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Nikola Tesla, Time travel, UFOs, magic, Kundalini
2019-03-05 at 11:22 PM UTC
He was extremely close to achieving his goal: Tesla performed numerous tests and experiments by applying high-voltage, high-frequency altering current to object. In one of his tests, when he applied high-voltage high-frequency alternating current to a pair of parallel metal plates, he noticed that the ‘space’ located between the plates turned into what he called as “solid-state.” This means that the area located between the plates exhibited attributes of mass, inertia and momentum, transforming the area into a state where a mechanical push could be exerted.
Better yet, Tesla found out that powerful electromagnetic waves could be used to push against (and pull against) what appears to be ’empty space’. The drive principle is based on the Hall-effect used in semiconductor magnetic sensors, and is called the magnetohydrodynamic (“MHD”) effect.
I want to say a little bit, my opinions of how these things(and Tesla) are all related.
Magic, at least hermetic magic, can be defined as will plus imagination. From what I have seen and experienced (myself and several other people I know in real life who have witnessed the same UFOs and certain other strange phenomena)these things are all in fact connected and they are real, but unexplained due to falling under the category of US national security secrets. The human body and DNA itself actually emits various electromagnetic waves, of various frequencies, from ELF waves to microwaves and even visible light. Andrija Puharich did research for the CIA investigating ELF waves and brain-wave entrainment and he claimed that when a person becomes psychically active, their brainwaves switch to 'beta' and more specifically, 8 hertz. What I am proposing is a theory that you're probably not going to find anywhere else.
Puharich claimed that 8 hertz was a spiralling frequency and that it was not affected by the normal laws of physics the way that normal frequencies are. I believe he was correct. 8 hertz and possibly certain other frequencies are unaffected by our concept of time. This would partially explain the time anomalies such as in this thread http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1233389/pg1
There is something that remains a national security secret that has been known to certain militaries for thousands of years and it involves a concept known as the "evil eye" and one known as the "thousand yard stare". At some point, certain people realize, especially after traumatic experiences, that their stare can actually alter the fabric of space and time. It can actually control the flow of time. This is related also to the concept of the Kundalini, a spiralling electric power that is also associated with trauma and meditation. It induces an electric current in the human body, which if done incorrectly with drugs or trauma, can actually damage organs in the body. The stare is simply an extension of a person's consciousness, their senses. The ears, and even the sense of touch, can also affect the laws of physics and the flow of time. Consciousness itself can be used for levitation. DNA is a very powerful thing indeed. These aliens or whatever you want to call them, had realized this, and built their crafts accordingly with their knowledge of consciousness and how it relates to and controls the laws of physics and their properties.
UFO sightings have been around for thousands of years, but specific sightings started happening in the timeline correlated with Tesla's research and his patent of the "ideal flying machine"
I think Tesla was right and he admitted to communicating with "other worldly" entities. Possibly aliens?
I believe also that Richard Lighthouse was most likely correct in his theory of the "blinking" of the universe. Advanced models of these crafts probably utilized a terahertz frequency in oscillations of their electromagnetic fields to alter the fabric of space time in a way favorable for long distance travel between star systems.
I'm partially posting this, or maybe mostly, because I wanted a reference point here if I forget anything, I can later update this thread, or if I learn or remember anything. People ponder this stuff a lot but I've found little evidence that other people outside Tesla, Lighthouse and the US government had connected it with consciousness and perception and how it relates to the concept of anti-gravity and time travel. I believe these crafts act in a way similar to the human eye, that they somehow have a sort of consciousness of their own which is used for faster than light travel, and even time travel. Martial artists for a long time have believed that if you reach the highest level in martial arts, you gain precognition. You know what your opponent is going to do before they do it, or at least, your body does on an unconscious level, and you react accordingly, which gives an advantage over the opponent. The "Flux liner" story seems to be correlated with the concept of these crafts possibly having an artificial consciousness, as the pilots were supposedly able to control the crafts with their minds. The human bioelectric field is a dynamic and extremely powerful source of energy and I believe that it may be possible, that certain points of the human body, such as the center of the eye, its specific geometry at the pupil and lense, how it simultaneously takes in light and puts out a specific frequency. It seems that it may be stressing the fabric of space time around the eye and creating a focal point, to concentrate energy in a way that allows it to control the fabric more directly.
