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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Because the US was created as a puppet state for proxy wars by Britain. Britain also created Israel with the Balfour declaration and left the responsibility of taking care of Israel to the US so as not to be blamed for Israel and the war crimes it commits. But the UK has been behind all this the entire time.

    Proxy wars are very clever if you have puppet states to do your dirty work for you. Iran's first and only democratically elected leader decided to nationalize their oil industry so as to not be ripped off by the British on oil prices, so the UK government sent the CIA over there and overthrew Mohammad Mossadegh and installed the Shah as leader of Iran.

    Along with the Tavistock institute ensuring that race based hatred is always going to be alive and well in the US, the UK has many other institutions and fake news agencies along with the CIA to make sure that UK has it's favorite middle eastern puppet state supported and protected.

    Is that clear enough?
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    An animal that creates a new anus every time it needs to defecate has been discovered by scientists.

    The primitive creature, called a warty comb jelly, does not have a permanent orifice for removing waste.

    Instead it produces a tiny opening that disappears as soon as it has excreted its waste.

    Animals with several anuses have previously been discovered and some use the same opening to consume food and release digested waste.

    Comb jellies resemble jellyfish but are actually members of the unrelated ctenophore group of animals.

    Sidney Tamm of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, published the research in Invertebrate Biology.

    It was already known that they have a digestive system which is made of a separate mouth and anus.

    But Dr Tamm was unable to find the permanent anus of the Mnemiopsis leidyi.

    'That is the really spectacular finding here,' Dr Tamm told New Scientist. 'There is no documentation of a transient anus in any other animals that I know of.'

    Analysis of the animals revealed a tiny hole that opens when it defecates and almost instantly closes again.

    'It is not visible when the animal is not pooping,' Dr Tamm added. 'There's no trace under the microscope. It's invisible to me.'

    The animal's guts are not connected to its rear. Instead the culmination of waste expands until the creature's guts touch the animal's outermost layer, the epidermis.

    A seamless transition then sees the guts and the epidermis fuse together and create an anal opening.

    As soon as the waste has been dispelled the process is reversed and it disappears.

    The researcher claims the find suggests an intermediate stage of evolution where an anus is needed but has yet to become a permanent feature.

    It suggests this feature may have been widespread in the past, but now the wart comb jelly may be the only animal on Earth with this unique ability.

    Maybe there's hope for GGG after all.
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    6 years.
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    What if it's really a big fat guy posing as a woman? That's sort of like falling in love with a cartoon.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i was homeless for 2 weeks when i was 18, i had a job at heb, i went to the homeless shelter the salvation army and they wouldnt let me eat because it was after "supper time" (even tho i just took a bus ride that way and was literally wearing a heb shirt and not a nigger) but they had a cot for me where it was basically worse than jail in the way that there was a bunch of niggers and it was dirty and i really felt like my shit would get stolen, i laid there for like 10 min contemplating back when i did that better.. and i was like this is for niggers, i was pretty grossed out and left and went to one of the upcoming buildings soon to be turned into condos to sleep, woke up with construction workers honking at me and had to leave. I would sleep over by the lake and eat a bunch of oxy to make it easier.

    What was fucked up was i used to work at heb as a kid and my parents would go there and errr thing for years but when i brought in my backpack after sleeping on the ground all night there would be one bitch that would say you have to put that in your car, and i was like i don't have a car.. and she was like then then why did you bring it and i was like its everything i have.

    i even went to my church where i was baptized and did the whole thing but i wasnt allowed to sleep there because my parents told me to never let me in. I laid outside underneath a thing and the janitor came out and hit me with a broom and i took it away from him and threw it in the street and just went and slept under a tree.

    what a fucking cunt

    Worse than jail, yeah, that's what nearly every homeless person told me about homeless shelters. A lot of them felt safer in prison. In my city's shelter apparently the guards often rape the homeless and steal from them, and it's disease infested. Some of the mentally ill people in the courtyard will diarrhea shit themselves, and the workers have to come and spray it off with a hose, but that just spreads the shit everywhere to everyone else's mat.
    They get a bunch of middle class pretty white people for public relations, to take pictures of them at the place volunteering, but they don't show what the place is actually like. It siphons millions of dollars from the homeless community and city government/tax payers.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers You're not brown because you have brown hair, Bill Krozby. You're still a white guy. And you're pretty fly. And no, I don't listen to that song.. or band… unless it's by The Offspring, then I do listen to a few songs by them… sporadically. Also, just because a white girl told you she doesn't date white men, doesn't mean she didn't want you to have sex with her. Otherwise she wouldn't have matched with you. Game has nothing to do with this; in fact, there is no such thing as "game." It's all looks-based. If you don't look a certain way, you don't get to be a part of the game.

