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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Another thing is that the CIA with Army intel started doing pioneering work in "TRAUMA-based" mind control, that's partly why all these children are raped and tortured, to split the personality as a form of mind control. The goal is to program alter personalities after the split, so the person is like the manchurian candidate. TRAUMA also hints at fear and terror, meaning the US government actually specializes in terrorism.

    And yes, the Nazis were actually partly responsible for the creation of Israel. Hitler was brainwashed by british intel before rising to power. The "Book of Esther" was the pretext for the holohoax.
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut

    You can also control people, put ideas into their heads, speed up or slow down their speech, if you get good at this, all by looking at a monitor of a live feed of them. Of course, it's possible to do things to people with something as simple as staring at a portrait of them, but that's a lot more difficult, and takes more practice. Creepy quantum entanglement.

    EDIT: it involves quantum reference points. The universe has a memory of everything that ever happens, and the information that is associated with it, such as the feelings of the person that created a painting before and after they'd create it.

    The human body does this actually, any time you go near a person, you may not know their name, but your body stores quantum information about them automatically, their name, life history, everything. Tapping into the quantum pool is like "god mode"

    EDIT3: You only need a reference point, as I mentioned, and I've actually done this quite a bit but, you can stare at a shadow of something that is moving (and sometimes not if you're good at it) and actually control it through the shadow, without seeing the actual object or person at all.

    This works on reflections also. If you have a fountain that is constantly pushing up water and flowing back into itself and its source (the pump) you can also use the shadow of the water to induce spirals in the water. A psi wheel set up next to a fountain will also tend to spiral, synchronized with the water spiralling near it. You can put a psi wheel inside of a sealed metal box with a camera, near a fountain, make the fountain spiral, and the wheel will also spiral if your energy is strong enough.
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut

    Glass boxes were used to isolate the experimental system from wind which showed the rotation is not caused by air currents.
    Using gloves to thermally insulate the hand from the air, Egely showed that the rotation is not due to heat from the hand.
    Metal tanks shaped like a hand and filled with hot water did not cause appreciable rotation. This showed heat does not cause the rotation.
    Results from experiments involving an electrical apparatus that used a colored chemical solution to visualize the rotation ruled out wind, heat, electricity or magnetism as a cause of the rotation. These experiments also demonstrated an unknown phenomenon that caused the electrical resistance of the solution to change.
    The speed of rotation depended on how tired or fit the individual was. This ruled out heat and air currents because the phenomenon varied with the biological condition of the subject.
    Egely found weather fronts or worries reduced rotation. Once storm clouds passed, rotation increased immediately. He believed moods improved when this happened which showed the mind influences the phenomenon.
    Egely found ill people did not rotate the wheel well even if they had a fever which showed the rotation is not due to heat from the hands. People who were healthy and vibrant always caused good rotation. This also cannot be explained by heat or air currents.
    Egely found correlations with psychological factors such as meditation, scholastic achievement, physical attractiveness, worry, remote influence of one person over another. All these factors rule out normal explanations.
    Because health and psychological factors affected the rotation, Egely use the term bioenergy to describe the energy that causes the rotation. Egely believed bioenergy is conducted by all materials and that explained why an Egely wheel will not turn well inside a jar. The jar acts like a Faraday cage.

    Another piece of the puzzle. The more you can make the wheel spin, the better you're likely to be at most forms of magic. I can do this as well and I can actually do a lot of other crazy shit most people wouldn't believe unless they saw it.

    On a windy day, you can stare at a field of tall grass, and induce waves in it, just like the psi wheel turning. You can also make tree leaves spiral all over the tree in a wave pattern. It can be used to control lightning, wind, fire, water, anything moving really. And some things that aren't noticeably moving of course.

    It's mostly used to control the direction of things, the inertia. And it involves gravitational force obviously. My bioelectric field and stare create whirl-winds an awful lot, and I can stare at some of the leaves and make them fly into the sky. I have a friend who can also create tornadoes.

    EDIT: he's right about the condition of the person's health and emotions. That must mean developing this ability radiates a healing type of energy naturally. I've noticed people that can do this stuff are unusually durable and healthy.

    EDIT2: these people are often well liked, or completely hated by quite a number of people. They incite powerful emotions in people. Usually it's positive, but both types of energy that are incited in people can be stolen telepathically, like an energy vampire in a way, transformed into whatever kind the person needs at the time. Animal magnetism like I've mentioned, is a big part of it. It isn't necessarily a sexual attraction, but people and animals are unconsciously drawn to natural jedis, wizards and witches, even the evil ones to some extent.
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I find the only downside to cannabis is the smell. Personally, I love the smell, but 90%+ of the people out there hate the smell. It gets on your clothes, too, so it's not like you can just wash your hands and face with the nice pink soap and walk away happy. It would be great if someone invented a device that you could capture all the smoke into a pressurized container, which you could then release when no one was around.