So if you wanted to build one of these anti-gravity (and possibly time-travelling) crafts, you might want to base it on the human eye and the human body in general and how its bioelectric field interacts with the world around it. Of course, you would need proof that it does anything extraordinary at all before you were to base anything on it....
;;;;; I'll edit in more later. To be continued.
EDIT: that was fast. http://amasci.com/weird/unusual/e-wall.htmlDavid Swenson of 3M Corporation describes an anomaly where workers encountered a strange "invisible wall" in the area under a fast-moving sheet of electrically charged polypropelene film in a factory. This "invisible wall" was strong enough to prevent humans from passing through. A person near this "wall" was unable to turn, and so had to walk backwards to retreat from it.
This occurred in late summer in South Carolina, August 1980, in extremely high humidity. Polypropelene (PP) film on 50K ft. rolls 20ft wide was being slit and transferred to multiple smaller spools. The film was taken off the main roll at high speed, flowed upwards 20ft to overhead rollers, passed horizontally 20ft and then downwards to the slitting device, where it was spooled onto shorter rolls. The whole operation formed a cubical shaped tent, with two walls and a ceiling approximately 20ft square. The spools ran at 1000ft/min, or about 10MPH. The PP film had been manufactured with dissimilar surface structure on opposing faces. Contact electrification can occur even in similar materials if the surface textures or micro-structures are significantly different. The generation of a large imbalance of electrical surface-charge during unspooling was therefore not unexpected, and is a common problem in this industry. "Static cling" in the megavolt range!
On entering the factory floor and far from the equipment, Mr. Swenson's 200KV/ft handheld electrometer was found to slam to full scale. When he attempted to walk through the corridor formed by the moving film, he was stopped about half way through by an "invisible wall." He could lean all his weight forward but was unable to pass. He observed a fly get pulled into the charged, moving plastic, and speculates that the e-fields might have been strong enough to suck in birds!
The light beams, and the fact that some people believe they're able to both push, pull and do all sorts of other things, as well as possibly being a form of "solid light" seem to indicate that I'm right in my theory. -
2019-03-05 at 11:41 PM UTCHarry Potter + Max Tegmark × an 80s guitar solo ÷ microwaves = chicken pot pie my nigga
2019-03-05 at 11:43 PM UTC
2019-03-06 at 12:53 AM UTCTesla (the band) releases their latest CD on the 8th. It's called Shock.
2019-03-06 at 12:59 AM UTC
2019-03-08 at 8:50 AM UTC
2019-03-13 at 9:35 PM UTChttp://ncu9nc.blogspot.com/2012/10/science-cannot-explain-why-psi-wheel.html
Glass boxes were used to isolate the experimental system from wind which showed the rotation is not caused by air currents.
Using gloves to thermally insulate the hand from the air, Egely showed that the rotation is not due to heat from the hand.
Metal tanks shaped like a hand and filled with hot water did not cause appreciable rotation. This showed heat does not cause the rotation.
Results from experiments involving an electrical apparatus that used a colored chemical solution to visualize the rotation ruled out wind, heat, electricity or magnetism as a cause of the rotation. These experiments also demonstrated an unknown phenomenon that caused the electrical resistance of the solution to change.
The speed of rotation depended on how tired or fit the individual was. This ruled out heat and air currents because the phenomenon varied with the biological condition of the subject.
Egely found weather fronts or worries reduced rotation. Once storm clouds passed, rotation increased immediately. He believed moods improved when this happened which showed the mind influences the phenomenon.
Egely found ill people did not rotate the wheel well even if they had a fever which showed the rotation is not due to heat from the hands. People who were healthy and vibrant always caused good rotation. This also cannot be explained by heat or air currents.
Egely found correlations with psychological factors such as meditation, scholastic achievement, physical attractiveness, worry, remote influence of one person over another. All these factors rule out normal explanations.
Because health and psychological factors affected the rotation, Egely use the term bioenergy to describe the energy that causes the rotation. Egely believed bioenergy is conducted by all materials and that explained why an Egely wheel will not turn well inside a jar. The jar acts like a Faraday cage.On a windy day, you can stare at a field of tall grass, and induce waves in it, just like the psi wheel turning. You can also make tree leaves spiral all over the tree in a wave pattern. It can be used to control lightning, wind, fire, water, anything moving really. And some things that aren't noticeably moving of course.
