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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    In addition, Snowden suggested an alternative to those who wanted to evade government surveillance. He recommended that they use end-to-end encryption, which results in messages being encrypted before they are sent over the internet. Almost all militant groups have taken Snowden’s advice. After the Snowden breach, ISIS even provided a tutorial on its websites about using end-to-end encryption.

    Regardless of how you try to cover your tracks there's always a way.
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    A lot of blacks that went on shooting sprees, and to a lesser extent, some whites, had complained about gang stalking before doing it.. Nobody listened.

    That guy is telling the truth. Not someone anybody should fuck with. Training, knowledge, and not being white is an advantage. Too aggressive, astral projection ability.

    EDIT: amazon is also in on the gang stalking program. So is facebook and google. Whites have a special form of stupidity, until this shit happens to them, they won't believe in it.


    Mentions amazon after 4:00
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut

    What he says at 1:51

    They notice you've got a talent...

    He's telling the truth.

    LMAO that guy is awesome. Fuck these goons.
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'd target the New York times if I were a terrorist. Just out of principle, because they're such brown nosing shitbags. Any news agency really, mainstream media/fake news.

    But anyways,

    That metal, when it contacts other metals, it slowly eats into their crystal lattice, making them extremely brittle. I'm wondering what it could be placed on in order to achieve some kind of catastrophic failure of something really expensive. It would take a while, but it might be pretty effective. Probably best to scratch whatever metal component you're putting it on first with sand paper or something, so the gallium has an easier time attacking it.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    And these are the kind of people the military wants to recruit LOL

    USA is so fucked.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    A fat black lesbian that was spying on you for a few years.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    May not have realized I was in my 30s and she was probably about 19. That's gross enough, but I could tell she was part hispanic and possibly something else.

    Yuck. Hispanics are prone to being brown nosers for the government, they're basically bred to be slaves. Every nerdy white guy around here seems to hook up with a hispanic girl, cause they cant attract a decent white woman. Don't hate hispanics, but I realize their true purpose, and it's unholy.

    Anyway, girls have this slimy quality until they're in their mid 20s at least. And by that time, they've usually got kids, especially if they're even 1/10th hispanic.
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG I think the police should pay you a visit

    They know better.

    EDIT: the military, NSA and FBI told them to leave me alone. And it doesn't have much to do with what you might assume
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Are you a homeless blond guy with long hair that rides greyhound buses?
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG So fucking edgy

    Depends on which personality I've got at the moment.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Don't know my IQ, don't care to, but all my siblings have an IQ between 130 and 150ish. That's before they started watering down the tests, too. And I'm not generally impressed. Because every other person with a higher than average IQ that I meet is a shit-brained libtard.

    Hence the conspiracy
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Being better than the "other criminals" on this site wouldn't be difficult to do.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Who told you that?
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    pillpopper is the same over-weight degenerate, closest case that he's always been, but at least he doesn't change his user name like all these other clowns.

    I'm sick of trying to have to figure out how gay people are because they changed their names
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    cupofcheer has a huge jedi-nose. It's like a beak. And there was always e-drama, but this site is like the soap opera version of totse. Cheese-ballz
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Once I get enough good ideas, I'll probably make this into a tutorial of sorts. Probably have some video tutorials along with it for the stuff that's harder to understand in text form.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    So while I was reading about (white) people living in south africa, somebody pointed out that most of the whites living there want to stay there, because they couldn't have that "way of life" in many other countries. I used to feel empathy towards them, seeing as they're often a target for african rape gangs, that simultaneously chop them up with machetes and rape them/cannibalize them. I started to realize this wasn't nearly as common as people let on, and it was more a scam perpetrated by white south africans than anything else because they simply want sympathy which gets them free stuff. I mean, most of these scamming white south africans own a lot of nice land in the countryside and make a shit-ton of money working for evil globalist corporations like Amazon and Microsoft, and live in their peaceful segregated white communities. The whole thing has been exaggerated.

    This lead me to realize, whites are often trying to escape their own homeland because it's so damn shitty. IQ tests were actually invented by Europeans, so naturally they tend to score better on them. Yet the countries that suck the most and are most oppressive, despite all the modern conveniences and technology, happen to be white european countries. White european and asian imperialist, "royal" crime families realized that africans actually don't make good slaves. They're not passive enough, they tend to fight back, always fighting with the police and such, resisting arrest. So the white european elite had to come up with a conspiracy to make the average white person believe they were superior to other races of people, that's when they invented the IQ test. And for that reason alone. It's still used in order to perpetuate this conspiracy and make whites feel a sense of superiority, yet white countries and governments are the only ones that come up with all these slave-master ideas, like forcing farmers to grow genetically modified crops, put fluoride in their water to make them dumb and passive, allow a shit-ton of hostile non white immigrants in. Basically they let their governments fuck them up the ass and they just take it. Not to mention giving all their enemies nukes and a bunch of other fucked up weapons. Generally just letting their governments and "royal" families peddle these retarded ass slave-master poisonous ideas to them. What other type of country would start teaching school kids that there's more than two genders? Teaching them to accept gays, trannies, even pedophiles.