    Bill Krozby, like a lot of mentally retarded hispanics, believes that even though he's white as paste, he can pull the race card and claim he isn't white. There's a lot of those in Austin. My city tends to be darker in complexion, unless you go to the richer neighborhoods, then more of them are paste white like Bill Krozby.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers You'd have to revert, they don't let people who aren't Islamic in Mecca or Medina. Even when the Shias took the Kaaba hostage and French soldiers came to help the Arabs, they had to revert before they were able to enter Mecca. I gotta hand it to the Saudis, while their royal family are jedis, they do know how to LARP as Islamic when it's absolutely necessary.

    Similarly, I've never been to the UK myself. And I'm not so sure if I would want to go, some people might mistake me for a British citizen and would proceed to throw acid in my face.
    The Saudi royal family is also a creation of the British. Similar to Israel being created by the British, it did not really exist before the British seized control of the Ottoman territories and created it. Nor did saudi arabia. The british empire has been doing this kind of shit all over the world for a long time.
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Wrong they're Nazis. Duke Phillip's sister was married to one.

    Incorrect, they also created Israel with the Balfour declaration and then blamed it on the Americans. The americans were dumb enough to fall for it so they too are a puppet state of the british royal kike mudshark family.

    Astonishingly, England believes it is the House of Israel. The tribe of Ephraim. The first-born of G-d (Exodus 4: 22; Jeremiah 31: 9). Its bloodline stretches back before the coronation of King David to the Egyptian Royal House, thus making it the oldest living dynasty in the world. Britain’s jedi roots are still in place. The Israeli Embassy in London is on crown land. It was Britain who created the new jedi state. Like Joshua (Numbers 13: 16), it was an Ephraimite who led the Hebrew tribes in conquering Canaan. The Queen’s sons and male heirs are circumcised by a mohel. A Rabbi dutifully visits the family every erev Shabbat.

    The Song of Solomon, an interracial love story, chosen for Harry and Meghan’s wedding was in fact the Queen’s suggestion. This begs the question: when is British royalty going to tell the world who they really are? And how would the jedi world react to this news? Oy gevalt!

    British people should really be exterminated in order to save the world from international jediry and their gift of 'multiculturalism' and political correctness, along with the US

    Not only that, but Hitler made a pilgrimage to Britain before his rise to power, where he was brainwashed("inspired") by British intelligence. The entire war, world war two, was a creation of British intel all along.
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo Fucking rid the world of the royal family and all affiliated with them.
    That's going to be difficult, they're jedis. The nazis already tried that and failed.

    Also, Harry's mother was a mudshark. This baby is going to turn out real confused.
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls Quick question op

    i just wondered, how come almost all of your stories are from the daily mail or other british sources?

    Dailymail has been around forever. I think everyone that works for them should be slaughtered and their buildings firebombed, but they do cover a lot of stuff other news (or tabloid) companies won't. Plus, along with the news, plenty of mindless entertainment. People complain that it's a tabloid but American media isn't any better than a british tabloid.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed So nothing happened?

    Other than police being overly aggressive towards a guy not doing anything wrong. I understand they have to "take the call" but it's really stupid that this happens so often in the world. In a way though, the more people cry wolf, the less cops are likely to take this sort of thing seriously. In fact, it should be done deliberately on a regular basis for that very reason. Robocalls for this sort of thing would be hilarious.

    Colorado has way less cops than my state, but they're still doing the same dumb shit apparently. I got stopped once for wearing a white t shirt and blue jeans because someone reported a mexican prostitute panhandling at a convenient store who was over a foot shorter than me and dark skinned.

