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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Please. The Chinese obey quarantine.

    New York's problems were due to the Orthodox jedis, who decided that what applies to the rest of the world doesn't apply to God's Chosen people and didn't obey any social distancing or isolation guidelines. Testing shows nearly all Orthodox households got Corona.

    Even the other jedis are embarrassed by those awful, ignorant, kidfucking retards, especially the high level jedis who run the city.

    not to mention la or san francisco have china towns too.
  2. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Well you didn't specify where the stretch marks are located. I have more on my hips than my belly

    I haven't seen any child bribes, that I am aware of

    well its not like you have shown us your hips.

    have you ?
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Thanks China. (I guess that's with the extra tariffs too)

    the cost could be cheaper here but imports are being monopolized by a few distributors.
  4. Originally posted by CASPER Do they realize that if theyre captured, theyll probably get imprisoned or “die in custody” if not outright executed? Im not sure wtf they thought they were doing with 300 dudes. This isnt paintball.

    kill americans ?
  5. Originally posted by aldra

    this should be enough to put Guaido away without foreign parties complaining

    ***fucking $213 million, this was almost certainly backed by the US government. Fucking hell. I'd like to see the full agreement; the pages listed don't contain a description of services

    now it sounds like maduros false flag.
  6. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner so much PI potential.

    so much.

    the magazine blocked it.
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    thats not yours.
  8. Originally posted by Grylls y u negro bumpin threds bro

    because niggers.
  9. A group of congressional Republicans have accused China of seeking to spread Communist Party propaganda and slow U.S. coronavirus research through the indoctrination of American students.

    The ranking GOP members spread across seven House committees, who are also congressional allies of President Donald Trump, on Monday sent a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos accusing Beijing of providing funds and resources to universities in America. The members said Beijing attempted the operation to spread propaganda and impede U.S. research into COVID-19. The group also asked DeVos to provide further information pertaining to their allegations.

    Congressman Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight committee, led the group in the letter, which was also reportedly signed by members of the GOP on the Homeland Security, Science, Armed Services, Education and Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees.

    Mystery as Chinese coronavirus researcher, 37, at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is killed in murder-suicide while on verge of 'significant findings'
  10. Originally posted by BummyMofo I ain't got no mothafuckin job, I just live w/my family and I don't do shit

    can't be the only one here tho, where the bummy niggas @?

  11. Originally posted by BummyMofo Creativity isn't something you should criticize. You're out at night climbing into kids' bedrooms and raping them, how is that creative?


    Originally posted by BummyMofo I'd rather be selling pussy. The market is always profitable, never wavers. Housing market ain't like that at all, also it would require real work/contracting
    Being a mothafuckin pimp you just gotta be tough and assert dominance over the bitches and the clients at all times.

    if i were a nigger like you id do my best not to mention the word creativity.


    Originally posted by BummyMofo If I was a pimp, I bet I could have a setup like this.
    Trick a bitch out and have the money go to living costs.

  12. Originally posted by Wariat What do you guys recommend I do to make that much? ALL I cans we is gay porn but anyone got any other ideas for me?


    gay porn.
  13. Originally posted by Stopffs Lol … yeah, no. If that was directed towards me. I need to make a minimum of 60k in the next year or so.

    post nudes so that i can project how much you can make per day selling sexes.
  14. Ie, The Pedo Dialectic.




    If the mere mention of adult-child sex evokes the images in your mind of a violent, belligerant man trying to forcefully nudge his penis into a crying, scared, helpless little girl as she screams for her mommy, I want you to stop, take those thoughts off, wrap them in a paper towel and flush! it down the toilet, because that is clearly a child rape, which is a form of child abuse and should never happen in any ideal society and is not what I'm trying to discuss or justify here.

