No one will believe this at all. It's going to sound like I'm trolling. But here goes...... Because of my posts on totse and my activities before and after 9/11 involving the "pyro" hobby, as well as being an armchair activist, saying a lot of potentially violent anti-politician stuff similar to the stuff Spectral says, at some point...... These guys approached me that were ex army. The first one was 10th mountain division. He had a history of being really violent. Got away with stabbing a guy to death and I'm not sure the guy didn't deserve it. This dude had a-n-g-e-r(word enhancement changed a-n-g-e-r to "fea.r announced" big time. But I befriended him, or the other way around/whatever. Anyway, he encouraged me to join the US Army. Maybe he saw potential in me to do what he and some of his friends did, I don't know. But I suspect someone may have put him up to it. It got weirder. He introduced me to this guy who was a R.a.n.g.e.r in the army. Cool guy, but I immediately suspected he was still working for the federal government. Not the best actor. Good actors aren't as easy to find as mediocre actors, they're kind of rare. I figured it had something to do with my posts on totse and my other activities. I knew they'd been watching me. No, they won't come knocking on your door just because you know how to "search youtube" or blow shit up. But they will, because of the patriot act and some other laws and some unwritten rules, monitor you for the rest of your life in case you have a personality change and become violent. Sometimes they'd rather recruit people like us, if they think we'd be effective in some way for some job.
So, turned out this guy was a pretty decent hacker, and knew a bunch of other hackers. Two of his best friends were actually PsyOPs teachers in the US Army, so very high security clearance, they could make pretty much anything on a person's record vanish if they wanted to. Generally, good people, but not the kind of people you'd want to piss off. We often discussed esoteric subjects, paranormal stuff. But my friend was extremely paranoid about certain subjects because he knew they'd always be monitoring him for the rest of his life. Couldn't talk about certain things. It turniped out, he had paranormal abilities. This goes back to the Army's Project Jedi and Stargate, which the CIA and Army have been collaborating on for years. He was not, as far as I know, directly involved in any of these projects, but the Army knew he had these abilities. One day we were talking about meditation and he taught me some stuff about guided meditation. That was the first time I'd ever tried guided meditation. After that things started to get really weird. People started overtly following me around, commenting on my activities. Couldn't figure out why at first, but one day I smoked some weed my friend grew, ex airforce, another guy that just mysteriously appeared in my life one day around the time totse was shutdown, and befriended me. Genius level IQ, electrical engineering and hacking skills, etc.
I was crossing a road and that's when I realized, I could fucking slow down time. I had a friend who was a vietnam veteran that,, long before this, we were discussing coast to coast AM and paranormal stuff. I told him, you'll think I'm crazy but I've seen a UFO and I described it to him. He told me "youll think I'm the crazy one if I tell you this, but when I was in vietnam, I developed the thousand yard stare and realized I could control people with it." he was a sniper...
I developed the same stare after years of getting brain injuries and being awake for days, paranoid one of my enemies was going to kill me. But it took forever to realize it, that day when I was crossing the road, I blew out the weed smoke and relaxed my eyes, not trying to do anything, but stared at the oncoming traffic... Every car started slowing down, real slow, going the same fucking speed. One of the girls in one of the cars noticed, a passenger. A look of bewilderment on her face. That's when I realized. They were grooming me for some important job. When I was younger I thought it'd be cool to be a CIA agent. Learn some stuff about the secrets they keep from normal people. My friends knew this. They wanted me in SF in the Army. Shit got weirder. They amped up the stalking, but they weren't really mean about it. It was just these people in the background, looking out for me and commenting on my activities. I realized, me and my friend were talking one day ,and I learned an explosion messed up one of his ears in the Army. I told him I thought hearing damage could induce telepathic, or long distance hearing. He said "DUDE. I've never told anyone else this, but I've been thinking the EXACT same thing"
So, turns out though, Andrija Puharich did work trying to find alternative ways of hearing, for the CIA. They found them alright. Puharich was obsessed with paranormal stuff. Claimed we could all take missiles down with our minds. He was right.
But these skills do not come easily. Some people are naturally much better at them. Telepathic hearing, (not talking about V2K) can make it easier to harass a person, as it's greatly enhanced when a person does certain drugs, namely weed.
So after I pissed him off, they started using DEWs on me. Turns out, exposure to extremely low frequency sound waves and electromagnetic ELF waves can enhance these abilities. (See gateway process analysis and assessment)
It has to do with brainwave entrainment, frequency following response, and the kundalini. Kundalini syndrome is real, and they used it to punish me, enhancing my powers as a form of punishment. It feels like you're losing your fucking mind. But you're not.
It also turnip'd out, my friend was trained as a ninja. This is actually more common in the US military than a lot of people realize. select people who they feel have the potential to be great at this. Eventually I realized I could do remote influencing quite well, possibly better than anyone else on earth. The strangest part, the ability to synchronize everything around me, everything that's moving. Yes I realize atoms are always moving, but I'm talking macroscopic motion. On certain days, if I'd stayed awake long enough, or gotten injured, or smoked the right weed and drank caffeine, I was able to control the entire world to some extent. But I didn't really want to.
I started practicing, and at first "they" were freaked out at how powerful I'd become, but realized I wouldn't do anything bad with it. But I had to practice.... I keep discovering new abilities. One is super-human speed. It involves a macroscopic spinning motion, involving the kundalini, as you begin running. It's kind of strange... It all is though.
Anyhow... I can talk about this, because there are certain people on this site that know this is all true, but most won't believe it. So they probably won't try to punish me too hard for it. Nobody, outside people in the know, will take it seriously. But this is all real. It's all true. My life could make quite a novel. I may actually write a book some day, but probably not entirely about this type of stuff.
So there's my rant. The CIA and Army turned me into some kind of undead ninja with magic powers, and I'd rather just be normal(sort of). I am isolated. I cannot trust anyone anymore. I don't hate them for doing this, but it's pretty fucking messed up in some ways. Not being able to trust people is the worst part. For a while they were sending beautiful women to seduce me, but I ignored them. How faggy ,right? That's how some of my former friends felt. They would take the bait. But what's the point, when everyone around you is basically a form of AI? None of them are real.
TL;DR undead ninja with magic powers being a whiny bitch