    This obese cop showed up started asking me dumb questions and I said "You know, the guy that you got called about was a foot shorter than me and hispanic"

    But he wouldn't listen, kept mumbling stupid shit, asked me if I'd ever been arrested so I said "I don't like these questions, they're kind of stupid given that I already explained the fact the guy you got called about was a different race and over a foot shorter"

    So he said "Do you want to be arrested?" I told him "you're way too fat to catch me anyways man" so he tried to get out of the car and go after me, I bolted down the road, and the dumb fat beaner cop didn't know the road was blocked off, so he went after me in his car till he got to the road block, I took off over a golf course and he shined a spotlight at me, but I zigzagged and lost him real quick. Dumb fat ass bean pig.

    Stuff like that makes me want to kill millions of cops. They have no right to waste someone's time and potentially put them in harms way over false assumptions. And the 911 dispatchers always get the information wrong. Cops here protect sex offenders and go after innocent people.

    I'd rather they never even have the chance to run my ID or put their fat greasy pig fingers on me.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG You should read my thread on post-ingestive feedback. It is possible to re-train your tastebuds into enjoying and craving healthier foods.

    Yeah, most people will never do that though.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I guess ArmsMerchant is a white supremacist after all. He always said racists should be gut-shot and plowed under for fertilizer yet he wants to replace a dark skinned Venezuelan congress with a white skinned one that panders to the fascist capitalist american regime. What a maroon. I posted a topic on this in the compton gazette.
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Expanded clay pellets are good, but they're kind of a gimmick as they're ridiculously expensive. For like 10$ you can get an entire truck bed full of river gravel and it's much easier to clean(although you don't have to clean it ever depending on your setup)

    Flood and drain aquaponic is probably the easiest for a beginner. A cheap 20$ fountain pump is about all you'd need, and maybe a timer.

    If you can't take care of fish, you probably can't grow weed correctly anyway
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Looks like a cartoon character crossed with a tim burton character crossed with a jim henson character. And this is the richest man in the world
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Distressing video has revealed how a black man was confronted by at least five police officers while picking up trash outside his own house in Colorado.

    Footage taken from inside the home in Boulder shows the man, who is identified as Zayd by his friend, having an angry conversation with an officer on Friday morning.

    Boulder police have now launched an investigation into the incident after the video caused fury when it was posted online.

    As the video starts, Zayd can be heard telling the cop that he has 'no right' to be detaining him and asks why he has his hand on his weapon.

    Meanwhile the cop can be heard shouting back at him to 'put down the weapon', referring to the litter-picker in his hand.

    Reinforcements soon arrive as at least four other officers surround an increasingly irate Zayd, while his friend shouts at them to leave from inside the property.

    Zayd can be heard repeatedly telling the officers that he lives at the property.

    At one point he claims there are eight officers surrounding him, though only five are visible at any one time in the video

    After almost 15 minutes the situation begins de-escalating and Zayd goes over to have a conversation with one of the officers.

    The two men spend several minutes talking before sharing a fist-bump as Zayd walks back into the house and the video ends.

    Boulder police say they are now investigating the incident.

    A police press release said the altercation began after an officer saw a man sitting in a partially enclosed patio area behind a private property sign around 8.30am.

    The officer asked the man whether he was allowed to be there, to which the man said he lived there and was picking up trash.

    He then showed the officer his school identity card.

    The officer detained the man to investigate further and then called for backup, saying the man was unwilling to put down 'a blunt object', meaning the litter-picker.

    A supervisor and several other officers responded to the call, but left after determining that the man had a right to be there.

    On Monday morning the police force launched an internal affairs investigation.

    The Professional Standards Review Panel - which is made of six community members and six members of the police department - will then review the findings and provide a recommendation to the chief of police of any further action.

    That's fucked up. When will the madness stop? It's hard not to hate cops sometimes. This guy did nothing wrong in this case. I mean maybe he did something else at some other point in time, but surrounding the poor nigger for picking up trash? In his own fucking yard. WTF?

