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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by BummyMofo You are the twinkdad slave for your 5 aggressive gay sons

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
  2. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t I've had stretch marks since I was 12. My bones grew faster than my skin. Its cool. Sometimes I'll get self conscious about them others I'm just like "fug it"

    thats not how stretch marks forms since there arent a lot of bones in your belly.

    how many men with child brides have you seen in UAE ? or is it dubai.
  3. Originally posted by Sudo Pulp Fiction is an objectively phenomenal movie.

    but he had to pair that dead nigger storage guy with a niggress nurse to make it not racist.
  4. Originally posted by aldra holy shit this has to be a joke account

    they actually announced the (illegal) incursion on fucking twitter

    speshul forces.
  5. calling the bees asians is very racist.
  6. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Being side-swiped is the best kind.. you get to experience some "sanding" and possibly dragging… and… sanding.

    if your travelling at the right speed your less likely to get dragged under a vehicle.
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I do find it a bit strange that they don't give out a last name. At the bottom it says

    "Kind Regards,


    Tim Hortons Guest Services"

    I guess he's the only Josee working there? It could be a small office. I thought there was no way they would ever get back to me and that doing anything on social media would be pointless but I think this Josee guy is the real deal and I was planning to contact him if I had any more issues, which I don't.

    Because i'm sure even a few complaints like mine isn't good. I might just be one person but you can't treat customers like that. I've worked in retail before and dealt with lots of people and i've never done anything like that, I just don't understand why people would act that way. It was a very toxic atmosphere

    at THGS, we are all josee.
  8. Originally posted by BummyMofo stop talking and go strangle some more hookers and get fucked by more diseased alcoholic homeless men like you do every night

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ok peinhold nieguhr.
  9. the same kind of tards that feed their queen.

    and her entire family.
  10. Originally posted by aldra in terms of structure, like security and efficiency models, yeah, they just keep adding more dumb shit and burying 'telemetry' (ie. spyware) modules deeper into more things. including compilers, meaning any code you write and compile with VS may in fact contain MS spyware.

    I'd also disagree with .net being worthwhile

    i have experiences with window 10 that would constantly waste an entire working days worth of productivity because it tried to update itself, failed and rolled back.

    made me feels like going to their office and do a mass shooting with assault and non assault rifles.
  11. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Have a blast man. watch your six. Still some crazies out there that don't pay attention. Almost saw a seasoned rider get hit today. SUV was texting, and pourin on the gas without knowin. Fuckin cagers.

    ride on the lines so that you wont get direct hit.
  12. britt fags.

    thats what.
  13. Originally posted by aldra they were very poorly designed

    are the newer windos better designed ?
  14. Originally posted by BummyMofo

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
  15. Originally posted by BummyMofo ok tranny twinkdad

    ok peinhold nieguhr.
  16. Originally posted by ORACLE Not if you're not ill, but you should wear it anyway as it's hard to know if you are or aren't.

    so masks are loke condoms.
  17. Originally posted by Kev No, I upgraded a month ago, I had no idea I would lose FVD if I did. You say all your extensions worked again after a month but that is not my experience at all. Every single video downloader extension I just tried is absolute garbage, confusing, very user unfriendly or outright doesnt work.

    It wouldnt let me open my profile after I downgraded so I had to reverse course. The latest firefox ESR is 68 so that apparently is also too big of a downgrade for it to let my open my profile. After I upgraded again, FVD is no longer just disabled, it's now completely gone. Great.

    DownThemAll, no longer functions. Chatzilla, no replacement for it. FVD, no replacement for it. So from what I see, there's no use for extensions anymore. Mozilla effectively trashed all the ones I frequently use. Time to find a fucking standalone program. Any suggestions?

    if that was the case you should just download old version of firefox beta for all media downloading purposes.

    the thing im looking for is how to backup installed add ons because mozilla has removed some of the addons that still works but is no longer available.
  18. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't care about the money. I have none and I don't even want anything. I just don't want people to mess with me. I don't think I can go back because I made a bit of a scene and got a bit aggressive, that's just my nature. I can get pretty hostile quickly and I didn't want to be a bitch and just walk out when they tell me so I stood there until they got angry.

    I probably should of just asked for a manager but I was dead sober and it was very early, in that mindset I just instantly got aggressive and hostile towards them which didn't look good for me.

    I'm a lot more calm and think things through clearly when i'm on drugs. I'm usually pretty good at talking my way out of things, like being arrested. I have convinced the police many times not to fuck me over because deep down I am a good person that doesn't do anything wrong, I do admit I can be very retarded and do stupid things sometimes though.

    It's just a really weird situation. Thinking about it makes my brain hurt. I have a feeling this isn't over

    identify her, get her name and facebook, phone numbers.

    you know what to do.
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