    I purposely blow the smoke into my clothes.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's ok, it's quite legal to lance your own boils.

    I met two of those "Anonymous" guys that did this. Actually one of them had an infected boil on his armpit and the other one cut it open with a pocket knife, all this material came out..... Neither of them even hesitated at all in doing this. But the guy who cut it open, didn't wash his knife afterwards, and I tried to use it and found some of the stuff dried and crusted on the blade....The guy healed up after the surgery though.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Been getting psyop'd after those last couple posts. Not sure why they care. But I will track them all down eventually and it isn't going to be pretty when I get ahold of them. I will be extremely patient.

    EDIT: Max Spiers was about to expose a orphanage in florida for boys, that had a mass grave. Where all the kids that were raped and beaten and disposed of ended up, as part of this mind control stuff. The ones that survived became assassins or politicians, false flag operatives, etc.

    There's been recent news about nuns murdering kids in some of these catholic run places.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    The problem was, how do you find the people on the blacklist? It's not like you had their address and telephone number. The normal procedure would be to go into a village and just grab someone and say, "Where's Nguyen so-and-so?" Half the time the people were so afraid they would not say anything. Then a Phoenix team would take the informant, put a sandbag over his head, poke out two holes so he could see, put commo wire around his neck like a long leash, and walk him through the village and say, "When we go by Nguyen's house scratch your head." Then that night Phoenix would come back, knock on the door, and say, "April Fool, motherfucker." Whoever answered the door would get wasted. As far as they were concerned whoever answered was a Communist, including family members. Sometimes they'd come back to camp with ears to prove that they killed people…………

    Former CIA analyst Samuel A. Adams,[35] in an interview with CBC News, talked about the program as basically an assassination program that also included torture. A former Phoenix Intelligence Officer, Barton Osborn, in an interview broadcast in 1975, talked about the torture practices used by the Americans and detailed a case in which a man was dragged out of the interrogation's hooch with a dowel protruding from his ear. The dowel had been tapped through in the course of torture to hit the brain. These were activities performed by American Marines.[citation needed to support] They would also kill people by throwing them out of helicopters to threaten and intimidate those they wanted to interrogate.[36]

    Abuses were common.[19][37][38] In many instances, rival Vietnamese would report their enemies as "VC" in order to get U.S. troops to kill them.[39] In many cases, Phung Hoang chiefs were incompetent bureaucrats who used their positions to enrich themselves. Phoenix tried to address this problem by establishing monthly neutralization quotas, but these often led to fabrications or, worse, false arrests. In some cases, district officials accepted bribes from the VC to release certain suspects.[17]

    After Phoenix Program abuses began receiving negative publicity, the program was officially shut down, although it continued under the name Plan F-6[40][41][42][43][44] with the government of South Vietnam in control.[43][42]

    Sounds a lot like the tactics of "terrorism" to me.
    The US has a long history of using terror to win battles and creating terrorist cells where none previously existed, for profit. Training foreign countries and religious sects to commit acts of terrorism is how the war machine functions.

    Project MKUltra: The CIA Used Mind Control to Turn Children into “Sex Kittens”

    Recent documents released by the CIA have confirmed that Project MKUltra was a secret program designed to control children through behavioral engineering. Children were exposed to sexual abuse, forced to take LSD, and participated in violent tasks. Covert and unofficially sanctioned by the CIA, Project MKUltra was one of the most controversial and unethical programs of all time.

    The war on terror is a result of psychological operations during project phoenix and MK ULTRA.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG I feel like most every totse/zoklet woman is intensely batshit.

    Why else would they be there? Normal, highly attractive quality women don't join websites like that. They can be interesting, but they are highly flawed.
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Odigo Messenger - Now With Free 911 Service What the hell was that anyway?

    Was XanneX trying to start an alternative media news site?
    She was a narcissist, only did it for the attention. I caught her in IRC talking shit about this guy, who later admitted on zoklet he thought they were "Together" and that he suspected she was cheating on him. Long thread, but she basically said in #totse that he was just an "ugly" guy that bought her stuff, and that she'd maybe let him touch her ass one day. It was really sad. She wasn't being sarcastic. She's just evil.

    She denied it, but it was definitely her. There was a lot of very self-obsessed parasitic types of people on zoklet and totse.
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Rust would regularly infract and ban users who disagreed with his own personal opinions, and zok let him, because he was afraid of him. I forgot to put him on the Fun Bunch list, but he should definitely have been on there.

