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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson First Polar bears, now lions…next Tigers?

    bean there, done that.
  3. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty I built an engine that runs entirely on magnets. I call it, Reverse Polaric Conical Engine. the magnets power a 1 hp electric engine, which powers a 50 hp electric engine. unit is about the size of an outside air conditioning unit. It can power a house indefinitely, off the grid entirely. Never waiver, never a glitch, smooth as silk. I can also power a car with this too if I convert it to size for under the hood. This country won't let me produce it. Fossil fuels big business n all that…

    I CAN, sell it on the downlow here, under the radar, but it'll get out eventually to the gov't thugs, and wide, in every country but here. I think I'm gonna use it in places in trouble, like Puerto Rico, as power is still not restored in most places rurally. First responders also need this desperately. It costs very little actually….I have tons of inventions like this though. hey, I do special effects for a living. Something ridiculous like this is bound to come out of my wretched brain eventually. Gotta do something to keep my mind off the fetid past, no? figures, yes? lol.

    Great thread by the way.

    thats not how energies work.
  4. Originally posted by The Self Taught Man

    wouldnt it makes more sense to use the fuse as indicator of %age completion ?
  5. Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Thing is, it's tough out there, especially if you're black. 3 times harder, and I can prove it, my best friend(black) and I (white looking but mixed) did a study on it in school. He was more qualified, but didn't get hired but a third as much. This was back in the 70's, but applies to today…….. and I ain't even gonna talk about the pooolice…

    what I do for any goal though, is put 15 minutes a day into what ever I was doing, and the result was always inevitable, and it works for my neighbors and my brothers in the Treme, (all black), they would GET the job, because of odds, as you look at the ACTUAL HUNTING, AS A JOB, and it's essential that it be done.

    Because, fifteen minutes, eventual dream…. no fifteen minutes, no dream. It becomes………."someday".

    ^ detrimental effects of race mixing.
  6. Originally posted by CASPER No one declared war though, so technically theyre probably just “insurgents”. They could be sentenced to death in any court and other countries would have a really hard time disputing it.

    its bad optics.

    especially when your trying point the blame on the US as the bad guy who goes in into peoples country to meddle in their politics.

    which is why im thinking all these could be maduros false flag. hire people close to trump who then fail miserably to make trump look bad and guilty.

    who are to say those contracts are genuine ?
  7. Originally posted by Cathay Coof According to google there are about 600 million cats and 900 million dogs in the world, but there are 7 or 8 billion humans.

    If we need to conserve our scarce resources and have to choose it's an easy choice who we cull first.

    thats because billions of cats and dogs in the 3rd world are undocumented.

    its impossible for cats to outnumber dogs.

    p/s :

    eating cats and dogs is a sign of advanced society.
  8. Originally posted by Cly it's my dream car.

    whats so special about it ?
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein I bought… a pony ..💖

    your old enough to buy dildos and vibrators to stimulate your clitory.

    you dont need a pony.
  10. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yeah there is one by the train station which is a long walk through a crack park (a park where people consume drugs in the open) and then I go through China town a little bit to get to the coffee shop. It's not too bad, I usually go to that area to get pizza.

    The one by my house is much closer, just cross the street and go through a parking lot and i'm there.

    why redact your location and then tell us the location ?
  11. Originally posted by BummyMofo You are the one getting tricked out by your tranny granny pimpmother.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nigger.

    if i were a nigger like you id do my best not to mention the word creativity.


  12. Originally posted by CASPER kill americans who of their “own volition” made a huge spectacle of coming into a sovereign country to kill its people, yeah. If the US interceded, itd look like this was their op all along. Maybe Maduro uses i
    them as bargaining chips to ease sanctions? who knows. Def not me.

    either way i think its against geneva convention to kill captured pows.
  13. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have some online friends i've known since I was a teenager and I think we're at the point where we would have no problem letting the person in your house and having them make sandwiches in the the middle of the night.

    A lot of people here have known each other for a long time. Everyone here would do well living in a commune

    where would warriat sleep ?
  14. Originally posted by BummyMofo Because he's a hateful 4chan internetman with no goals in life. I'm sure his parents constantly ask themselves, "Where did we go wrong? We gave this kid everything."
    Sad world

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny because niggers.
  15. Originally posted by Wariat is day drinking and playing onlin games kr retro titles off the free epic store deals considered jobless? what about chsnging your career into the diffiuclt but satisfying world of gay porn in your mid 30s?

    it takes creativity to do graphhic design for gay porns covers.

  16. Originally posted by aldra how would they 'impede research by providing funds and resources'

    how did the juden forced labors impeded hitlers war factories productivity ?
  17. also, does anyone wonder why none of the said americans were in tactical costumes ?
  18. Originally posted by aldra it'd ruin their reputation

    not everyone sets up a company to last 100 years.

    the most important aspect of a company is to make money.
  19. Originally posted by aldra what makes you say that? that company is desperately trying to impress Trump and even if they weren't, they couldn't just give up their operatives like that, it'd ruin their reputation

    idk, its just too retarded to be true,

    its like the french guy intended to fail.


    like hes almost hired to fail.
  20. why not a type e ?
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