate liberal or progressive white men as soft, emasculated ‘MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs’ and insufficiently aggressive or right-wing white men as ‘cucks.’
    It’s not just a person in a K.K.K. hood but also the smooth-talking YouTuber in the suit or the seemingly friendly voice in the video game forum.
  14. bigthink victim of incest
    i loved mgsv until i got %50 in... then I realized the game was incomplete and trying to low effort sap me into beating it twice. not in a DS NG+ manner. you'll see
  15. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny 3 syallables.

    tow eee maa
  16. bigthink victim of incest
    if that's true and you're not actually a total faggot, than thanks.

    sounds like you could use a moped+handgun gangs protection

    "scum flex hard and brain some meat"
  17. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I believe in mind over matter being a real thing to an extent but man this is some bullshit, someone who shall rename maneless told me about this asshole. I wasted 40 minutes basically watching fear factor, fuck you, I should of killed you when I had the chance. Like there's worse things in life to endure than sitting in cold water, any smacktard can do that.

    I don't believe in anything anymore now, thanks for the lyfe lesson.. You are a tru guru, with ginko that we find, I've been doing all of this stuff since I was a baby, I did it today and everyday, what I do takes longevity which most people don't have. Dare to take the rational black pill fam?

    weak.. thats sounds pretty frustrating

    wanna join my mopeded+handgun gang?

    scum flex hard and brain some meat
  18. bigthink victim of incest
    i didn't know there was a celebrity here
  19. bigthink victim of incest
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you scared lil queermo?

    i ain't scurd
  20. bigthink victim of incest
    nice try fed I'm not sayin shit
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