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Thanked Posts by vindicktive vinny
2019-04-09 at 4:42 PM UTC in We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat
2019-04-09 at 5:52 PM UTC in How dissapoint are you with the state of the future?
2019-04-09 at 5:12 PM UTC in The Keto diet killed my baby.having a girl is profitable.
2019-04-09 at 4:39 PM UTC in FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS
Originally posted by Technologist Oct.
Stahhhhhhhp. When patients come in, and they’ve googled they’re symptoms, I tell them to “stop it”! Most times they’ve diagnosed themselves with some outrageous illness, and they have a common cold. Or those with rashes thing they’re dying.
Stahhhhhhhp self diagnosing😡. You’ll drive yourself crazy!
oh, thank gods.
my googlings reveal that i have a chronic, late stage pedophillia.
im glad it isnt true. -
2019-04-06 at 4:47 PM UTC in Would you rather take a bite from the Brazilian wandering spider or the Sydney funnel-web spider?
Originally posted by aldra Once one fell out of a tree and landed on my face over my eye, and I instinctively punched myself in the face to kill it.
your instinct is defective so maybe its time you stop trusting it.
a functional instinct is to shake your head vigorously like your on xtc so that its thrown out by the centrifugal forces generated.
unless of course you enjoy having bug goo smeared across your face. -
Originally posted by aldra I suspect this is the case
it's hard to blame them though; they're a small country with limited political and military power being leaned on hard by the US and UK
he was taken in as a bargaining chip to begin with.
since when is equeerdoor synonymous with freespeeches and freedom of information ?
thats right.
never. nein. -
2019-04-09 at 3:26 AM UTC in Random image thread
2019-04-09 at 4:03 AM UTC in what's the last thing you threw?
2019-04-09 at 3:33 AM UTC in Wonder who the lucky cunt was that got his dick sucked by Natalie Portman to get the Leon role.
2019-04-07 at 4:43 PM UTC in Someone post some pics of NIS females
2019-04-08 at 3:39 AM UTC in The Day Drinking Thread
Originally posted by Lanny My philosophy in life is that if I can't do it drunk then it's probably too much effort to be worth doing sober.
but lanny, alcohols are evil.
for every gallons of alcohol you consume, an equal amount of gallon of CO2 is released. worse when its colored alcohols, like whiskeys and cognacs because then, trees, normally harmless oaks that do nothing but mind their own business of slurping up dioxides of carbon and refurbishing them into oxygen in the forests would have to be chopped down, turned into barrels and charred.
producing loads of carbon. and its dioxides. even worse is when these brandies and whiskies need to be pass thru charcoal enhancements, because then, blocks of virgin oaks would have to be chopped up and burnt, releasing an even greater amount of CO2, just to produce lumps of single use charcoal for charcoal enhancements.
we have moral obligations to stop drinking alcohols and its high time we let the need of the environment trump our need to be intoxicated. -
2019-04-02 at 4:21 PM UTC in Lanny these smilies are shitwe need a few for pedos.
2019-04-07 at 5:58 PM UTC in Drugs are for loserspost nude selfies.
2019-03-27 at 6:54 PM UTC in Poles overestimate their intelligence by 30 points
2019-02-22 at 2:30 PM UTC in share one shitty quality about yourself
2019-04-02 at 4:19 PM UTC in The Monty Hall Problem (math riddle)
Originally posted by Lanny P.S. on to topic of apex predator-ness, I'd like to point out that my food acquisition strategies have put me a lot further away from ever being hungry than yours benny.
1 - not benny
2 - not really YOUR food aquisition strategy, they're only as much as yours as foods earned by hamsters in a cage. -
2019-03-30 at 2:55 AM UTC in Poles overestimate their intelligence by 30 points
Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers I probably wouldn't be so pissed off if I was. All of my siblings have IQs between 130 and 160. Mine could very well be 100 and I'd be fine with that. Creativity matters more than having a higher IQ. What good are smart people that aren't creative? That's why Europeans dominate when it comes to inventions, we're way more creative than any other race. Most great inventors actually have an IQ somewhat below the genius level, but higher than average.
europeans only dominated because they lacked the moral compass that prevented them from taking other peoples stuffs, inventions included, by brute force.
all their so-called 'innovations' are either taken from other people, or were invented by jedis. and yes, innovation and IQ is correlated.
asians has innovated more things than the west but because we arent assholes and so did not had them pattented. IPs stifle innovation. -
2019-04-01 at 6:10 PM UTC in what's the last thing you bought?russian teethpaste called splat.
2019-04-01 at 5:21 PM UTC in Capitalism sucks