    And don't assume this doesn't happen to white people too. It can and does. Police stop people for the dumbest fucking reasons.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Harry Potter + Max Tegmark × an 80s guitar solo ÷ microwaves = chicken pot pie my nigga
    Some level 99 harry potter shit.
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    He was extremely close to achieving his goal: Tesla performed numerous tests and experiments by applying high-voltage, high-frequency altering current to object. In one of his tests, when he applied high-voltage high-frequency alternating current to a pair of parallel metal plates, he noticed that the ‘space’ located between the plates turned into what he called as “solid-state.” This means that the area located between the plates exhibited attributes of mass, inertia and momentum, transforming the area into a state where a mechanical push could be exerted.

    Better yet, Tesla found out that powerful electromagnetic waves could be used to push against (and pull against) what appears to be ’empty space’. The drive principle is based on the Hall-effect used in semiconductor magnetic sensors, and is called the magnetohydrodynamic (“MHD”) effect.

    I want to say a little bit, my opinions of how these things(and Tesla) are all related.

    Magic, at least hermetic magic, can be defined as will plus imagination. From what I have seen and experienced (myself and several other people I know in real life who have witnessed the same UFOs and certain other strange phenomena)these things are all in fact connected and they are real, but unexplained due to falling under the category of US national security secrets. The human body and DNA itself actually emits various electromagnetic waves, of various frequencies, from ELF waves to microwaves and even visible light. Andrija Puharich did research for the CIA investigating ELF waves and brain-wave entrainment and he claimed that when a person becomes psychically active, their brainwaves switch to 'beta' and more specifically, 8 hertz. What I am proposing is a theory that you're probably not going to find anywhere else.

    Puharich claimed that 8 hertz was a spiralling frequency and that it was not affected by the normal laws of physics the way that normal frequencies are. I believe he was correct. 8 hertz and possibly certain other frequencies are unaffected by our concept of time. This would partially explain the time anomalies such as in this thread

    There is something that remains a national security secret that has been known to certain militaries for thousands of years and it involves a concept known as the "evil eye" and one known as the "thousand yard stare". At some point, certain people realize, especially after traumatic experiences, that their stare can actually alter the fabric of space and time. It can actually control the flow of time. This is related also to the concept of the Kundalini, a spiralling electric power that is also associated with trauma and meditation. It induces an electric current in the human body, which if done incorrectly with drugs or trauma, can actually damage organs in the body. The stare is simply an extension of a person's consciousness, their senses. The ears, and even the sense of touch, can also affect the laws of physics and the flow of time. Consciousness itself can be used for levitation. DNA is a very powerful thing indeed. These aliens or whatever you want to call them, had realized this, and built their crafts accordingly with their knowledge of consciousness and how it relates to and controls the laws of physics and their properties.

    UFO sightings have been around for thousands of years, but specific sightings started happening in the timeline correlated with Tesla's research and his patent of the "ideal flying machine"

    I think Tesla was right and he admitted to communicating with "other worldly" entities. Possibly aliens?

    I believe also that Richard Lighthouse was most likely correct in his theory of the "blinking" of the universe. Advanced models of these crafts probably utilized a terahertz frequency in oscillations of their electromagnetic fields to alter the fabric of space time in a way favorable for long distance travel between star systems.

    I'm partially posting this, or maybe mostly, because I wanted a reference point here if I forget anything, I can later update this thread, or if I learn or remember anything. People ponder this stuff a lot but I've found little evidence that other people outside Tesla, Lighthouse and the US government had connected it with consciousness and perception and how it relates to the concept of anti-gravity and time travel. I believe these crafts act in a way similar to the human eye, that they somehow have a sort of consciousness of their own which is used for faster than light travel, and even time travel. Martial artists for a long time have believed that if you reach the highest level in martial arts, you gain precognition. You know what your opponent is going to do before they do it, or at least, your body does on an unconscious level, and you react accordingly, which gives an advantage over the opponent. The "Flux liner" story seems to be correlated with the concept of these crafts possibly having an artificial consciousness, as the pilots were supposedly able to control the crafts with their minds. The human bioelectric field is a dynamic and extremely powerful source of energy and I believe that it may be possible, that certain points of the human body, such as the center of the eye, its specific geometry at the pupil and lense, how it simultaneously takes in light and puts out a specific frequency. It seems that it may be stressing the fabric of space time around the eye and creating a focal point, to concentrate energy in a way that allows it to control the fabric more directly.

