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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Pillpopper I thought the males cried while singing tin ton dong I have an inch dong. I mean it fits grylzzznodick chiner to a tee.

    you literally dont have a comeback witty or otherwise and had to use someone elses as a surrogate.

  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood they go through the files?? hurp durp

    yea but did they just go thru everyones phone or was it targeted ?

    their discovery rate seems pretty high.
  3. Originally posted by Pillpopper Own my property moron. And the cheater insult is so low on the iq chain. I am now guessing sub 15 in regards to your stupidity.

    truths hurt eh.

    do they even look anything like you ?
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood he has a bad attitude like a pansy ass college boy

    i dont think he could have helped himself if he wanted to.
  5. Originally posted by Pillpopper In what world are you not continually speaking retard

    ^ from the guy who learnt a few chinese phrases while ordering chinese takeaways and suddenly thinks hes some shynese expert.
  6. Originally posted by BummyMofo And your avatar is black dick, what's the point?

    You are modern day jack the ripper

    thats not a nigger dick you nogger.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace ^When your only Chinese source is google translate

    常常 is 'often'

    I go to the mall often.

    You fucking retard. This was literally in my Chinese textbook from Beijing. If you can't understand even this, WOW lol.

    chinese grammar doesnt work like that.

    its 'i often go to mall'

    now go speak nahuatly or zapoteca you speak.
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I actually like his art. Its pretty unique. Not that i think being a nonce is appropriate but a lot if people here like to pick on others just to validate themselves.

    i like his arts too.

    brought me lots of cheers and laughtwr.
  9. Originally posted by Pillpopper Well I have to add you to list of retards just for asking that.

    whats you're iq.
  10. Originally posted by Pillpopper We should archive your shit just to prove there is a human being with a sub 30 iq

    go ahead.

    do that.
  11. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    lol @ roos and emus.
  12. Originally posted by aldra Yeah Australian customs is nosey as shit

    thats sad.

    one thing ive been reading is that theyre good at catching people with childporn on their phones i wonder how they do that.

    like did they hack into peoples phone over the free wifi or something.
  13. Originally posted by Pillpopper Well 2 wonderful kids.Own our home. No mortgage and only 30 months til my exploder st is paid off. Not sure what he has ever done to equal that execpt being fuckin jelly.

    im talking about talents.

    anyway you only own less than half of all those properties so try avoid a divorce and have you got your kids DNA tested ?
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood It is his fault. he is too sensitive and easily trolled and acts like a retard all the time which makes everyone want to fuck with him.

    yea but hes autistic mane.

    he woulnt have done what he did if he was normal.

    its like being an asshole by reasons of insanity.
  15. Originally posted by Ajax 33. I don’t remember all the erections from my childhood. Only the ones I didn’t want to see.

    ive been playing my errect penis since i was 6 or 7.
  16. Originally posted by Pillpopper Not at all. Shity artist and pedo. Facts are facts.

  17. Originally posted by Ajax My, oh my.

    Wariat talks a lot of shit. In fact, his shit talking is what led to my discovery of his LinkedIn profile. Check his edit history in this thread:

    He fail trolled some guy’s promotion thread on LinkedIn and boasted about it here. I guess he didn’t know Google indexes public posts on LinkedIn. A simple search of his boast led me straight to the comment thread, which led me to his profile page.

    After I responded, “That’s not very kind, Maciej. Or do you still go by Mike?“ he edited out his OP. That’s when I knew I had him and it had gotten under his skin.

    When going through his personal site, which he linked to on LinkedIn, I naturally skimmed through his About section. This is where he linked to his extended introduction post from 2010 where he described going by both names - Maciej Duraj and Mike Lata.

    Like I said, for a site based on shitposting, Wariat talks a lot of shit.

    you should have archived the thing for posterity before making it public.
  18. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Because he's a triggered bitch.

    so not his fault.

    someone pulled his triggrr.
  19. Originally posted by Pillpopper I won't because unlike that ball sniffin cum guzzlin glory hole chasing cunt I can admit to being a terrible artist and I don't give a fuck.

    so you cant make 1/10 of what he did.
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood he called me a snitch, ME!

    why did he think that ?
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