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Thanked Posts by vindicktive vinny
2019-05-13 at 4:16 PM UTC in Crime Pay Per Hour
Originally posted by Narc I go into crime seriously underestimating just how hard it is to make good money. I watched all the movies then think ideas like mine about starting a dnm. I failed to realize that if it was this simple then everyone would be doing it. I got so far into crime by the time I realize this that its pretty much too late to do anything else and I don't really know how to do anything else. Then I just reside myself to a life of petty crime with the odd fairly decent score now and again.
psychoanalyzed. -
2019-05-07 at 6:28 PM UTC in Buy Real EU/USA/UK/Canadian Passports,( )Driver’s License,ID Cards,Visas, USA Green Card,Citizenshiphow convienient and thoughtful.
after getting those puppies i might just need fake adoption pappers. -
2019-05-13 at 11:34 AM UTC in Elon Musk is hated-Global Agendawhy is faggotry so rampant ?
2019-05-10 at 10:13 PM UTC in Back to top button.
Originally posted by Lanny yeah, mobile users already have this. Apparently folks have a hard time figuring it out but I'm not really sure how to make its function any more apparent.
yea, but did you enable it for people who had their orientation set to landscape ?
cos im orientated that way.
thats my orientation. -
2019-05-10 at 4:37 PM UTC in ATTN: Vindicktive Vader
2019-05-08 at 4:29 PM UTC in Finny appreciation thread.
2019-05-09 at 5:57 PM UTC in Using a 40 inch tv as a computer monitor
Originally posted by gadzooks I have had some frightening wildlife enter my domicile before. A lot of them have spent more than half their adult lives in prison. Then there are the schizo ones that talk about wanting to burn random strangers' hair… That's always a tad concerning.
But I don't really get a vengeful kinda vibe from any of them… At least not directed at me.
hopefully so. -
2019-05-08 at 4:38 PM UTC in lol this dweeb shot up a schoolin another news another 100+ people died in road accidents all over the US today.
2019-05-08 at 4:26 PM UTC in Finny appreciation thread.
2019-05-08 at 4:31 PM UTC in Frican Niggers wanna eat you
2019-05-08 at 11:06 AM UTC in Finny appreciation thread.ITT : we list some of the positive and useful things that finny has brought into our lives and made it better than they were before we met him/her.
one of the most useful things i learnt from him/her was chaps. as a chink and living in a 3rd world country where horses are extremely rare, theres just no way i could have learnt what chaps, assless or otherwise are.
and no, cowmen, cowbois and homosexuals do not exist in my country so theres no alternate way i could have known.
now whenever it rains i just put on my waterproof jacket and chaps i made out of plastic trash bag and rides my bike like an beta.
and this is how finny made my life better than it was before his/her existence thrusted itself violently into my life.
thank you finny. -
2019-05-04 at 5:58 PM UTC in normies are fucking cucks
Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III that sounds like a belief that would be held by a cuck. the "real man" facade is just something your cucked brain was cucked into thinking because it didn't want to acknowledge the fact that it was so cucked so it made up arbitrary markers of what a "real man" would and would not do and defined itself as a "real man" to protect itself. cuck.
so is the word 'cuck'. -
2019-05-01 at 5:24 PM UTC in We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat
2019-05-01 at 5:05 PM UTC in InfinityShock, Asshole or Misunderstood FuckUp?
Originally posted by Who Lanny's forum, Lanny's rules. Let Infinity Shock create his own board, it can be done for less than $200. Then y'all can have a mass pity party for yourselves while the rest of us feast on love
that's be totally a ok if lanny is your normie, average capitalist.
but the thing is you see, lanny is a self professed, card carrying, flag waving, slogan chanting, hammer and sickle weilding, due paying,
a person who had sworn allegience to the spirits of and to live by the supremacy of the bolshevicks but is now shoving his menshevick decision, whims and fancies down our collective bolshevick throats.
2019-05-01 at 10:16 AM UTC in Venezuela: Military Coup Attempt in Progress[less than 20 hours layer]
coup has been twarted.
loll -
2019-04-30 at 4:45 AM UTC in InfinityShock, Asshole or Misunderstood FuckUp?
2019-04-30 at 11:02 AM UTC in Inferior White Supremacist mass-shoots a Synagogue !!!!!
2019-04-24 at 3:19 AM UTC in share one shitty quality about yourself
Originally posted by aldra I don't understand how you could possibly read it that way without some strange and wonderful interpretation of the english language
it's an island of convicts
also, culturally 'being australian' is a schizophrenic mess thanks to a relatively short history and 'that's unaustralian' being used to shame people for anything and everything
asstralians are cucks for conflicts and wars.
millions of them died for wars, none of them their own. -
2019-04-27 at 3:37 AM UTC in The Underemployment Thread
2019-04-27 at 9:38 AM UTC in Taiwanese garbage trucks are classy as shit
Originally posted by aldra I'll bet having to take your own trash out to the truck encourages people to make less of it too
what §m£ÂgØL isnt telling you is that theres death penalty fot those who didnt throw heir own rubbishes and amputation of limbs for not recycling.
its literally literary stated on the side of the garbage truck itself.