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Posts by Number13

  1. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by aldra it's more like an engineer that designs planes that keep crashing into the ocean
  2. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so how do you study women.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson at Mcdonalds while enjoying a big Mac
  3. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by aldra does she ever not


    I hope the EU dissolves, preferably in acid.
  4. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Ursula dun fucked up
  5. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    That a captured trench? I thought it was the russians that were supposed to be living in filthy trenches
  6. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    I've gotten a ton of ads on yt for eastern euro girl dating, I know that shit is people trafficking, it aint even hidden.
  7. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump She doesn't actually want either. She just wants electricity.

    She wants that fucking d cell
    Rattle a bag of triple a batteries at her
  8. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Going to meet Groceries next week. She'll have to take a train to Uzhorod then a bus to Vienna. Then she wants to come to Ireland. Amazing what having no internet or electricity can motivate a body to do. Thanks Vladdy Daddy for lighting a bit of a fire under her ass.

    She actually want the dick or just to get in to the west?
  9. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat actuslly no it isnt. otherwise chaos would reign on earth and the americsn civil war would never be fought by your forebears and the usa wouldnt exist today nor would russia or any major country.

    What the fuck are you talking about? Civil wars and revolutions are almost entirely about self determination.
    Are you actually mentally challenged? I just want to know so that I can go easy on you if you really can't help being that stupid.
  10. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat that was before the invasion. now they may not have chosen to as indicated by vsirous polls and the elecrions were sham or controlled by putin. either way no reason any refion should be able to just leave in any country and no country would sllow it including russia again look at vhechnya at one point they also wanted to be separate.

    It literally doesn't matter if a country would allow it, it's a human right.
  11. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat Those were sham elections plus no country in world would let a region or state secede without a fight even if they wanted to. Neither would russia like with chenya.

    Sham elections or not the entire area chose to break away from Ukraine years ago, and yes no country would but it's still a human right.
    Ukraine is particularly egregious for this as their laws say that for a breakaway region to be recognised the entire country must agree which no country ever would, by your own words, they're violating basic human rights by having such laws.
  12. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat those republics have no legitimacy.

    The right to self determination is internationally protected
    An overthrown democratically elected government is not legitimate
    These are 2 different things and I've already gone over them
  13. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Bradley what coup?
  14. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Bradley Explain this more. What is a spook? I'm sorry I don't follow the terminology. Do you mean to say that the US poured money into Kyiv in an attempt to westernize them as a buffer to future attempts at russia "russifying" them as they did in Crimea?

    Spooks are intelligence operatives, Ukraine was crawling with them before 2014 and have only ramped up since.
    Though you'll find spooks from any country in any other country too, the CIA certainly own or are high up in many western news media companies for example.

    And yes the US poured tons of money in to this shit, the coup was western backed and the current government has no legitimacy because of it.
  15. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by aldra

    how2get free drone?

    Cool to see those radio rifles working
  16. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Nuke Ukraine for bombing Poland?

    yeah lol it'd be hilarious
  17. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    For once I fully support a nato response lol
  18. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Welp already admitting it probably wasn't russia, usually it takes the world a long time to catch up to sense.
  19. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by aldra I don't think NATO has the stomach to get involved directly but they're running out of options to GET TUFF indirectly

    I meant the doing something insanely stupid when there's no reason or benefit to it just like the chemical attack
    Whatever it was wasn't an accident though because there were supposedly 2 missiles.
  20. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Looks like we're getting another Assad chemical weapons story with how believable it is
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