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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The same thing that happens when someone busts a nut in your asshole you faggot

    i wouldnt know because i dont have the privillage of having a girlfriemd with a penis.
  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Higher than yours retard

    if true youd already had a sauce attached.
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's an all encompassing term used to reference languages spoken in China…I'm sure you knew that already.

    Just like Americans say they speak and write English when they don't really…they speak/write American English.

    thats actually italian for chinese.

    i was just testing how multi-lingualed he was.

    no actually i slipped the h.
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    No surprises there.

    its toilet bowl manufacturers fault.

    why there isnt a warning label that warns potential mothers that their babies could drown if they give birth while using the said toilet bowl.
  5. Originally posted by aldra mucus droplets can't get through chain link

    very little of the virus hangs around in the air unattached to saliva/mucus/semen

    mucuses are water based. this means they dry.

    what do you think happens when virus carrying spittles that were stuck to your mask dry out ?
  6. Originally posted by Splam The scary thing with gun grabbers are, it is the one right you have, that you can exercize to protect your other rights. Once the right to firearms ownership is gone, all your other rights are easily up for grabs.

    protect you're ass.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny M.RAP /m'rape/


    -Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected is a term for United States military vehicles produced as part of the MRAP program that are designed specifically to withstand improvised explosive device attacks and ambushes.

    lets see the weapons your allegedly free to bear defend yourself against this.
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL And mix in a little ammonia.

    ether is best.
  8. Originally posted by Cathay Coof She mentions that she has met smart blacks, as if it's worth special mention.

    Who the hell mentions that they met smart asians or whites or jedis?

    yea its pretty telling what she actually thinks about blacks.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I didn't see them pointing guns at him…holding/carrying a gun isn't in itself a direct threat. I saw him run at them and grab the gun..that's an attack. Brandishing a gun is a crime but Darwinism should tell you if you are unarmed not to run at and grab the gun…especially if there is another one pointing at you.

    If a suspected criminal (aka if he was trespassing) runs at you and grabs your gun that most definitely is an attack and possibly a life threatening one if he got hold of it.

    none of this would have happened had those 2 white gentleman been real men and beared swords instead.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Listen Soi,
    I grew up in a highly racist family. My parents were born in 1917-1926, they were raised racist, it’s all they knew, and they did not know any black folks personally. Therefore I was a racist pig as well, so I know both sides.

    When I moved to the capitol city, I realized just how ignorant that was. I’ve worked alongside, lived alongside, and eaten alongside black folks. I work with many blacks way more intelligent than me.

    So again, you have shitty white people and shitty black people. You also have bigoted whites and bigoted blacks.

    blacks generally have lower than average iq and if you think they're smarter than you then ....
  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL You're aliiive!!!

    that looks unconvincing.

    try being less emotional with your alt.
  12. o, btw, elon isnt going to move anything because texans cant make cars.
  13. Ernst Kaltenbrunner
    Tuskegee Airman (banned)

    lol. i thought lanny grew up.
  14. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    source ?
  15. your the poland of this bbs.
  16. Originally posted by Pillpopper Nah I just want to point how much of a cunt she is.

    but in doing so your showing how much of a victim you are.

    not the kind of beta victims that try to fight back, but the beta-tier victim that bitch and moan in effeminated voices while takimg it up his ass.
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL An N95 mask filters out 95% of all particulates .30 microns and larger. Sounds great, right? Yes, it does, until you consider the size of a typical coronavirus which is from .12 microns down to .004 microns. In other words, the virus can very easily pass right through the mask like its not even there. And then to make this worse, the viruses that are grouped together in a cluster are caught and then dispersed as that cluster breaks apart. Anybody that thinks wearing an N95 mask is going to prevent them from getting this virus is very mistaken, and worse than that, they will feel safe and for go the other behaviors that actually will help prevent exposure to the virus, like frequent hand washing, and avoiding touching your hands to your face.

    not if you presoak the said mask in bleach.
  18. Originally posted by CASPER plz elaborate

    nefertitty was hot.
  19. Originally posted by Ernst Kaltenbrunner there are some geriatrics that still have appealing features.

    sure, if your a mummytologist.
  20. another stalker.
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