    I remember that, but the fact he'd constantly claim to be a communist while also sucking monsanto's dick along with the FDA's and various other government agencies dicks, and ranting for hours like the energizer retard in favor of big corporations made him a bigger douchebag and obvious shill for the establishment... Optionryder had the same mental disorder.

    The government has armies of online trolls and retards, some of which are remotely controlled without their knowledge, manchurian candidate style.
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo He had an avatar as a porn star dressed like a clown too and that was pretty weird.

    That was the only good thing about him.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grimace

    He created a whole website

    That was just a communist PR stunt. They were trying to improve the image of communism and socialism while also improving the image of people that suck Monsanto's dick. They tried to make a communist out to be the good guy in that scenario, but Rust, along with all the other staff on zoklet, were basically communist/socialist globalist shills.

    Some of them were cool though.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby she looks nothing like a bulldyke and she's with a jedi man. do you even use that big ol brain of yours?

    She has a classic mudshark phenotype. That means she has too much testosterone and certain other hormones. Not the ideal type of woman by any standards. The husky, raspy voice works better in fat hispanic women, also. Some guys have a fetish for mudsharks with raspy voices and an IQ around 90 though. To each their own. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Or brown.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I sent an email to google like 10 min ago. it kinda sucks because I had one of those accounts for like seven or eight years And I hadn't even been using it really as I mainly use my newer acct. But I guess because the accts were tied together.

    its just the leftist cucks are always at it

    I had a ton of fat whyte sluts and black ppl on my channel calling me an asshole and threatening to kill me just because I made a few drunk comments too mukbang videos or gaylords and fat lesbos gorging and asking to be laughed at. It's really rich if you ask me where a guy like me can take critisism while being candid about the not so good things about his life because real…

    its just people that work for google tend to be special snowflakes (mal works for google)
    Why don't you show them who is boss then?
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    People in general are xenophobic. It's fairly normal. When you're a muslim in india, and that food market had a shit-ton of muslims, and you see a westerner that doesn't speak your language or understand your culture, pointing and mumbling in a foreign language at stuff, yeah you're probably more likely to be hostile or annoyed.
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby having sex with men doesn't make you straight… he's stated it himself that he's a bisexual. And I don't see why you had to throw in the 'hyper-masculine' part, a complete non-sequitur to the discussion…

    You stripped naked for a gay neo-nazi in my city lmao

    I don't think you're an authority on who is gay or straight or bi.

    Find me a reference to Prince claiming to be bisexual. Not that it matters, Bowie wasn't straight and I like some of his music. But go ahead, prove your claim.
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson lololol you either are or are not, there is nothing secret about a REAL MAN.

    Doesn't seem like he was anything other than straight and hyper-masculine. I think Prince was a genius.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ween isn't prince… smh… and prince wasn't hetero… lmao
    It's a prince tribute and partial cover. My point was that he fucked a lot of beautiful women, acted really feminine, but was secretly super masculine.
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson How to be a faggot in 1 easy step.

    Step 1. Learn Ballet.

    lol I knew someone would react that way. I haven't learned it, but to be honest, it's going to be more helpful than wicca, more than likely. People called my friend gay for being a male model, but he banged a lot of hot women by doing that. It gave him an excuse to be hanging out with the women who were also models. The same is true for male dancers or gymnasts. Looks gay, could actually be incredibly hetero, kinda like Prince.

  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Look into Kundalini, also. It is very real. This will sound lame probably, but learning ballet will probably help you with magic more than wicca ever could. Again, it deals with inertial forces, background, quantum forces, which are electromagnetic in nature, like the Kundalini concept.

    Anything that improves your balance. Riding a bus on a bumpy, fast route, and getting good at maintaining your balance around other people, trying not to fall on them, is also useful.

    EDIT: ways of improving your balance will help you sensitize yourself to these background forces. Learning to switch between emotional states at will is also useful, switch from rage, to bliss, at will, etc. A lot of it simply involves sensitizing yourself and becoming more aware. The universe gives you accolades when you get good at this stuff, flocks of birds, ducks, packs of wolves or dogs, will start saluting you.

    I was walking to the store once, and my foot came up a little higher than normal, and I kinda stomped it down, right as I did, music at the restaurant about 10 feet from me started playing, synchronized with my foot hitting the ground, and a large metallic clank from machinery in the background was also synchronized with it, the next step involved my right arm twitching as if I was turning a key, and someone's car engine started along with that at that exact point in time. It's really pretty cool, you start noticing the universe synchronizing with you.

    The universe starts to become "sticky" towards you when you do rituals correctly. It's a way of "powering up" but you can't really maintain it in its entirety forever.
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um no, it's called electricity and there is nothing secret about it.

    Everything is electromagnetic in nature but they are indeed national security secrets. This goes way back to Animal Magnetism and early British intelligence.
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