Originally posted by Sophie
Good thread guys. It depends on the girl, if she's hot you act disinterested. Like thingy said, they'll see it as a challenge. If she's average, you make her feel special. If she's a teenager you make her feel like a real big important girl, take 'em out to do adult stuff. ( inb4 filing taxes)
If she's younger then 12, it's going to be difficult. But i would say as in all cases, it depends on her emotional state and needs. This changes as she grows up, she'll remember how you made her feel during certain critical moments though. Careful, because this can backfire massively.
What you talking about you fucking nonce all girls want to be treated like shit. It's how males assert dominance. Fuck them stupid like Dothrakis. If they don't like it, beat them.
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He's actually my old meth dealer that ripped me off so I ripped all his music off Facebook and put it on YouTube and send it to him saying "stealing is bad :)"
That's what I do to people that fuck me over I stalk them for years and try to mess with their life. One day when he has a wife and kids I'm gonna traumatize them all and collect what I'm owed
I'm good at remembering names
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Originally posted by Xalaxar666
I killed a random faggot in a park one night when I was 17. It's not like the united states where it would be a big deal, where I live everyone hates faggots and wants to kill them so the investigation went nowhere.
I want to lure a bunch of gay people to a house for an orgy, board up the doors and burn them all alive.
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Naturally Camouflaged
[connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
Originally posted by ScarletLetter
Ffs, play the game Rizzy!😝
Q. Just how would you respond if you find out—that, what you thought was a friend of yours, actually, turns out to be a stabbing/behind your back blabbing fucking hypocrite?
Get to my age you'll realise thats 99.999% of your friends. Yes the ones you have right now.
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Originally posted by Ghost
Yeah it's a real safe space I do hard drugs and listen to hardcore gangster rap, fuck censorship bitch I am high as fuck.
Also LOL at calling my young manly working man hands "feminine" when all you do is sit on your ass all day bullying employees and acting like a bitch. I have worked more days in my young life than you ever will.
nice bb gun
It came with the Condo lol.
Does anyone know what of hooks these things use? I hit the painting sometimes with my hand and it rocks but hasn't fallen down but when I looked closer after taking the picture I noticed it was leaning forward slightly. I think I can just grab and push it back but I have no idea what the hook is like and this thing is heavy as fuck.
Maybe I am just high and overthinking this, it might have always been like that. I will try to take another picture.
1) that picture has little bitch hands 2) someone with "manly working man hands" wouldn't have problems taking a picture down from a wall 3)
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