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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by G All due to math like I said.

    Wood overhead console for the X308 small detail that no one else will notice but myself. Finally found the exact same wood burl & color on eBay.

    i like how they mislabel lights as 'map'.
  2. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace And you trust the CDC?

    After the way they tried to control the public?

    Restrictions are easing so I suspect they'll say anything to make us feel better about it. Just as they did at the start.

    The only thing I trust from the CDC is statistics. I don't think they're malicious or anything, they're just willing to lie to achieve their goal of keeping everyone calm.

    so lying to achieve their goals isnt malice ?
  3. Originally posted by aldra yeah but your uncle taught you, most people take longer because they have to work it out for themselves

    no, because my dad bought me a battery operated toy car.
  4. Originally posted by Grylls Shaddap!

  5. Originally posted by aldra I never really understood the appeal of those sets

    if you want to do something creative why not use one of the generic kits and do your own thing instead of working off instructions?

    if you want to work off instructions to gradually build something, why not go with a regular plastic model?

    because people want freedom to be not free.
  6. Originally posted by Grylls Can you guess what gift she wants?

    I’m gonna send it, and it’s only fair because she did send me 200 face masks

    those face masks were USED.

    just like her.
  7. i didnt know hes a comedian.
  8. Originally posted by Grylls

    i dont have moms.
  9. joe rogan is lame.

    i developed adhd listening to him talking.
  10. i didnt know that.

    so many nazi countries these days.
  11. Originally posted by Grylls more people have fucked your mom

    your point ?

    dont talk about your mom like that.
  12. Originally posted by Octavian I like the taste of the 1st 2 cans but then I get too drunk and piss myself.

    Seriously though mate stay away from them, they will END you.

    week and pethatic.
  13. Originally posted by Ajax This is where Wariat / Mike Lata / Maciej Duraj admits to going to prison and being deported. Get your screen caps in; it looks like he’s trying to scrub what he can.

    Mike Lata
    Posted December 4, 2019
    While I was in prison in San Quentin and before my deportation to Poland, I wrote an idea for an Avernun 7 or possibly 0, mind Ive only played the first version:

    these are prison scans by the way I didnt feel like rewriting yet but I think I made the scans readable as I used better scanning software in this updated blog post. This was the original post with my prison artwork. My goal was to get into gaming storytelling and artwork when I got out to use my. Time to better myself and find new talents within me to use when I git out. I have a journalism degree from Chico State but the art is all self taught besides one drawing course at s community college.

    I also come up with some cstchphrases for Avernun or similar titles that Jeff may be working on:

    “You Will Fight. You Will Conquer. Then You Will Die.”
    “Make This World Or Perish In It: The Choice is Yours.”
    “How Will Your End Be Remembered?”
    “Only Those Brave Enough to Enter May Play This Game of Life or Death.”
    “Choose Your Path Wisely or Die Trying.”

    Mike Lata
    Posted December 4, 2019
    Ok, thanks for the info. I wrote the previous stuff mostly right after getting out and being deported. Now I have been free for like three years. Not sure if you saw this but this was my original art I started working with when Iw as in prison dedicsted to spiderweb software and inspired by Avernun Escape from the Pit a game that often came to my mind in there:

    deleted 3 hours ago.

  14. welcome to surveyville.
  15. more people go to the zoo than theaters.

    your point ?
  16. chimps gonna chimp out.
  17. like a cock addict nigga
  18. Originally posted by aldra I dunno, in this case I just think it's funny that a guy who can barely remember his own name is the second most likely candidate for US president

    i now suspect that hes faking it to appeal to those molotov everything voters.

    i wonder how many people voted trump just for shits snd gighles.
  19. and elon musk 2nd.
  20. Originally posted by Pillpopper Didn't learn shit outside of being financially responsible unlike certain drogs on this site.

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