    IQ tests are therefore, only one way to measure intelligence, and it's a eurocentric method. That's why it is clearly a globalist, elitist, imperialist conspiracy. Nobody but white countries are pushing these toxic ideas on their populations so successfully, although non white countries are starting (some of them) to be duped into following this conspiracy.

    Get a bunch of dumbasses (white people) to believe they're more intelligent, and you can sell them anything. Cause surely they're too smart to be duped. lmao

    Breeding themselves out of existence, trying to pervert the rest of the world in the process.

    That's how they think. The people I've met with the higher IQs, 130 to 160 usually, are also the most liberal. They love having the government fuck them in the ass, feel a shit-ton of white guilt and generally go along with the new world order/globalist agenda, and they think that they're being "edgy" by saying they agree with communism or socialism, trying to be defiant, but they're the biggest ass-kissers in reality.

    For every person with a high "iq" they're almost always going to be accepting the shit globalists feed to them. That's proof enough that it's a racist conspiracy.

    Anybody agree? Or disagree. I'm guessing most of you will disagree.

    It seems most people with a high IQ, that is, high intelligence by European standards, lack the sort of self-preservation type of intelligence that non whites have. Apparently, you can't be smart in every way. At least not if you're white LOL
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut

    A Pennsylvania man with an alliGAYtor is proving that emotional support pets can be both terrifying and comforting at the same time.

    Joie Henney, 65, of Strinestown, Pennsylvania, lives with two alliGAYtors, one of which is a four-and-a-half-foot-long, registered emotional support animal called Wally.

    Henney — who had his own hunting and fishing TV show, Joie Henney's Outdoors, for more than 10 years — became Wally's owner in September 2015, after a gator-rescuing friend from Florida asked if he wanted a gator.

    Henney, who had been involved with gator rescues in Pennsylvania prior to getting Wally, told the York Daily Record that he was 'always fond of' alliGAYtors.

    When Wally arrived at Henney's home, the gator was about 14 months old, measured only about one-and-a-half feet long and was apparently scared of everything — just like a dog or cat would be in a new environment.

    Henney, who grew up on a hog farm, told the newspaper that he had to use tongs to feed Wally at first, to avoid the possibility of losing a finger or an even larger body part, although he maintains that Wally has never bitten him or anyone else.

    While he might not have been able to hand feed Wally, Henney said that he was able to pick up the gator and comfort him, though.

    It took about a month to domesticate Wally, Henney said, at which point the gator 'was like a little puppy dog' and would follow Henney around the house.

    Much like a dog, Henney said, Wally is territorial and considers and empty kitchen cupboard his home. The gator has also been known to knock over garbage cans and enjoys lying on the couch and bed and making a nest out of the blankets and sheets.


    After getting Wally, Henney said he started taking the gator around to schools and senior centers for educational reasons, which was when he said that he started to notice that children with developmental issues, such as autism or Tourette's, seemed to be calmed by Wally's presence.

    I think Apex predators, including humans, can use their eyes and energy field to create a calming effect on things around them. Humans have to learn how to do this, but it comes naturally to other predators. Hopefully he doesn't use that to kill someone when he gets bigger. It seems like it'd be kinda dumb to assume that he won't attack people when he gets bigger. But it goes to show, predators like alliGAYtors and Sharks are more intelligent and emotional than people realize.

    lol "alligaytors"
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Most of them are incorrigible idiots, sociopaths. Not really worth helping, but I have this habit of finding drugs and money on the ground, sometimes lots. That's when I actually enjoy helping these animals. Found a wallet with 160$ in it once, returned it. The guy gave me all the money because he was so grateful someone returned it. So I helped a few of these dipshits out. I felt better returning the wallet, because the owner was a genuinely good person as far as I could tell. I found a 20$ on the ground the other day, and this crazy homeless guy came up to me and asked me for a cigarette a couple hours later, so I gave him a 10$ and pointed him towards the store. It was freezing out, so I figured he'd just buy some cigarettes and hotdogs or whatever. He went into the store and stole a bunch of stuff lol

    Probably bought meth or crack with the money.

    I have this idea of making and selling things to homeless people. Wind-proof arc lighters, cheap FM/AM radios and such, stuff crackheads and meth-heads can use, and most homeless smoke cigarettes or cigars. That way I'd actually be helping them instead of just selling them drugs like everyone else does. Corporations ( and drug dealers ) make a shit-ton of money from homeless people. I might as well take their money. I know a lot of homeless meth-heads that sometimes steal things I might want but not want to pay so much money for. If I ever needed thieves, I could recruit them, make them better thieves. Get em off the street for a while maybe
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Ah yes, water. Good suggestion. Water treatment facilities would be good targets, too.
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