African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
Just remember it doesn't take a gun or a shooter to make people think there are either, it's a rally stopped if nothing else and in the final weeks at that.
African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
ON wikileaks, Ecuador apparently cut Assange's internet connection after being pressured by the US under the justification that he was interfering too effectively with their election process
the wikileaks twitter also indicates the US has engineered charges of paedophilia and receiving payments from Russian sources against him
I mean if the stuff he's releasing hasn't got shit on her they wouldn't shut it down and it should be the peoples right to know what she's hiding. Annex Ecuador.
African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
I think the last I watched was Parasite Dolls, was pretty decent but was a blatant clone of ghost in the shell which doesn't make it a bad thing but it was lazy, go watch it if you want more of that android bladerunner shit.
African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
His posts are genuinely insightful and if I could make a reality tv show I'd have him become a dictator of some shithole country and see what he does, honestly I'd imagine it'd become a powerhouse of industry, like a less population dense China, I believe in you Malice.
African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
I went with the family to the seaside, was pretty decent but overall was probably a worse way of spending my time. I mean I'm in england and I saw a shit load of muddies, one was even shilling on the street in his fucking pajamas. Food was alright though, coulda been better but coulda been a lot worse.
African Astronaut
[dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
Israel shall inherit the earth
JIDF get out
It's actually a pretty good plan, the kikes will keep killing muslims until the muds get strong enough to take over israel and then the jesus killers will get wiped out, this'll keep on going until one side is extinct and then the surviving one is a lot weaker and easier to kill.