It's mostly used to control the direction of things, the inertia. And it involves gravitational force obviously. My bioelectric field and stare create whirl-winds an awful lot, and I can stare at some of the leaves and make them fly into the sky. I have a friend who can also create tornadoes.
EDIT: he's right about the condition of the person's health and emotions. That must mean developing this ability radiates a healing type of energy naturally. I've noticed people that can do this stuff are unusually durable and healthy.
EDIT2: these people are often well liked, or completely hated by quite a number of people. They incite powerful emotions in people. Usually it's positive, but both types of energy that are incited in people can be stolen telepathically, like an energy vampire in a way, transformed into whatever kind the person needs at the time. Animal magnetism like I've mentioned, is a big part of it. It isn't necessarily a sexual attraction, but people and animals are unconsciously drawn to natural jedis, wizards and witches, even the evil ones to some extent.
So there's the rumor that the Flux Liner craft was actually sort of a self exciting dynamo. A toroid filled with a conductive fluid, so the craft generated its own electricity when it got up to speed. This "bioenergy" or whatever it is, is most likely the way the rotation is activated. Psi wheels are used as an example of this peculiar force because they're light-weight and move easily, but the it actually can exert force on much larger things and induce rotation. The claim was that these Flux Liner crafts were actually controlled with one's mind. You could steer it with your mind and it would instantly move from one point in space time to another, or near instantly.
People steering these psi wheels don't need to use their hands. Anyone that has developed the "Thousand yard stare" from stress/trauma or meditation can do this from quite a distance. Something in these crafts acts as a wave guide and miniature psi wheel for this energy, inducing rotation and activating the craft. A catalytic reaction, so in a way, it's partially powered by the human (or alien) mind. I know it involves 8 hertz, but it's not entirely that. Puharich said it 8 hertz was a spiralling and completely unblockable frequency. Chances are, people good at moving psi wheels, especially from a distance, are putting out a lot of 8 hertz waves.
They said they'd seen these things in the sky and based their own designs on how they were convinced these things must be operating. And it turned out they were right. Walter Russel and Tesla had also discussed witnessing things they wouldn't even begin trying to explain to normal people that inspired a lot of their work.You can also control people, put ideas into their heads, speed up or slow down their speech, if you get good at this, all by looking at a monitor of a live feed of them. Of course, it's possible to do things to people with something as simple as staring at a portrait of them, but that's a lot more difficult, and takes more practice. Creepy quantum entanglement.
EDIT: it involves quantum reference points. The universe has a memory of everything that ever happens, and the information that is associated with it, such as the feelings of the person that created a painting before and after they'd create it.
The human body does this actually, any time you go near a person, you may not know their name, but your body stores quantum information about them automatically, their name, life history, everything. Tapping into the quantum pool is like "god mode"
EDIT3: You only need a reference point, as I mentioned, and I've actually done this quite a bit but, you can stare at a shadow of something that is moving (and sometimes not if you're good at it) and actually control it through the shadow, without seeing the actual object or person at all.
This works on reflections also. If you have a fountain that is constantly pushing up water and flowing back into itself and its source (the pump) you can also use the shadow of the water to induce spirals in the water. A psi wheel set up next to a fountain will also tend to spiral, synchronized with the water spiralling near it. You can put a psi wheel inside of a sealed metal box with a camera, near a fountain, make the fountain spiral, and the wheel will also spiral if your energy is strong enough.
Aliens especially certain species are said to be highly telepathic. So it makes sense their craft would utilize a force most living things can produce which induces rotation and controls inertia, and is also entirely unblockable. 8 hertz is close to the resonance frequency of the earth, just a tiny bit higher, and most DNA seems to respond to this.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2019-03-13 at 9:38 PM UTC
Originally posted by Krow nothing! how is this Binarual?
It's designed to entrain the brain to 8 hertz while actually being multiples of 8 hertz. Whether or not it actually works is another thing, you'd probably need to test this with a psi wheel or something, or a DIY EEG and measure your brainwave frequency and check for 8 hertz.
Higher frequencies in certain patterns can induce 8 hertz, seeing the color yellow can also induce it. Red induces beta. Colonel Michael Aquino talked about this in an interview and it was his job to know this stuff as a psyops/mind control expert.
An EEG scan works because your skull is somewhat porous, and in the visible spectrum, the wavelength is so short that it actually passes through the skull into the brain whether your eyes are open or not, depending on the power density of the light source.