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Posts by BeeReBuddy

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Cats need to go to the groomers and get their nails trimmed because they won't let me do it.

    Also, I paid my rent and asked about getting out of my lease early.
    My landlady said it is a $200 lease break fee and I am responsible for the rest of the rent until she rents the apartment again which won't take long as these are nice apartments and they don't do credit checks and only deny you if you can't provide proof of income or are a sex criminal.
  2. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Did I do anything special?
    Answer: Not really.

    I paid off some credit cards that had a low balance anyways.

    Seems like a big jump for what little I paid off. Why do credit scores make no sense?
  3. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I've got a little time to kill this morning before I take the cats to the groomers.
    I am going to go pay my rent as I need an excuse to go get my car warmed up anyways.
    While I am there I'll ask them about getting out of my lease.
  4. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good morning everyone.
    Woke up early to do a telemedicine visit with my doctor.
    That is over now but I can't go back to bed because I have to take my cats to get their nails trimmed at 10:00.
    Unfortunately it is 3 degrees outside.
    Right now I am going to drink coffee and wake up.
    Hope you all are having a great day.
  5. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I took my co-worker to work and dropped her back off.
    Tried jumping her car again but no luck.
    It is misfiring pretty bad and doesn't sound very good.
    The car is a 99 Pontiac Grand Am.
    I feel bad that they just got their apartment recently and probably spent all their money furnishing it impulsively instead of getting a tune up.
    Unfortunately everything is covered in ice here and it was midnight so I left the scene but part of me wants to lend more of a hand.
    Right now I don't even know where to begin and I am just trying not to ruin my Rice A Roni or my fish.
  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Get an airb&b for half the price

    I've never rented an airb&b before. I guess I can look into it.
    Honestly was just trying to roughly budget what I'm looking at so I can try to start saving for some of this stuff.
    Where do I go to find airb&b's?
  7. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Nigger Falls is looking like $250-350 a night.
    +$150 in gas.
    idk how much 4-6 meals will cost but imma go ahead and guess easily $350.
    +$500 dicking around

    So to be safe I need to budget $1,350-2,000 for 1 or 2 nights of always having to piss because the waterfall won't shut the fuck up.

    In other words I better start saving some money.
  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Been trying to price out a weekend at Niagra Falls since the camping website is down.
    $300+ a night for a shitty 4 star hotel.
    Damn. I do want to enjoy a hot tub and some nice linens but I also don't plan on spending my entire weekend in a hotel room either.
    I probably won't find anything cheaper for the time of year I am looking at though.

    Thank goodness I have nifty legal pads to write down all this information on.
  9. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Trying to book a campsite is going to shit right now.
    Their website is very slow and I can't even get far enough to price out what it is going to cost me.
    All I want to do is budget it out.
  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I have given up on this idea and it is includes too much of my selfish impulsiveness and I will be buying some area rugs on clearance somewhere.
  11. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I am definitely amped up today.
    My energy has me spazzing about folding laundry and shit.
    I've got more done this morning than I get done usually in a couple of mornings.
    Betting come time to go to work I'll be tired.
    Oh well. I gotta get done what I can when I can and sleep some other time.
    If I was tired I would take another nap but I doubt I could nap right now anyways.
  12. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I am going to shop around for a few 27" monitors so I can set up my set up better but I plan to start coding again next month.
    I'm getting tired of wasting my own time but this week I don't get much time to waste anyways.
  13. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Hey fuckers,
    Hope you all had a great weekend.
    I enjoyed mine even though I didn't feel like I accomplished a whole lot.

    This week is going to be pretty heavy so I'm up at at 'em bright and early.
    Plans for today include picking up a script and some groceries.
    Hopefully the Lancer is done. I drove past on my way home and it was moved so either the mechanic is waiting on a part or is finished.
    If he calls me today and says it is done then I am planning on going to get it and leaving my other car for him to slap some new tires on and then I will buy tires for the Lancer and repeat the process again later.

    Paid off 2 of my credit cards this morning and it feels pretty good. I only have 1 card left with a balance of $244 to pay off.
    Speaking of money, I also was checking job openings and found one nearby starting at $1.50 more than I make now but the hours are even worse than I already have and it is a Tuesday through Saturday job which would really fuck up my personal life.
    It is a 50 hour a week job so I would be making pretty sweet money but the hours are so bad that I am really put off by it.

    This week I am working 10 hour days at my current job which won't leave me much time or energy for much at all.
    Already I will have to cancel my cat's nail appointments as they didn't inform me of our 10 hour days this week until half way through my shift Friday night.

    Doing anything to my girlfriend's house has turned into more and more of a headache every time I think I am ready to start something.
    The whole flooring idea went from affordable and do-able time wise to not affordable and don't have the time.
    The walls all need scraped and painted over again and the floor needs levels and patched. Then there is the actual flooring which I would be pissed doing all this elbow grease to end up buying the cheapest possible shit I could find.
    I remeasured parts of the floor so I can go buy some area rugs and forget about it.
    My time is limited and I would much rather spend it with the people I love than dicking around in an old basement for no reason other than so I don't have to put on slippers.
    Maybe this spring or summer I will look into doing it again but to save my sanity I feel it is best to completely give up on the idea for now.

    As the end of the month approaches I am looking back and thinking about how close I came to fucking shit up with the Lancer purchase and how I almost didn't manage to pay my bills because of it.
    Luckily I had some extra money come in but regardless making it through the month I still think I should get rid of that car asap.
    I need only 1 vehicle and if I was to buy another daily driver I doubt that I ever would have bought a Lancer out of necessity.
    With any luck I'll have it for sale in the coming weeks and be able to get rid of it fairly quickly.
    At this point I don't care if I make a lot of money or not. I just want to recoup my loses and hopefully a few hundred extra bucks I can put toward a vacation this year.

