Every time something horrible happened there has always been 1 common denominator and that denominator has always been you being there and then you frantically blame everyone else. If anyone is to blame it is you.
I was on Zoklet back in the day. Oh how things haven't changed at all. Everyone still dies and is wasting their lives doing drug cocktails and being degenerates.
Which leads me to the point Im trying to make which is...
T2K1 you of all people shouldn't be calling anyone out. If my memory is correct didn't you get caught all tangled up with some shady shit yourself?
And now you've got a burn notice and can only function as a taxi cab.
In the terrible two's right now. Poor kid can't handle her emotions or understand the reasoning behind what's going on sometimes and will totally freak out. My girlfriend does a great job getting her to focus and calm down while explaining whatever is going on to her.
Lately at bedtime the kid has been fighting laying down and once in bed will cream for her mommy in the hopes of getting to get back out of bed.
This weekend at a gas station on the way to a splash pad my girlfriend ran inside while the kid and I stayed in the car. The kid wanted to go inside though but it just wasn't our main goal. It was only for a couple minutes but the kid said "I need to go potty" and knowing how well she has been doing potty training I immediately got out and ran around the car, got her unbuckled and up on my hip when she put her hands on my face and with a smirk said "I don't have to go potty". She manipulated the situation because she knew when she says she has to go potty she gets to go inside. I immediately informed her that what she did was lie and I began putting her back in her car seat during which time she started with the full blown meltdown mode. I did what I have seen my girlfriend do many times and I calmly talked to her about it and explained that she wasn't getting her way by doing what she did. I was pretty frustrated and went to get back in the drivers seat by which time my girlfriend was already coming out of the store. I dinged some black guy's Chevy Malibu with my car door while trying to explain to my girlfriend why her kid was crying and screaming. the black guy was pretty cool about it and we took off.
Then later this weekend she wasn't getting her way about something and began to cry and throw a tantrum demanding to see her daddy because mommy wasn't giving in and once she realized she couldn't see her daddy she started working on me thinking I'd provide a different result.
Sometimes it gets frustrating and hurts your heart when the kid is upset but I've been doing a little research here and there on how best to deal with these episodes and I think what my girlfriend has been doing has been appropriate and providing intended results.
There hasn't been much I've been able to read that my girlfriend hasn't already been doing and that makes me feel good. I try to support her and do what she does in hopes it works for me too.
CANT Sleep! I lay down and get right about there when KABOOM a fucking howitzer fires over the house followed by 10 or 20 minutes of AA fire. Ridiculous.