    So if you wanted to build one of these anti-gravity (and possibly time-travelling) crafts, you might want to base it on the human eye and the human body in general and how its bioelectric field interacts with the world around it. Of course, you would need proof that it does anything extraordinary at all before you were to base anything on it....

    ;;;;; I'll edit in more later. To be continued.

    EDIT: that was fast.

    David Swenson of 3M Corporation describes an anomaly where workers encountered a strange "invisible wall" in the area under a fast-moving sheet of electrically charged polypropelene film in a factory. This "invisible wall" was strong enough to prevent humans from passing through. A person near this "wall" was unable to turn, and so had to walk backwards to retreat from it.

    This occurred in late summer in South Carolina, August 1980, in extremely high humidity. Polypropelene (PP) film on 50K ft. rolls 20ft wide was being slit and transferred to multiple smaller spools. The film was taken off the main roll at high speed, flowed upwards 20ft to overhead rollers, passed horizontally 20ft and then downwards to the slitting device, where it was spooled onto shorter rolls. The whole operation formed a cubical shaped tent, with two walls and a ceiling approximately 20ft square. The spools ran at 1000ft/min, or about 10MPH. The PP film had been manufactured with dissimilar surface structure on opposing faces. Contact electrification can occur even in similar materials if the surface textures or micro-structures are significantly different. The generation of a large imbalance of electrical surface-charge during unspooling was therefore not unexpected, and is a common problem in this industry. "Static cling" in the megavolt range!

    On entering the factory floor and far from the equipment, Mr. Swenson's 200KV/ft handheld electrometer was found to slam to full scale. When he attempted to walk through the corridor formed by the moving film, he was stopped about half way through by an "invisible wall." He could lean all his weight forward but was unable to pass. He observed a fly get pulled into the charged, moving plastic, and speculates that the e-fields might have been strong enough to suck in birds!

    The light beams, and the fact that some people believe they're able to both push, pull and do all sorts of other things, as well as possibly being a form of "solid light" seem to indicate that I'm right in my theory.
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I want some GMO watermellons that produce mannitol hexanitrate crystals.
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    A man in Florida allegedly firebombed his own car on Saturday - despite just paying $300 to retrieve the seized motor from an impound lot.

    Ayub Mule Abdulrahman has been arrested and charged with arson and manufacturing and transporting firebombs after allegedly throwing Molotov cocktails at the vehicle.

    The 27-year-old arrived at All Makes Auto Sales on Saturday afternoon to pay the towing fee for his Nissan Altima, which had been impounded for a month, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

    Auto shop owner Darnell Maurice Adams was in the process of getting his keys back when a car in his tow lot was seen on fire.

    The owner reported seeing Abdulrahman running away from the lot and chased the suspect until he was captured by law enforcement.

    The owner claims the suspect was not making any sense as he rambled during the incident.

    'He's going to be the next referee of the World Cup is what he was saying,' Adams said.

    The Orange County Sheriff's Office says the owner identified Abdulrahman as the man throwing Molotov cocktails at the car through video surveillance.

    Owner claimed Abdulrahman wasn't making any sense. Darnel Adams claimed: 'He's going to be the next referee of the World Cup is what he was saying' +6
    Owner claimed Abdulrahman wasn't making any sense. Darnel Adams claimed: 'He's going to be the next referee of the World Cup is what he was saying'

    Footage shows a suspect lighting bottles on fire before throwing them over a fence and onto the car in the lot.

    'He came prepared. He had a bag with eight or nine glass bottles filled with gas,' Adams continued.

    All Makes Auto Sales was able to extinguish the flames before Orange County Fire Rescue arrived and no one was injured.

    Video shows flames being put out by employees.

    Adams added to WFTV: 'I didn’t even own it anymore. He was getting it out. Twenty minutes. If he had waited twenty minutes, he would've been able to drive away in his car.'

    Abdulrahman's bond was set at $5,000.

    The owner was concerned the incident could have turned out much worse and said the bail decision on Monday was not fair.

    'What if he would’ve came back later and tried to finish the job and all my cars catch on fire?' Adams said. 'We got a paint shop in the back so it’s a lot of flammable materials and he could’ve harmed a lot of people over here.'

    I wonder what possessed him to do this. It's almost understandable if he had done this in a remote location. The charges seem kind of excessive.
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