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Posts by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal

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    XInput Game Controller APIs

    XINPUT_GAMEPAD structure
    XINPUT_KEYSTROKE structure
    XINPUT_STATE structure
    XINPUT_VIBRATION structure
    XInputEnable function
    XInputGetAudioDeviceIds function
    XInputGetBatteryInformation function
    XInputGetCapabilities function
    XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids function
    XInputGetKeystroke function
    XInputGetState function
    XInputSetState function

    Apps Win32 API XInput Game Controller APIs Xinput.h

    XInputGetAudioDeviceIds function (xinput.h)

    2 minutes to read

    Retrieves the sound rendering and sound capture audio device IDs that are associated with the headset connected to the specified controller.

    DWORD XInputGetAudioDeviceIds(
    [in] DWORD dwUserIndex,
    [out, optional] LPWSTR pRenderDeviceId,
    [in, out, optional] UINT *pRenderCount,
    [out, optional] LPWSTR pCaptureDeviceId,
    [in, out, optional] UINT *pCaptureCount


    [in] dwUserIndex

    Index of the gamer associated with the device.

    [out, optional] pRenderDeviceId

    Windows Core Audio device ID string for render (speakers).

    [in, out, optional] pRenderCount

    Size, in wide-chars, of the render device ID string buffer.

    [out, optional] pCaptureDeviceId

    Windows Core Audio device ID string for capture (microphone).

    [in, out, optional] pCaptureCount

    Size, in wide-chars, of capture device ID string buffer.
    Return value

    If the function successfully retrieves the device IDs for render and capture, the return code is ERROR_SUCCESS.

    If there is no headset connected to the controller, the function will also retrieve ERROR_SUCCESS with NULL as the values for pRenderDeviceId and pCaptureDeviceId.

    If the controller port device is not physically connected, the function will return ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED.

    If the function fails, it will return a valid Win32 error code.

    Callers must allocate the memory for the buffers passed to XInputGetAudioDeviceIds. The resulting strings can be of arbitrary length.
    Platform Requirements
    Windows 8 (XInput 1.4)

    Target Platform Windows
    Header xinput.h
    Library Xinput.lib
    DLL Xinput1_4.dll
    See also

    Core Audio APIs

    XInput Functions

    Recommended content

    XINPUT_CAPABILITIES (xinput.h) - Win32 apps

    Describes the capabilities of a connected controller. The XInputGetCapabilities function returns XINPUT_CAPABILITIES.
    Xinput.h header - Win32 apps

    Functions (Programming Reference) - Win32 apps

    Available XInput functions.
    XInputGetState function (xinput.h) - Win32 apps

    Retrieves the current state of the specified controller.

    In this article

    Return value

    Previous Versions
    Terms of Use
    © Microsoft 2023
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    XInput Game Controller APIs

    XINPUT_GAMEPAD structure
    XINPUT_KEYSTROKE structure
    XINPUT_STATE structure
    XINPUT_VIBRATION structure
    XInputEnable function
    XInputGetAudioDeviceIds function
    XInputGetBatteryInformation function
    XInputGetCapabilities function
    XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids function
    XInputGetKeystroke function
    XInputGetState function
    XInputSetState function

    Apps Win32 API XInput Game Controller APIs Xinput.h

    XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids function (xinput.h)

    2 minutes to read

    Gets the sound rendering and sound capture device GUIDs that are associated with the headset connected to the specified controller.

    DWORD XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids(
    DWORD dwUserIndex,
    GUID *pDSoundRenderGuid,
    GUID *pDSoundCaptureGuid



    [in] Index of the user's controller. It can be a value in the range 0–3. For information about how this value is determined and how the value maps to indicators on the controller, see Multiple Controllers.


    [out] Pointer that receives the GUID of the headset sound rendering device.


    [out] Pointer that receives the GUID of the headset sound capture device.
    Return value

    If the function successfully retrieves the device IDs for render and capture, the return code is ERROR_SUCCESS.

    If there is no headset connected to the controller, the function also retrieves ERROR_SUCCESS with GUID_NULL as the values for pDSoundRenderGuid and pDSoundCaptureGuid.

    If the controller port device is not physically connected, the function returns ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED.

    If the function fails, it returns a valid Win32 error code.

    Use of legacy DirectSound is not recommended, and DirectSound is not available for Windows Store apps.
    Note XInputGetDSoundAudioDeviceGuids is deprecated because it isn't supported by Windows 8 (XInput 1.4).

    Platform Requirements
    DirectX SDK (XInput 1.3), Windows Vista (XInput 9.1.0)

    Target Platform Windows
    Header xinput.h
    Library Xinput.lib; Xinput9_1_0.lib
    DLL Xinput9_1_0.dll
    See also

    XInput Functions


    In this article

    Return value

    Previous Versions
    Terms of Use
    © Microsoft 2023
  3. how to download xinput
  4. Ah yes lets just shut down all files all system TURN IT ALL OFF HE'S INSTALLING A FUCKING CONTROLLER HOLLLEY SHIT

    I can install 20 IDE's and retard codes without having to restartt BUT A FUCKING CONTROLLER THAT'S HIGH TECH

  5. nigger
  6. Originally posted by Kafka Nvm I looked up when menopause starts and it's 45. I don't want to get to that point.