    Speaking of vacations I keep bringing it up to my girlfriend yet our exhaustion keeps us from really sitting down and doing anything to plan it. I'm going to go ahead and plan it for us and just tell her what days to take off work.
    Just a mini vacation and if it sucks oh well. Of course I will run it by her one last time before I reserve anything but next weekend I want to have it all printed out so I can throw down some plans in front of her to ye or ne me on.

    Anyways, that is enough for now. I am going to go shower, shave and fix some crab cakes for breakfast.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day today.

  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    My needs and wants come 3rd right now and that is how I want it. Ideally things would have already been done but we chose to take it slow and for good reason. Now that I have more time to get this going and am green lighted to do so it is not a very good time of year.
    I will probably spend a few more weeks researching and learning about the task I am undertaking before I get anymore done except for clearing stuff out.
    This is not my house and I'll be damned if I embarrass myself doing some tacky shit job for my girlfriend.
  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Like I said, make SURE you get a good dehumidifier. If you can keep it 50-55% in the winter and <50% in the summer you'll be fine. You aren't doing wall treatments so don't worry about moisture barriers.

    If you're still concerned beyond that use a good mold blocking primer like Killz, then paint the floor and walls with a good latex paint. It will stop the block walls and concrete floor from leaking (concrete is porous), and the dehumidifier will help with the stuff the falls down from the upper levels.

    Like, bro, all bullshit aside, I do consistently try to give you good advice, and normally what you do only effects you, but you're mucking around with the lives of children so it's important you don't do something that's going to create a biohazard for them.

    Also, I don't know your overall plan but just in case you don't already know DO NOT USE GREEN TREATED LUMBER. IT WILL KILL EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE. IT IS FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY.

    I started looking at sub floors to lay down last night.
    You are probably right about getting some kilz paint though too.
    The paint shows clear signs that moisture is getting in through a window and it may be coming up through the floor.
    It is too cold outside to go out and caulk the window up and probably too cold to paint right now too.
    Every time I get psyched up about starting on it I realize the weather is horrible to be doing any of this.
    The walls need scraped and painted again and the floor might too although most of it looks pretty dry.

    I reached out to a flooring installer friend of mine but his only reply was "Do you know any prostitutes I can call?"

    I've got a feeling that once I do get it cleaned out so that I can start work I will opt to spend a little more money on something nicer than the absolute cheapest carpet squares I can find. Would prefer something easier to repair because I know this is not going to look amazing anyways.
  16. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I have only been looking at Home Depot and Lowes for carpet tile until now.
    Just check Menards which I totally forgot about and looks like I can save 25% as they are asking roughly 75cents per square foot of assorted carpet tile.

    Now if only I can find a coupon or promo code to make this deal a little sweeter.
  17. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Sudo How tf did you meet a woman who goes to church and museums? I would kill for a woman like that. I'm lucky if deese ho's will go to a karaoke bar

    I use to work with her back in the day and always admired her priorities of church and family stuff.
  18. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Went to Homedepot to buy this:

    Even though I went to the correct isle and bay I did not see any in stock.
    I did see other options although I wasn't prepared to change my game plan with 20 minutes until the store closed.

    I was really hoping on spending $700 on carpet tile.
  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Measured that basement today...
    Even the cheapo self-stick is 99cents a square foot.
    That's like a shit ton of money.
    But damn, I gotta do this so I can let my cats scratch it to hell.
    I wish I could just snap my fingers and make it happen.

    The woman I'm dating goes hard AF and I can barely keep up sometimes.
    Today we went out to eat breakfast and then took the kid to run around a playground and after that all I remember is sitting down for 1 second to catch my breath and 3 hours later I'm waking up dazed and confused.

    Living in 2 places at once is definitely taking extra out of me that I don't need to be losing right now.
    She went to church so I took the chance to run back to my apartment to feed my cats and play with them some but I am going back later tonight.
    It takes me about 30 minutes to get there.

    If I had 1 thing I could be doing right now it would be laying carpet tiles so that my kitty cats could come with me and have their own safe place to get away too and chill with me.
    Moving more of my stuff in is completely pointless right now because there is no room for it and I'll just end up moving it again and again until I get something set up livable.
    Her place is fine as is and I don't want to fuck it up. All I need is a place to do computer stuff late at night while she is sleeping.

    Tomorrow we are going to a museum in the morning and probably a couple other stops but my goal is to get to the store and buy some friggin carpet squares and get fucking started.
    I don't know what I'm doing anyways and yes it will probably look like shit but whatever.
    I gotta try damn it.
    Going to buy 1 or 2 boxes and see how they stick and if they don't stick then I guess I'll get some glue...
  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    TGIF am I right.
    Highly doubt more than maybe half of my co-workers will even show up today.
    I need the money so I go to work and do my job.
    This weekend should be nice and eventful.
    Nothing too crazy planned although I'm sure there will be things to do and places to go.
    Pretty much going with the wind and so long as we get out of bed there's no doubt we will go to bed feeling good having done something.
    My energy level the last 2 days has been a slight bit low from stress and work but I plan of zoning out today and ignoring my surroundings in hopes of conserving energy better used for fun tomorrow.
    Other than the usual stuff I might try and pick up a couple monitors to put on my dual monitor stand so that I can code easier which is a goal of mine to start again very soon.
    Probably going to do something fun for the kiddo to wear her energy out one afternoon.
    Maybe we will go out to dinner too.
    Really none of it matters as far as what we end up doing so long as we keep moving forward with something.
    I've got to do some work in preparation for moving more and hope to achieve some of that early one morning or during nap time.
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
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