    The adult-child sex I'm talking about here refers to consentual sex and sex-like acts between kind, loving adult and their enthusiastic, curious child lovers of AROUSEABLE AGE, that is to say it involve children who one day voluntarily tap your hand and solicit from you touches that only you are able to provide them with. They'll first have to ask you, in no uncertain terms that you touch them here, like this, and over here and here, like this. And like these.

    It is important to emphasize that the children involved in these sex and sex-like acts ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE OF AROUSABLE AGE because without being able to be aroused, they simply CAN NOT BE INTERESTED IN SEX OR SEX-LIKE ACTS, and therefore any sexual acts with unaroused children ARE RAPES.



    All men with a functioning penis have at least once, at some point in their lives, contemplated the possiblity of such venture as nudging his erect, throbbing penis into the hairless, tender love canal of a little girl. It could be due to the remnants of their fantasies as a little boy, or fresh inspiration from having recently diapered their first baby daughter. Or it could be an attempt to relieve that beautiful and magical childhood experiences they once had. Or it could be due to all of them.

    From my researches and interviews over the decades I have discovered that there are only two types of men who have never thought of sticking their penises into the pristine and unadultered vagina of little girls; that is

    1 - Men who aspire to abscond their penises to become simulated women.

    2 - Men who would prefer to stick their penises into the tender rectums of boys instead (which I will not discuss because it is beyond my core competency to do so).

    Therefore in light of this it is not only natural, but also unavoidable that men would constantly be thinking, pondering, imagining, and phantasizing about making love to children they see on the daily basis, and with that also comes a variety of other aspects and issues that arise when engaging in girl love from ethical standings and legal ramifications to physiological, psychological, philosphical and phenomenological (not that I know what it means) effects of such acts might have on the children involved.

    But due to its taboo and verboten nature, their curiosity and their quest for knowledge on this unspeakable subject matter has remain hitherto unanswered, forever convecting from their hearts to their minds and back again, hanging there and forever wondering with no possible answers in sight.


    It is in this void that I wish to fill as a community service and acts of philanthropy to my fellow men, and to some extent, women, and even children as well. And so without furthering the ado, let the Pedo Dialectic begins.

    1 - Physiology :

    According to pediatric gynaecologists, little girls' vaginas are shapped very much like little bells, that is to say they're wide at the opening and narrow at the base at the cervix, and protected at the opening by a thin film of pink colored, shrink-wrap-like material with a pencil-sized hole in the center called hymen.

    This means little girls' vaginas have been designed by nature to perfectly receive and accommodate grown men's glans (head (dome)), and when aroused, elongate to accommodate their penises in their entirety. While the narrow bases on the other hand, serve to provide ample of pressure on the glands to induce powerful orgasm.

    This is obviously due to the works of aeons of natural selection. Due to their complete lack of utility and ability, little girls who were able to gratify men sexually and earn their affections were more likely to survive, grow up and procreate and less likely to end up as food in times of scarcity.

    Therefore in light of this knowledge, it is only logical for us to accept Girl-Love as one and a part of our millennia old, human survival instinct. Granted, we all like little girls, each in our own ways, but it'd be a fallacy to put human-made restrictions on how we can and can not love little girls that nature did not, had not, will very likely not.


    "Nature is the besten Instructor." - Adolf "Sig Hell" Hitler.

    End of part I.
  15. arent you going to hitchhike ?
  16. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Facebook profile:

    University: The school of hard knocks.

    Trump U.
  17. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi I have spent more time on the computer than all of you combined times 50

    not as much as me.

    my bed is made out of a stack of old computers.
  18. Originally posted by Dregs honestly i did enjoy that…and i'm a fan of bridget fonda

    yet i want her to be killed

    i can relate on not finding shit…shit angers me so much

    womens mockeries amd naggings made that worse.
  19. Originally posted by Cly

    people who came up with the kind of that led backlight ought to be dragged out, shot, hung and beheaded.

    isis style.
  20. Originally posted by Octavian Yet more evidence that your backward Asian rice paddy bretheren are sub human.

    your a sand nigger, you arent much better,
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