    Nobody will breed you
  7. Whatever age you are and not a day later
  8. Oh you want to play a game with a controller? The fuck does this look like to you the year 3000? We can't even manufacture industrial quantities of adderall or mefkesmklfefawdKLM THAT BULLSHIT FUCKING NIGGER PROTEIN IN 20212354

    Literallyno point in being alive or doing anything, Nothing fucking works, it's all crap chinese chink bullshit properiietary non open source nigger kike fuck kikes bullshit

    I can't even upload this picture without discord MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING FILE TOO BIG and the image site crashing because my browser neeeds to load 1000 electrum scripts and sell my data to a shitnigeger kike google fuck niggers

    fuck kikes nothing works

  9. Originally posted by Kafka What stood out to me was them sending drug pics or asking questions about sex.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Just send them a picture of a Tek pipe with a packed bowl if they say ewwwwww drugs are bad then tell them to die in a fire and forget they exist. If they say ayoooooo then it's squirt alert time
  10. Wasn't electricity a new invention back then?


    But some German guy with a bunsen burner was able to produce it just fine? What if everyone just got bunsen burners or HOTPLATE STIRRERS... oh wait that's illegal NEVER MIND SORRY KIDS YOU WILL HAVE TO GO WITHOUT

    the factories cannot keep up and when I asked the government if I could make a LEGAL ADDERALL factory they laughed in my face and said "YEAH RIGHT AHAHAHAHA"

    well geez mister I was just trying to help I don't even do amphetamines without a methyl group, guess I'll just go fuck myself
  11. Shortage btw

    Amphetamine was first synthesized in 1887 in Germany by Romanian chemist Lazăr Edeleanu who named it phenylisopropylamine

    Wow we are less capable than people in 1887.

    Originally posted by aldra

    lul, students chimping out because they can't get it anymore


    Originally posted by Ghost I hope all the kids wig out in school and people die when they get stung by bees from no epi pens and martin skrekelii raises the price of everything BY FORCE
  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny AIs should

    No it shouldn't.

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal If you expect it to sing, dance, call you faggot and suck your dick than you clearly don't understand the purpose of this Large Language Model and are expecting too much from it. It's a VERY SIMPLE tool to generate "realistic speech"

    If you want to train it on your own data, there are plenty of ways to do it. Not like a "Vin Voothy" chatbot would be of any use though... Lower caste opinions... pedophilia.. The only use your lifetime of posting here offers would be to something like this (a chatbot that I'm training as a troll/retard/skitzo on all of "the self taught man" posts) I also had it scan all wariats posts for good measure as he is at least half a retard

    I even made a tool that can rip all your posts

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    # define the URL pattern and the total number of pages DONT FORGET USER NUMBER
    url_pattern = "{}"
    total_pages = 5

    # create a list to store the post text from each page
    all_posts = []

    # loop through each page and extract the post text
    for page_num in range(1, total_pages + 1):
    url = url_pattern.format(page_num)
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
    post_blocks = soup.find_all('div', class_='post-block')
    for block in post_blocks:
    post_body = block.find('div', class_='post-body')
    if post_body:

    # write the post text to a file
    with open('all_posts.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for i, post in enumerate(all_posts):
    f.write(f'[post {i+1}]\n{post}\n\n')

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal i tjhink it's retarding something unless he really did post kyivforum twice

    this seems fuckey but not too hard to work with like if I got all the posts they would each be numbered, kinda. Probably hard to work with in CODE but I just wanted the raw text posts for a backup kinda

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal
  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny really ?

    well have you seen them pedo-baitin' a nigga n sheit ?

    how about moosleem groomers ?

    now why is that.

    Lower caste opinion
  14. WHy are you posting ethnic dark skinned in a thread about AI. Don't you have some little boys to smoke meth with, vin voothy? REported for off topic
  15. imaigine saving pictures of hiki and fona on your cpu lmao what a FAG

    Originally posted by G It's on the cloud actually never my device. The old guy is/was a Zoklet weirdo whom got disgruntled when he couldn't purchase a fake ID when we ran a "novelty ID" business out of Zoklet. He figured the pictures would offend us, I guess ?!

    I have a folder of various internet creeps I encounter that we use as case studies into various mental conditions. I find that a pic helps you know, tie a face to the situation, a visual aid. Congratulations you & Fona are the thumbnail for it lol.

  17. Originally posted by kick I already got two infractions on youtube

    Originally posted by kick One more and I can't post anymore (on youtube)

    make a new account fucktard
  18. what happens if you drop a pen on the moon
  19. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny aldrs, shame on you for promoting and perpetuating systemic racism against asians.

    I dedicated my life to doing this. Gas all asians, nuke china. JApan did nothing wrong in WW2
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